Declarative NetworkManager π
Shoutout to @Shou as this was fully his idea.
I suggest using nmtui
or nm-connection-editor
to write the *.nmconnection
file (look in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
) then converting that to Nix
attributes like so:
# configuration.nix
{ ... }: {
imports = [
(import (builtins.fetchTarball
config.networking.networkmanager.profiles = {
"home-wifi" = {
connection = {
id = "home-wifi";
uuid = "<your-uuid-here>";
type = "wifi";
permissions = "";
wifi = {
mac-address-blacklist = "";
mode = "infrastructure";
ssid = "Home Wi-Fi";
wifi-security = {
auth-alg = "open";
key-mgmt = "wpa-psk";
psk = "<password>";
ipv4 = {
dns-search = "";
method = "auto";
ipv6 = {
addr-gen-mode = "stable-privacy";
dns-search = "";
method = "auto";