Discover key bindings and their meaning for the current Emacs major mode.
The command is inspired by discover.el and also uses the makey library. I thought, "Hey! Why not parse the information about the major mode bindings somehow and display that like discover.el
The output is pretty bare bones and not optimized but it seems to work already quite well for most modes:
is at
(quelpa '(discover-my-major :fetcher github :repo "steckerhalter/discover-my-major"))
Packages are available in MELPA.
(:name discover-my-major
:type git
:url "")
In any mode you should be able to summon the popup by invoking M-x discover-my-major
which will show you a list of key bindings with descriptions.
The recommended key binding is C-h C-m
(please be aware that by default C-h C-m
is bound to view-order-manuals
so please use another binding if you want to keep that):
(global-set-key (kbd "C-h C-m") 'discover-my-major)