This plugin allows you to integrate Sauce Selenium Testing with Jenkins. Specifically, you can:
- Automate the setup and tear down of Sauce Connect
- Integrate the Sauce Labs result videos per test
After installing a plugin, specify your Sauce Labs access credentials in the Manage Credentials page as follows:
Once this is set, on each job configuration page, you can tell Jenkins to launch a Sauce Connect Proxy instance for the duration of the build. For more details about the concept of secure connection in the context of Sauce Labs, see the documentation.
You can show an embedded Sauce Labs test report on the test result pages in Jenkins. To enable this, check 'Embed Sauce OnDemand reports' as part of the 'Publish JUnit test result report section'.
In addition, you will need to output the following line to your for each test that is run using Sauce Labs:
SauceOnDemandSessionID=YOUR_SESSION_ID job-name=YOUR_JOB_NAME
is the SeleniumRC/WebDriver session id and
is the name of the test being executed.
Please raise any issues you find with the plugin or requests for additional features within the plugin's Jira instance.
Refer to our contribution guidelines.