We have a working protocol at the moment and to avoid confusion here we call it as the "previous JPYC". The "previous JPYC" is an ERC20 compatible token but it lacks some functionalities, e.g. upgradeability, pausability or blacklistability, etc for our current situation. We've made a decision to deploy JPYC protocol, with totally new smart contracts, for us to be ready to move on into the web3.0 world.
Previous JPYC's information, white paper, and more can be found here.
What is JPYC v2?
JPYC v2 protocol is an ERC20 compatible token. It allows minting of tokens by multiple entities, pausing all activity, freezing of individual addresses, rescuing of tokens and UUPS proxy pattern to upgrade the contract so that bugs can be fixed or features added.
According to Openzeppelin's recent update and this contract's version. We need to keep the solidity verion equal to or higher than pragma solidity 0.8.2
. We decided to use the comparatively new version of 0.8.11
In light of the current condition, we were hesitating between UUPS parxy and Transparent proxy patterns. In the end, With the reasons below, we've chosen UUPS pattern.
- More simplicity in Proxy
- Less gas fee for user
- Higher flexibility for upgradeability
- Recommended by openzeppelin team
Although on the way to make this decision, we have considered about other options like Transparent proxy patterns and EIP2535, our conclusion is to use the UUPS upgradeable pattern.
UUPS proxy pattern is recommended by the OpenZeppelin team. It is said that UUPS pattern is more lightweight and vasatile.
- Proxies
UUPS proxies are implemented using anERC1967Proxy
. The proxy is not upgradeable by itself. It delegates calls to implementation contract. - Implementation
UUPS's implementation includes theupgradeTo
function by inherittingUUPSUpgradeable
contract. Then we can upgrade the implementation contract by calling theupgradeTo
We adopted openzeppelin's library to implement the UUPS upgradeable pattern. The only thing we have changed is we added uint256[50] private _gap;
as the last part of serveral contracts in order to prepare for future upgradings(e.g. adding state variables) and be aligned with Openzeppelin's code.
- This contract provides a
function that delegates all calls from proxy contract to implementation contract using_delegate
function. The virtual_implementation
function needs to be overrode.
This is an upgradeability mechanism designed for UUPS proxies. The contract is inherited by the implemetation contract(FiatTokenV1.sol
). By inheriting this contract, implementation contract(FiatTokenV1.sol
) acquires upgradeability.
function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation)
We want to note that the _authorizeUpgrade
function must be overrode by the implementation contract. we have done that and set the access right onlyOwner
is from a recent Openzeppelin's update. We have adopted the update.
The contract is from EIP1967. It standardise where proxies store the address of the logic contract they delegate to, as well as other proxy-specific information.
This is the Proxy contract. It is from OpenZeppelin's library. It needs implementation contract's address _logic
and _data
to be initialized.
- A proxy contract.
- constructor
- It checks if
is right. - Initializes the upgradeable proxy with an initial implementation specified by
. _data
is an encoded function call, and the function call initializes the storage of the proxy like aconstructor
- It checks if
- _implementation
- It override the function in
and is called by function ofProxy.sol
- It override the function in
- We created implementation with reference to the centre-tokens, Which is a contract with various functions added to the ERC20 standard.
- Also, each contract declares an empty state variable
, so that state variables can be added later.
Hereby, I will explain every single added function for each contract.
A contract that manages the access rights of the contract.
It is the same as openzeppelin library except for not adding the function renounceOwnership
used for removing ownership.
A contract that manages the access rights of the pausability. If the pauser pause FiatTokenV1 contract, some functions is restricted.
A contract that manages the access rights of the blocklistability.
If you are registered in the blocklist, you will not be able to use some functions.
contract is blocklisted in the init funciton.
A contract that manages the access rights of rescuing tokens.
Only the rescuer is able to send ERC20 tokens that were mistakenly sent to the proxy contract's address.
The contract uses the safeTransfer
The contract stores EIP712 Domain Separator. If the chain ID is different, it will be recalculated.
EIP3009 and EIP2612 require EIP712 Domain.
A contract that enables transferring of fungible assets via a signed authorization.
The contract uses v, r and s to recover the address and verify that it matches the authorizer.
- nonces
- There is a
for each user, and the samenonce
cannot be used twice. - The
increases one by one.
- There is a
- _permit
- It checks if
is valid. - If the recoverd address matches The owner,
is called.
- It checks if
A contract that enables transferring of fungible assets via a signed authorization.
The contract uses v, r and s to recover the address and verify if it matches the owner.
What is different from EIP2612 is EIP3009 uses a random nounce instead of sequencial nonce. It allows users to give several parties allowances at time without having to worry about their transactions will fail.
- There is a nonce for each user, and the same nonce cannot be used again.
- The nonce is randomly determined.
- The destination of transferFrom is msg.sender.
- It deauthorize the nonce. You can undo a metatransaction that you signed incorrectly.
- It checks if the nonce is already used.
- It checks if block.time is valid.
- It makes the nonce used and emits an event.
- Manages the access rights of the minterAdmin.
- Has an initializing function
blocklisted[address(this)] = true
makeDomainSeparator(name, "1")
initialized = true
- mint, burn, increaseAllowance, decreaseAllowance
- Override the
function withonlyOwner
- It is an assumed upgraded version of FiatTokenV1 with a new functionality
. - It allows only users who are allowlisted to send or approve over 100,000 token to other user.
- Other than that everything is the same as FiatTokenV1.
Among JPYC v2's functinalities, there are Pausability and Blocklistability. And JPYC.Inc is in charge of the roles of Pauser and Blocklister. Pauser and blocklister are able to pause or unpause JPYC smart contracts, blocklist or unblocklist a certain address respectively.
You may wonder under what kind of circumstances, these functions will be used?
- pauser is a role who controls the functionality of pausing the contract.
If the board of JPYC.Inc find out that all users' benefits will likely be harmed, JPYC.Inc will pause the functions related to the transfer, approve, mint, etc of JPYC token.
Under the example circumstances below, pauser should pause the JPYC smart contracts.
- When the private key of an address which is authorized to execute the critical functions of JPYC smart contracts is compromised.
- When a critical bug is discovered in the JPYC smart contracts.
- Blocklister is a role who controls the functionality of blocklisting.
- JPYC.Inc completely comply with the local regulations. If the board of JPYC.Inc finds out that an address may be involved in a crime, the related addresses will get freezed to avoid further damage to the users and communities.
- Unblocklisting a certain address will be determined by the board of JPYC.Inc as well.
- We used
’s code, but it is used partially because we selected UUPS upgradeable pattern. Functions like Beacon or Transparent pattern’s parts are not used in the current situation. We removed the unused parts.
Contracts on Avalanche Proxy https://snowtrace.io/address/0x431D5dfF03120AFA4bDf332c61A6e1766eF37BDB#code
Implementation https://snowtrace.io/address/0xf2fab05f26dc8da5a3f24d015fb043db7a8751cf#code
MinterAdmin https://snowtrace.io/address/0xc6b1dc6c9ff85e968527f5c755fc07253a084247#code