Here are located all CeKit modules, all the modules that will be used to configure and build the images are placed here. These modules are copied into the container at build time. There are also external dependencies, like jboss-eap-modules, cct_modules, etc.; all external modules can be found on the modules section of the image.yaml file descriptor for each image.
Below, all CeKit modules contained in this repository:
- jboss-kie-modules:
- jboss: Contains the Prometheus agent and config modules and S2I bash module as well.
- jboss-eap-cd-jolokia: Module responsible to add the needed JVM configurations on the standalone.conf file.
- jboss-eap-config-openshift: Holds the JBoss EAP standalone-openshift.xml file used by the RHDM and RHPAM images.
- jboss-kie-common: This module holds common functions reused between RHDM and RHPAM images.
- jboss-kie-common-dependencies: Installs common rpm packages on RHDM and RHPAM images.
- jboss-kie-controller: RHDM/PAM Controller Image specific module.
- jboss-kie-dashbuilder: RHPAM Dashbuilder Image specific module.
- jboss-kie-db-drivers: Provides the MariaDB and PostgreSQL jdbc drivers through rpm package manager.
- jboss-kie-jdk-clean: Clean possible JDK packages not needed on the runtime image.
- jboss-kie-kieserver: RHDM/PAM Execution Server Image specific module.
- jboss-kie-process-migration: RHPAM Process Instance Migration Image specific module.
- jboss-kie-smartrouter: RHPAM Smart Router specific module.
- jboss-kie-wildfly-common: Common modules shared between all images.
- jboss-kie-workbench: RHDM/PAM Decision/Business Central specific module.
- os-eap-kegacy: Provides legacy modules used by RHPAM/DM images that aren't available anymore on the cct and jboss-eap-modules on the stable branch.
- tests:
- tools
_ build-osbs: Auxiliary script to perform local OSBS builds.
- build-overrides: Tool used to help to perform image builds using nightly, staging, or candidate artifact builds.
- gen-template-doc: Tool that generates the reference documentation from Application Templates.
- openshift-template-validator: Tool used to validate the application templates, if you’re going to develop templates, this tool helps to prevent syntax or accidental issues.
- python-mock-server: Small server to mock k8s requests used in the Bats tests
- update-version: Auxiliary script to help maintainers to bump the product version when performing a new release.
The iteration with this repo will be only for fixing issues, adding new modules and writing tests. This repo is used by the rhdm-7-openshift-image and rhpam-7-openshift-image. For example, here the jboss-kie-module repo is used and in this line the jboss-kie-kieserver is imported and installed in the target image.
There are two different kind of tests:
- bats
- behave
Which are described in details in the next topics.
To run Bats tests you need to have it installed, to learn more about its installation please visiti this link
What is Bats tests? From google: Bats is a TAP-compliant testing framework for Bash. It provides a simple way to verify that the UNIX programs you write behave as expected. A Bats test file is a Bash script with special syntax for defining test cases. Under the hood, each test case is just a function with a description.
In our case we use it to test some functions in our shell scripts to make sure they will work and produce the right outputs as expected.
The bats tests are generally added to each module under the tests directory, i.e. jboss-kie-wildfly-common.
TODO: Note that, just a few of modules contains the bats tests, more tests will be added in the future.
To run the Bats tests, access a module that already have it, i.e. jboss-kie-wildfly-common and execute the following command targeting any *.bats file:
cd jboss-kie-wildfly-common/tests/bats
bats jboss-kie-wildfly-security-ldap.bats
✓ do not replace placeholder when URL is not provided
✓ replace placeholder by minimum xml content when URL is provided
✓ replace placeholder by all LDAP values when provided
3 tests, 0 failures
We use the CeKit to run the Behave tests. To run the behave tests for the specific image i.e. kie-server image, you must be accessed the image's directory you want to test, execute the command:
Supposing the image repository is cloned already, let's execute the smartrouter tests:
cd /home/user/dev/sources/rhpam-7-openshift-image/smartrouter
cekit test -v
2019-03-21 12:32:27,803 cekit DEBUG Running version 2.2.6
2019-03-21 12:32:27,804 cekit DEBUG Removing dirty directory: 'target/repo'
2019-03-21 12:32:27,850 cekit INFO Generating files for docker engine.
2019-03-21 12:32:27,850 cekit DEBUG Loading descriptor from path 'image.yaml'.
2019-03-21 12:32:39,525 cekit INFO Tests collected!
2019-03-21 12:32:39,562 cekit DEBUG Running behave in '/data/dev/sources/rhpam-7-openshift-image/smartrouter/target/test'.
Feature: RHPAM Smart Router configuration tests # features/jboss-kie-modules.git-main/rhpam/smartrouter/rhpam-smartrouter.feature:2
Scenario: Check if image version and release is printed on boot # features/jboss-kie-modules.git-main/rhpam/smartrouter/rhpam-smartrouter.feature:5
When container is ready # steps/ 3.692s
Then container log should contain rhpam-7/rhpam78-smartrouter-openshift image, version # steps/
Then container log should contain rhpam-7/rhpam78-smartrouter-openshift image, version # steps/ 0.058s
2019-03-21 12:32:44,003 - dock.middleware.container - INFO - Removing container '61fab7c508fdd56f9c86bbc054d8574ca267113f73b3145eee5fb20892bbd50c', 1 try...
2019-03-21 12:32:44,022 - dock.middleware.container - INFO - Container '61fab7c508fdd56f9c86bbc054d8574ca267113f73b3145eee5fb20892bbd50c' removed
1 feature passed, 0 failed, 46 skipped
11 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 412 skipped
46 steps passed, 0 failed, 2277 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 12m24.078s
2019-03-21 12:45:06,855 cekit INFO Finished!
2019-03-21 12:45:06,855 - cekit - INFO - Finished!
Our tests are driven by annotations, that means each feature or scenario are annotated with the, i.e. image name In this link there are two annotations which means that rhpam and rhdm kieserver images will trigger all tests in that feature file.
Note that, to run the tests, you need to have a previously image that match the image name and version in the image.yaml file descriptor.
One useful point is, CeKit allow us to run only one tests, very handy when developing a new test or troubleshooting a existing one. Those tests are annotated with the @wip annotation, and to run it.
Scenario: Check if JBOSS_HOME is correctly set
When container is ready
Then run sh -c 'echo $JBOSS_HOME' in container and check its output for /opt/eap
$ cekit test --test-wip v
2019-01-10 18:17:21,815 cekit INFO Fetching common steps from ''.
2019-01-10 18:17:23,195 cekit INFO Tests collected!
Feature: RHPAM Business Central configuration tests # features/jboss-kie-modules/rhpam/businesscentral/rhpam-businesscentral.feature:2
Scenario: Check if JBOSS_HOME is correctly set # features/jboss-kie-modules/rhpam/businesscentral/rhpam-businesscentral.feature:54
When container is ready # steps/ 3.439s
Then run sh -c 'echo $JBOSS_HOME' in container and check its output for /opt/eap # steps/ 0.140s
2019-01-10 18:17:28,114 - dock.middleware.container - INFO - Removing container 'ea3e763cc4f886404bbfd3a1b7bb5979512e3afdd3f6d373de15ebbda965cb6f', 1 try...
2019-01-10 18:17:28,138 - dock.middleware.container - INFO - Container 'ea3e763cc4f886404bbfd3a1b7bb5979512e3afdd3f6d373de15ebbda965cb6f' removed
1 feature passed, 0 failed, 94 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 757 skipped
2 steps passed, 0 failed, 3698 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m3.579s
2019-03-21 18:17:28,165 cekit INFO Finished!
2019-03-21 18:17:28,165 - cekit - INFO - Finished!
PS: WIP stands for Work In Progress and these tests will run in any image.
Note that, to run the tests, the target image needs to be built and available locally.
For more information about behave tests please refer this link
With the Cekit extension of behave we can run, practically, any kind of test on the containers, even source to image tests. There are a few options that you can use to define what action and what kind of validations/verifications your test must do. The behave test structure looks like:
Feature my cool feature
Scenario test my cool feature - it should print Hello and World on logs
Given/when image is built/container is ready
Then container log should contain Hello
And container log should contain World
One feature can have as many scenarios as you want. But one Scenario can have one action defined by the keywords given or when, the most common options for this are:
- Given s2i build {app_git_repo}
- When container is ready
- When container is started with env
| variable | value |
In this test, we can specify any valid environment variable or a set of them. - When container is started with args: Most useful when you want to pass some docker argument, i.e. memory limit for the container.
The Then clause is used to do your validations, test something, looking for a keyword in the logs, etc. If you need to validate more than one thing you can add a new line with the And keyword, like this example:
Scenario test my cool feature - it should print Hello and World on logs
Given/when image is built/container is ready
Then container log should contain Hello
And container log should contain World
And container log should not contain World!!
And file /opt/eap/standalone/deployments/bar.jar should not exist
The most common sentences are:
- Then/And file {file} should exist
- Then/And file {file} should not exist
- Then/And s2i build log should not contain {string}
- Then/And run {bash command} in container and check its output for {command_output}
- Then/And container log should contain {string}
- Then/And container log should not contain {string}
For a complete list of all available sentences please refer the cekit source code:
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