Gulp plugin that uses watchify to efficiently re-bundle changed CommonJS dependencies.
Creates a transform stream that takes entry files (from something like gulp.src) and passes through a bundled file (vinyl.File instances).
Additionally, can be used to persist the process, watch dependencies and automatically rebundle them, emitting another file stream with the 'rebundle' event. If
is false, gulp-watchify just uses browserify instead.
var gulpWatchify = require('gulp-watchify');
gulp.task('javascript-watch', function () {
var jsDest = './public/bundles',
bundlerStream = gulpWatchify({
watch: true,
verbose: false,
bundlerInitOptions: {
basedir: '/path/to/mybasedir'
bundleOptions: {
debug: true // output source maps
// When bundler stream emits a 'rebundle' event,
// it passes a vinyl.File stream that you can pipe
// to gulp.dest to re-write the file.
bundlerStream.on('rebundle', function (stream) {
// Get browserify entry files as a stream with src
return gulp.src('./js/entries')
// pipe the source files through the gulp-watchify
// instance stream, which then sends through finished
// bundles as vinyl.File instances
// Send the output files to a gulp.dest stream
.pipe(gulp.dest(jsDest)); // send it to your desired output folder
In the example above, if you have a file ./js/entries/foo.js
, which requires ./js/lib/bar.js
, you will get an output file ./public/bundles/foo.js
with 'foo.js' and 'bar.js' bundled together. Additionally, the process will keep running with a watcher that monitors the 'foo.js' and 'bar.js'. If either one is modified, then they will be re-bundled and piped to gulp.dest again which writes './public/bundles/foo.js' again.