Special Logger for filtering logs you need in production, and logs you need in test mode only.
Do not dread over which comments you need to eliminate before production, LoggaBat got ur' back!!
Get a full history of all messages you have logged to your console, just at the call of a function
const loggabat = new Loggabat({
productionMode: process.env.NODE_ENV
loggabat.warn("First goblin on the ground!!");
Selectively log messages to your console, by flags
Organize all your logs to your console
Recollect all messages you have logged
Loggabat requires [JS] to run.
Install the dependency via npm
npm install --save loggabat
// Using Node.js - require()
const Loggabat = require('loggabat');
// Using ES6 imports
import Loggabat from 'loggabat';
Creating a new loggabat:
const loggabat = new Loggabat({
productionMode: true, // I am running in production mode
prefix: "My app name space"
Setting environments:
// First approach, through a constructor
const loggabat = new Loggabat({ productionMode: true });
// Second approach
loggabat.setTestEnvironment(); // Environment in test mode now
loggabat.setProductionEnvironment(); // Environment in production mode now
loggabat.info(); // corresponds to console.info()
loggabat.log(); // corresponds to console.log()
loggabat.warn(); // corresponds to console.warn()
loggabat.error(); // corresponds to console.error()
Logging to your console:
const loggabat = new Loggabat({
productionMode: true, // I am running in production mode
prefix: "My app name space"
loggabat.info("I am confirmed"); // {nothing happens}
loggabat.prod().info("I am confirmed"); // My app name space: I am confirmed
loggabat.production().info("I am confirmed"); // My app name space: I am confirmed
loggabat.setTestEnvironment(); // In test environment now
loggabat.info("I am confirmed"); // My app name space: I am confirmed
loggabat.prod().info("I am confirmed"); // My app name space: I am confirmed
loggabat.production().info("I am confirmed"); // My app name space: I am confirmed
All messages you need in production should be preceeded by "prod()" or "production()". This identifies your log message as a production-friendly one. Only production-friendly messages will be logged and recorded in a production environment
Setting your prefix:
// Assuming loggabat is already in test mode
loggabat.setPrefix("My app's new name");
loggabat.warn("App crashed"); // My app's new name: App crashed
Getting your prefix set to your Loggabat instance:
const loggabat = new Loggabat({ prefix: "Waist Training App" });
loggabat.prefix(); // Waist Training App
Determine prefix set already for a Loggabat instance:
const loggabat = new Loggabat({ });
loggabat.isPrefixSet(); // false
loggabat.isPrefixSet(); // true
Getting history of all successful logs:
loggabat.setProductionEnvironment(); // In production mode now, only production-friendly messages are accepted
loggabat.info("Parables"); // {nothing happens - not added to history}
loggabat.prod().info("Crucibles"); // Crucibles {Saved to history}
loggabat.setTestEnvironment(); // In test mode now
loggabat.prod().info("Tahoes"); // Tahoes {Saved to history}
loggabat.info("Placenta"); // Placenta {Saved to history}
// [
// { type: 'info', logged:'true', message: "Crucibles"},
// {..., message:'Tahoes'},
// {..., message:'Placenta'}
// ]
Resetting your history:
loggabat.resetHistory(); // clears history
loggabat.getHistory() // Returns -> []
Project is in its early stages and all contributions are welcome.
Documentation to follow soon
MIT © Justice Appiah