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A small tool to edit and upload FIT files produced by virtual cycling apps to Garmin Connect


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Fit File Faker - a FIT File editor and uploader

This repo contains a tool that will edit FIT files to make them appear to come from a Garmin device (Edge 830, currently) and upload them to Garmin Connect using the garth library. The FIT editing is done using Stages Cycling's fit_tool library.

The primary use case for this is that TrainingPeaks Virtual (previously indieVelo) does not support (AFAIK, Garmin does not allow) automatic uploading to Garmin Connect. The files can be manually uploaded after the fact, but since they are not "from Garmin", they will not be used to calculate Garmin's "Training Effect", which is used for suggested workouts and other stuff. By changing the FIT file to appear to come from a Garmin device, those features should be enabled.

Other users have reported using this tool to edit FIT files produced by Zwift prior to uploading to Garmin Connect so that activities on that platform will count towards Garmin Connect badges and challenges (see 1 and 2).



Requires Python 3.12. If your system python is older than that, pyenv or uv can be used to manage locally installed versions.

This tool should work cross-platform on Windows, MacOS, or Linux, though it is primarily developed on Linux, so it's possible there are some cross-platform bugs.

pipx install

If you have pipx installed, a simple

$ pipx install fit-file-faker

will install the tool, and make the script named fit-file-faker available on your PATH.

Manual virtual environment

You can also install manually using pip. If so, it's best to create a new virtual environment:

$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate

Then install via pip:

$ pip install fit-file-faker 

The pip package installs a script named fit-file-faker that should be available on your path assuming the virtual envrionment is activated.

Development install

If you want to install a development version, clone the repo, and use the uv:

$ git clone
$ cd fit_file_uploader
$ uv sync  # this installs the dependencies


The script uses a configuration file named .config.json stored in your system's user config directory (as determined by the platformdirs library). An example is provided in this repo in .config.json.example:

  "garmin_username": "username",
  "garmin_password": "password",
  "fitfiles_path": "C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\TPVirtual\\0123456789ABCDEF\\FITFiles"

The best way to fill out this config file is to run the "initial setup" option via the -s flag, which will allow you to define the three required values interactively:

$ fit-file-faker -s

[13:50:02] WARNING  Required value "garmin_username" not found in config      
? Enter value to use for "garmin_username" username
[13:50:05] WARNING  Required value "garmin_password" not found in config      
? Enter value to use for "garmin_password" ********
[13:50:06] WARNING  Required value "fitfiles_path" not found in config        
           INFO     Getting FITFiles folder                                   
           WARNING  TrainingPeaks Virtual user folder can only be automatically
                    detected on Windows and OSX                                                 
? Please enter your TrainingPeaks Virtual data folder (by default, ends with "TPVirtual"):
? Found TP Virtual User directory at "/home/user/Documents/TPVirtual/0123456789ABCDEF", is this correct?
[13:50:17] INFO     Found TP Virtual User directory: "/home/user/Documents/TPVirtual
                    sync/0123456789ABCEDF", setting "fitfiles_path" in config file              
           INFO     Config file is now:                                       
                      "garmin_username": "username",                                            
                      "garmin_password": "<**hidden**>",                                    
                      "fitfiles_path": "/home/user/Documents/TPVirtual/0123456789ABCDEF/FITFiles"                                             
           INFO     Config file has been written, now run one of the other options
                    to start editing/uploading files! 


The script has a few options. To see the help, run with the -h flag:

$ fit-file-faker -h
usage: fit-file-faker [-h] [-s] [-u] [-ua] [-p] [-m] [--dryrun] [-v] [input_path]

Tool to add Garmin device information to FIT files and upload them to Garmin Connect. Currently,
only FIT files produced by TrainingPeaks Virtual ( and
Zwift ( are supported, but it's possible others may work.

positional arguments:
  input_path           the FIT file or directory to process. This argument can be omitted if
                       the 'fitfiles_path' config value is set (that directory will be used
                       instead). By default, files will just be edited. Specify the "-u" flag
                       to also upload them to Garmin Connect.

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -s, --initial-setup  Use this option to interactively initialize the configuration file
  -u, --upload         upload FIT file (after editing) to Garmin Connect
  -ua, --upload-all    upload all FIT files in directory (if they are not in "already
                       processed" list)
  -p, --preinitialize  preinitialize the list of processed FIT files (mark all existing files
                       in directory as already uploaded)
  -m, --monitor        monitor a directory and upload all newly created FIT files as they are
  -d, --dryrun         perform a dry run, meaning any files processed will not be saved nor
  -v, --verbose        increase verbosity of log output

Basic usage

The default behavior with no other options load a given FIT file, and output a file named that has been edited, and can be manually imported to Garmin Connect:

$ fit-file-faker

If a directory is supplied rather than a single file, all FIT files in that directory will be processed in the same way.

Supplying the -u option will attempt to upload the edited file to Garmin Connect. If your credentials are not stored in the configuration file, the script will prompt you for them. The OAuth credentials obtained for the Garmin web service will be stored in a directory named .garth in your system's user cache folder (as determined by platformdirs). See the garth library's documentation for details:

$ fit-file-faker -u
[12:14:06] INFO     Activity timestamp is "2024-05-21T17:15:48"                    
           INFO     Saving modified data to              
[12:14:08] INFO     ✅ Successfully uploaded ""                    

The -v flag can be used (with any of the other options) to provide more debugging output:

$ fit-file-faker -u -v
[12:38:33] INFO     Activity timestamp is "2024-05-21T17:15:48"                    
           DEBUG    Record: 1 - manufacturer: 255 ("DEVELOPMENT") - product: 0 - garmin
                    product: None ("BLANK")
           DEBUG        Modifying values                                           
           DEBUG        New Record: 1 - manufacturer: 1 ("GARMIN") - product: 3122 - garmin
                    product: 3122 ("GarminProduct.EDGE_830")
           DEBUG    Record: 14 - manufacturer: 32 ("WAHOO_FITNESS") - product: 40 - garmin
                    product: None ("BLANK")
           DEBUG        Modifying values                                           
           DEBUG        New Record: 14 - manufacturer: 1 ("GARMIN") - product: 3122 - garmin
                    product: 3122 ("GarminProduct.EDGE_830")
           DEBUG    Record: 15 - manufacturer: 32 ("WAHOO_FITNESS") - product: 6 - garmin
                    product: None ("BLANK")
           DEBUG        Modifying values                                           
           DEBUG        New Record: 15 - manufacturer: 1 ("GARMIN") - product: 3122 - garmin
                    product: 3122 ("GarminProduct.EDGE_830")
           DEBUG    Record: 16 - manufacturer: 1 ("GARMIN") - product: 18 - garmin product:
                    18 ("BLANK")
           INFO     Saving modified data to                                       
[12:38:34] DEBUG    Using stored Garmin credentials from ".garth" directory       
[12:38:35] INFO     ✅ Successfully uploaded ""                   

"Upload all" and "monitor" modes

The --upload-all option will search for all FIT files eith in the directory given on the command line, or in the one specified in the fitfiles_path config option. The script will compare the files found to a list of files already seen (stored in that directory's .uploaded_files.json file), edit them, and upload each to Garmin Connect. The edited files will be written into a temporary file and discarded when the script finishes running, and the filenames will be stored into a JSON file in the current directory so they are skipped the next time the script is run.

The upload all function can alternatively be automated using the --monitor option, which will start watching the filesystem in the specified directory for any new FIT files, and continue running until the user interrupts the process by pressing ctrl-c. Here is an example output when a new file named is detected:

$ fit-file-faker --monitor /home/user/Documents/TPVirtual/0123456789ABCEDF/FITFiles

[14:03:32] INFO     Using path "/home/user/Documents/TPVirtual/          
                    0123456789ABCEDF/FITFiles" from command line input                     
           INFO     Monitoring directory: "/home/user/Documents/TPVirtual/
[14:03:44] INFO     New file detected - "/home/user/Documents/TPVirtual/ 
                    0123456789ABCEDF/FITFiles/"; sleeping for              
                    5 seconds to ensure TPV finishes writing file                               
[14:03:50] INFO     Found 1 files to edit/upload                         
           INFO     Processing ""                        
           INFO     Processing "/home/user/Documents/TPVirtual           
[14:03:58] INFO     Activity timestamp is "2025-01-03T17:01:45"          
[14:03:59] INFO     Saving modified data to "/tmp/tmpsn4gvpkh"           
[14:04:00] INFO     Uploading modified file to Garmin Connect            
[14:04:01] INFO     Uploading "/tmp/tmpsn4gvpkh" using garth             
^C[14:04:46] INFO     Received keyboard interrupt, shutting down monitor 

If your TrainingPeaks Virtual user data folder already contains FIT files which you have previously uploaded to Garmin Connect using a different method then you can pre-initialise the list of uploaded files to avoid any possibility of uploading duplicates (though these files should be rejected by Garmin Connect if they're exact duplicates). Use the --preinitialize option to process a directory (defaults to the configured TrainingPeaks Virtual user data directory) and add all files to the list of previous uploaded files. After this any use of the --upload-all or --monitor options will ignore these pre-existing files.

Already uploaded files

A note: if a file with the same timestamp already exists on the Garmin Connect account, Garmin will reject the upload. This script will detect that, and output something like the following:

$ fit-file-faker -u -v
[13:32:48] INFO     Activity timestamp is "2024-05-10T17:17:34"                    
           INFO     Saving modified data to ""            
[13:32:49] WARNING  ❌ Received HTTP conflict (activity already exists) for        


If you run into problems, please create an issue on the GitHub repo. As this is a side-project provided for free (as in speech and beer), support times may vary 😅.


The use of any registered or unregistered trademarks owned by third-parties are used only for informational purposes and no endorsement of this software by the owners of such trademarks are implied, explicitly or otherwise. The terms/trademarks indieVelo, TrainingPeaks, TrainingPeaks Virtual, Garmin Connect, Stages Cycling, and any others are used under fair use doctrine solely to facilitate understanding.


A small tool to edit and upload FIT files produced by virtual cycling apps to Garmin Connect







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Contributors 4

