Visit my personal site here
Last deployment can be seen in the repo's deployment's page
If my resume is out of date here, you can look at this possibly more recent one
Make sure you have a recent version of node
installed. For managing node versions, I recommend using nvm.
Terminal commands:
git clone
npm install
Terminal command:npm run start
Go to http://localhost:3000/
I did some sort of Github pages setup and it's out of date now -- it works and I just run npm run deploy
to push the latest version of my site to gh-pages (build code is deployed to the gh-pages branch). Generally the npm are setup in the package.json file if you wanted to look into those
This is mostly a note to myself, as I don't plan on doing too much clean up here. I wrote this most of this in 2020 through CodeSandbox, and the structure and content is moreso to experiment and express myself for fun
If you tried exploring around my page and are curious about the little interactions I have on my site, click the spoiler:
! changing background fill duration, pausing background fill changes, going forward/backwards, random fills for svg images (with drop shadows!), hiding duration change when pausing, toggling hidden text, toggling more detailed text.
I had fun creating this site and using various effects, hooks, and animations purely using frontend and I hope you enjoy it!
- Add projects and their descriptions/links
- include project pictures and/or videos