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nur - simple framework for PHP
Nur Framework has been created for just fun and adapted by using some most popular parts of the popular PHP Frameworks like Laravel and Symfony. It has a simple but powerful infrastructure. It contains a lot of component in order to prepare web applications. So, It can be a preference for your small (maybe medium) projects. If you say "I'll make a bigger project.", I suggest you use a full-stack framework. :) e.g: Laravel, Symfony...
- Model - View - Controller
- Easy command line application support. (NUR Cli App)
- Routing component. (PHP-Router)
- Symfony Request and Response components. (Symfony HttpFoundation)
- PDOx Query Builder. (PDOx)
- Authentication component. (with JWT and Basic Auth)
- Some Laravel 10.x Packages supports.
- Eloquent ORM support. (Laravel Eloquent ORM)
- Laravel Query Builder support. (Laravel Query Builder)
- Blade Template Engine support. (Laravel Blade)
- Laravel Localization Support (with Translate) Laravel Localization
- Laravel Eloquent Migration System support with PHPMig. (Laravel Migration - PHPMig)
- Laravel Cache support. (currently just File, Array and Database drivers.) (Laravel Cache)
- Laravel Hash and Encrypt support. (Laravel Hashing)
- Collections support. (Laravel Collections)
- Useful Array and String helpers. (Arr, Str and more...) (Laravel Helpers)
- Mail Component. (PHPMailer)
- Events/Listeners
- Basic Logger
- Request Validation
- Html/Form Builder
- and more...
If you want to examine Nur's core files, you can follow this link:
- PHP >= ^8.1
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- BCMath PHP Extension
create project via composer
is application folder name):
$ composer create-project izniburak/nur your-app
$ cd your-app
$ php nur serve
or run the following command directly.
$ git clone https://github.com/izniburak/nur.git
$ cd nur
$ composer install
$ php nur serve
Okay, you can see your application on the browser. (
documentation page: nur docs (coming soon...)
- Write documentation
- Write test
- Write example project
- fork it Nur Framework or Nur Framework Core (for core changes)
- create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- create a new Pull Request
- izniburak izni burak demirtaş - creator, maintainer