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2019 03 04 meeting notes

Alexey Bader edited this page Mar 7, 2019 · 1 revision


Alexey Bader, Oleg Maslov, Pavel Chupin, Michael Kinsner, James Brodman, Xinmin Tian, Anastasia Stulova, Ronan Keryell, Ralph Wittig, Andrew Gozillon, Victor Lomuller


  • Alexey Bader: working on Intel SYCL implementation -

  • Anastasia Stulova: working on OpenCL C++ front-end in clang. Looking for code unification across C++/OpenCL/SYCL front-ends.

  • Ronan Keryell: working on Xilinx' SYCL implementation. Interested in common solution for SYCL implementations e.g. use early device code outlining to get better device code diagnostics.

  • Alexandre Isoard: working on clang-based HLS compiler for Xilinx FPGA. Interested in re-using SYCL implementation for HLS.

  • Victor Lomuller: working on Codeplay' SYCL compiler - ComputeCPP. Interested in providing feedback on SYCL implementation to help with .

  • Andrew Gozillon: working with Ronan on Xilinx' SYCL implementation.

  • Pavel Chupin: engineering manager for Intel SYCL project.

  • Oleg Maslov: engineering manager for Intel SYCL project.

  • Mike Kinsner: working on Intel FPGA and compute programming models including SYCL.

  • James Brodman: "the same as Mike except FPGA part" :-).

Short Intel SYCL implementation status

The implementation available at is currently passing ~60% of conformance tests and some samples from ComputeCPP SDK.

We plan to start upstreaming with SYCL driver changes, integration SPIR-V translator executable to the Clang toolchain and SYCL device code outlining. Victor: we will need to align on the driver flags to avoid incompatible solutions.

Questions raised in SYCL mail thread on cfe-dev mailing list

  • OpenCL C++ and SYCL front-end compilers code re-use. Current solution applied conservative "approach" by introducing a new SYCL language mode and enabling only part of OpenCL extensions relevant to SYCL 1.2.1. We will look at using OpenCL C++ as SYCL device code language, but might require SYCL spec modifications as OpenCL C++ enables capabilities not supported by existing version of the spec (e.g. generic address space pointers).

  • C++ to SPIR-V translation. SYCL compiler adopted solution from Khronos prototype of OpenCL C++ compiler ( This solution is described in this document uploaded for review here: In nutshell it includes special agreement between standard library headers, C++ compiler and SPIR-V translator. Ideally we should simplify the approach to lose the coupling between these three components.


  • Meetings time. Monday 9am PST seems to be okay for everyone.
  • AR Alexey: publicly advertise this working group on cfe-dev mailing list
  • AR Alexey: send invitation to Kalray (already done by Ronan)

Future meeting topics

  • SPIR-V support
  • Device code outlining: early vs late
  • TBD
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