A wrapper for the Car Registration API in Go. To use this package you will need a username and password from http://www.vehicleregistrationapi.com
package main
import "github.com/infiniteloopltd/GoCarRegistrationAPI"
import "fmt"
func main() {
data := car_registration.Australia_lookup("YHC14Y","NSW","***Your Username***","***Your Password***")
m := data.(map[string]interface{})
//fmt.Printf("%+v", m)
The methods of car_registration are Australia_lookup, USA_lookup and European_lookup, all methods reuturn an interface{}, which can be cast to a string map as shown above.
Australia lookup accepts four parameters, the registration number, the state, and your username and password, in that order.
USA lookup accepts four parameters, the registration number, the state, and your username and password, in that order.
European lookup accepts four parameters, the endpoint, the registration number, and your username and password, in that order, where the endpoint can be one of:
- Check (UK)
- CheckBelgium
- CheckCroatia
- CheckCzechRepublic
- CheckDenmark
- CheckEstonia
- CheckFinland
- CheckFrance
- CheckHungary
- CheckIndia
- CheckIreland
- CheckItaly
- CheckNetherlands
- CheckNewZealand
- CheckNigeria
- CheckNorway
- CheckPortugal
- CheckRussia
- CheckSlovakia
- CheckSouthAfrica
- CheckSpain
- CheckSriLanka
- CheckSweden
- CheckUAE