The tool for R&D which has low-code meta programming and WYSIWYG editing
English | 简体中文
- Why use it?
- Features
- scenes to be used
- Operation demonstration
- How to implement
- Quick start
- how to use
- NPM Packages
- Author
mometa is not similar to the traditional lowcode project which is schema based. mometa is code based, It's WYSIWYG editing following code ast.
Which problems mometa can resolved:
- There is no dependence on low-code platforms, and secondary development can seamlessly enter code development mode.
- It also supports WYSIWYG visual editing to improve efficiency and development experience.
- Provide material ecology, customize materials, improve material use experience, and increase reuse rate.
The positioning of mometa is more based on the local development model of programmers, adding the ability of visual coding (the local code file itself is also modified);
It is not recommended to set up a local development environment for remote services, so there is no online deployment.
The current implementation relies on the webpack dev development mode, and compatibility with vite will be considered in the future.
- 🛠 Code visual editing for R&D, directly acting on source code
- Responsive layout, routing simulation, material preview
- Reverse locating (locating source code)
- Drag and drop to insert materials
- Drag and move
- Moving up and down
- Deleting
- Replacing
- Layers Selecting
- 🍒 Open material ecology, customizable material library within the team, see mometa-mat
- 💎 Multi-language, multi-ecological support, currently only supports React, there are plans to support Vue in the future
- 🔥 Access-friendly, Webpack>=4 plug-in access
- 🌟 Development friendly, the material library supports hot updates without destroying the existing development model
- Use team development instructions to add an empty placeholder route & page
- Enter mometa, view local materials and remote material markets, select the materials you need, drag and drop directly, and the basic page layout is completed.
- Enter the IDE, complete data joint debugging, data transfer, etc., and source code development
There are existing historical projects and the iteration function is needed, only in a small ui module.
- Enter mometa and insert material operation
- Reverse positioning to directly enter IDE source code development
Support positioning code location from view
See mometa implementation principle
Since mometa relies on the local development environment and is only used in the local development environment, there is no online demo built; it can be used during local development.
git clone
cd mometa
pnpm install
pnpm run start:app:cr # 开启本地开发预览模式
npm i @mometa/editor -D
- Install antd materials
npm i @mometa-mat/antd -D
- Create
in the project root directory
module.exports = [require('@mometa-mat/antd').default]
You can also create your own material library. For data structure rules, see Material definition
is modified as follows:
const MometaEditorPlugin = require('@mometa/editor/webpack')
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(js|mjs|jsx|ts|tsx)$/,
// Note that only the file directory you need to edit needs to be processed
include: paths.appSrc,
loader: require.resolve('babel-loader'),
options: {
plugins: [isEnvDevelopment && require.resolve('@mometa/editor/babel/plugin-react')]
plugins: [
isEnvDevelopment &&
new MometaEditorPlugin({
react: true,
//Open material preview
experimentalMaterialsClientRender: true
Note: You do not need to enable the official default react-refresh when using it. Mometa will enable the react-refresh capability by default
Start webpack dev server and open http://localhost:${port}/mometa/
The provided example can be found at @mometa/app】
- @mometa/editor - 编辑器
- @mometa/fs-handler - 代码操作转换核心逻辑,如删除、移动、替换、插入等
- @mometa/materials-generator - 物料生成 & 解析
- @mometa/materials-resolver - Resolve materials config
- @mometa/react-refresh-webpack-plugin - An EXPERIMENTAL Webpack plugin to enable "Fast Refresh" (also previously known as Hot Reloading) for React components.
This library is written and maintained by imcuttle, [email protected].