The most compact yet complete function to tween between two or more value pairs in under 300 bytes.
npm install tweenkie
CDN links:
If you don't want to install anything (like me), just copy & paste to your utils
file or create tweenkie.mjs
export default (a,f,cb,d=300,e=t=>1-(1-t)**3)=>{
const n=()=>,b=n(),i=(v,t)=>v[0]+(v[1]-v[0])*t,s=()=>{
const t=Math.min((n()-b)/d,1)
export default (a,f,cb,d=300,e=t=>1-(1-t)**3)=>{const n=()=>,b=n(),i=(v,t)=>v[0]+(v[1]-v[0])*t,s=()=>{const t=Math.min((n()-b)/d,1);f(a[0].map?>i(v,e(t))):i(a,e(t)));t<1?requestAnimationFrame(s):cb&&cb()};s()}
Also, read more below about other versions.
See example in Codepen demo.
import tween from 'tweenkie/simple'
// Tween from 0 to 300
tween([0, 300], value => console.log(value.toFixed() + 'px'), () => console.log('Done.'))
// Change duration in ms or easing function (e.g. easeOutSine from
tween([0, 300], <updateFn>, <callbackFn>, 250, x => Math.sin((x * Math.PI) / 2))
import tween from 'tweenkie'
[[0, 300], [50, 100], [0.8, 1]],
([firstVal, secondVal,]) => console.log(firstVal, secondVal,
If you run your code in environment where window
is not available, node should resolve it automatically. However, you can also import /server
version specifically.
// Resolved as
import tween from 'tweenkie' // tween.cjs
import tween from 'tweenkie/simple' // simple/tween.cjs
// Specific
import tween from 'tweenkie/server'
import tween from 'tweenkie/server/simple'
// .cjs file versions should be resolved as defined in module exports
const tween = require('tweenkie') // tween.cjs
const tween = require('tweenkie/simple') // simple/tween.cjs
const tween = require('tweenkie/server') // server/tween.cjs
const tween = require('tweenkie/server/simple') // server/simple/tween.cjs
<script src=""></script> <!-- /umd/tween.min.js -->
<script src=""></script>
version - one pair of values
param: | a (array) | f (update function) |
type: | [number, number] |
(value: number) => void |
example: | [100, 300] |
v => v.toFixed() + 'px' |
Default tweenkie
version - one or many value pairs
param: | a (array) | f (update function) |
type: | [number, number] | [number, number][] |
(value: number | number[]) => void |
example: | [[100, 300], [50, 500]] |
v => => v.toFixed() + 'px') |
param: | cb (callback) | d (duration) | e (easing) |
type: | () => void |
number |
(t: number) => number |
default: | undefined | 300 |
t => 1 - (1 - t) ** 3 |
note: | runs once finished | in milliseconds | easeOutCubic |
(249B, Brotli 184B):
Accepts array of one or many value pairs,[ [start, end], [start, end], ... ]
(202B, Brotli 155B):
Accepts one pair of values,[start, end]
(240B, Brotli 178B):
Server version oftweenkie
, usessetImmediate
instead ofrequestAnimationFrame
(193B, Brotli 151B):
Server version oftweenkie/simple
, same as above
Minified versions of all files are also included (see dist/ in npm package).
There is just a small difference in the code size, but the simple one might be just good enough for your use case.
export default (a, f, cb, d = 300, e = t => 1 - (1 - t) ** 3) => {
const n = ()=>, b = n(), i = (v, t) => v[0] + (v[1] - v[0]) * t, s = () => {
const t = Math.min((n() - b) / d, 1)
f(a[0].map ? => i(v, e(t))) : i(a, e(t)))
t < 1 ? requestAnimationFrame(s) : cb && cb()
}; s()
export default (a, f, cb, d = 300, e = t => 1 - (1 - t) ** 3) => {
const n = ()=>, b = n(), s = () => {
const t = Math.min((n() - b) / d, 1)
f(a[0] + (a[1] - a[0]) * e(t))
t < 1 ? requestAnimationFrame(s) : cb && cb()
}; s()
Of course, it could be shorter, for example if easing function was linear. But these default settings provide a nice setup out of the box too, besides being tiny.
- Bytes-sized
- End value is applied in updateFn (no need to apply manually in callback as in other libraries)
- Time is normalized (from 0 to 1)
- Compatible with functions (default translates as easeOutCubic), or any function that accepts and returns number from 0 to 1
- Esm, cjs, umd and their min versions included
- Types included
- No dependencies
- Name reminds of popular US candy 🤭
Lately, I've found myself writing tweening functions for trivial one-off uses. Installing another dependency for such cases wouldn't make sense. So instead of rewriting or copying it from file to file each time, I've decided to write it down and share, with a little twist.
The aim was to keep it as simple and short as possible, while still understandable and also.. doing it just for fun.
If you have come this far, say hi! 👋