Tools for Generating and working with metric 3D depth videos.
Stereo video clip samples can be found here:
- A tool for generating metric 3D depth videos based on the Depth-Anything series of machine learning models.
- A tool for generating metric 3D depth videos based on UniDepth
- A tool for adding parallax infill to generated stero video based on StereoCrafter.
- A tool for viewing, rendering and visualising metric 3D videos from novel camera perspectives.
- A tool for doing things like 3D stereo rendering.
- Tools for using the generated metric 3D videos for camera tracking(camera pose estimation) and (full scene 3D reconstruction).
Uses ML to create stable metric depth video from any normal video file By taking the stability in the videos from Video-Depth-Anything and combining it with the metric version of Depth-Anything-V2 it is possible to generate stable metric depth videos. That is what this tool does.
usage: [-h] --color_video COLOR_VIDEO [--input_size INPUT_SIZE] [--max_res MAX_RES] [--max_frames MAX_FRAMES] [--target_fps TARGET_FPS] [--max_depth MAX_DEPTH]
Video Depth Anything
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--color_video COLOR_VIDEO
--input_size INPUT_SIZE
--max_res MAX_RES
--max_frames MAX_FRAMES
maximum length of the input video, -1 means no limit
--target_fps TARGET_FPS
target fps of the input video, -1 means the original fps
--max_depth MAX_DEPTH
the max depth that the video uses
--no_rolling_average Bases the conversion from affine to metric on the first 60 frames. Good for videos where the camera does not move.
# Notes:
# the script is copied to the Video-Depth-Anything folder on installation.)
# Video-Depth-Anything memory usage scales with aspect ratio. If you are using a 3090 with 24Gb memory and video with 16:9 aspect you need to lower the --input_size to 440 or crop the video down. Aspect ratio of 4:3 works well.
cd Video-Depth-Anything
python --color_video some_video.mkv
Uses ML to create FOV locked metric depth video from any normal video file. UniDepth is not made for video so the videos it produces are very jittery. However UniDepth has the capability of using FOV as given by the user. Which means it's output tend to be more accurate as a whole. That said UniDepth has been trained with less data so it struggles with certain types of scenes. UniDepth requires Cuda 11.8 and Torch 2.2.0.
# Create a metric depth video from a normal video (Note that the script is copied to the UniDepth folder on installation.)
cd UniDepth
python --color_video some_video.mkv -xfov 45
Uses a generated depth video together with the source color video to render a new stereo 3D video. To use you need to know the camera FOV. If you dont you can estimate it using PerspectiveFields
usage: [-h] --depth_video DEPTH_VIDEO [--color_video COLOR_VIDEO] [--xfov XFOV] [--yfov YFOV] [--max_depth MAX_DEPTH] [--transformation_file TRANSFORMATION_FILE]
[--transformation_lock_frame TRANSFORMATION_LOCK_FRAME] [--pupillary_distance PUPILLARY_DISTANCE] [--max_frames MAX_FRAMES] [--touchly0] [--touchly1]
[--touchly_max_depth TOUCHLY_MAX_DEPTH] [--compressed] [--infill_mask] [--remove_edges] [--mask_depth MASK_DEPTH] [--save_background] [--load_background LOAD_BACKGROUND]
Take a rgb encoded depth video and a color video, and render them it as a stereoscopic 3D video.that can be used on 3d tvs and vr headsets.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--depth_video DEPTH_VIDEO
video file to use as input
--color_video COLOR_VIDEO
video file to use as color input
--xfov XFOV fov in deg in the x-direction, calculated from aspectratio and yfov in not given
--yfov YFOV fov in deg in the y-direction, calculated from aspectratio and xfov in not given
--max_depth MAX_DEPTH
the max depth that the input video uses
--transformation_file TRANSFORMATION_FILE
file with scene transformations from the aligner
--transformation_lock_frame TRANSFORMATION_LOCK_FRAME
the frame that the transfomrmation will use as a base
--pupillary_distance PUPILLARY_DISTANCE
pupillary distance in mm
--max_frames MAX_FRAMES
quit after max_frames nr of frames
--touchly0 Render as touchly0 format. ie. stereo video with 3d
--touchly1 Render as touchly1 format. ie. mono video with 3d
--touchly_max_depth TOUCHLY_MAX_DEPTH
the max depth that touchly is cliped to
--compressed Render the video in a compressed format. Reduces file size but also quality.
--infill_mask Save infill mask video.
--remove_edges Tries to remove edges that was not visible in image(it is a bit slow)
--mask_depth MASK_DEPTH
Saves a compound backfround version of the mesh that can be used as infill. Set to background distance in meter. (only works for non moving cameras)
--save_background Save the compound background as a file. To be ussed as infill.
--load_background LOAD_BACKGROUND
Load the compound background as a file. To be used as infill.
python --depth_video some_video_depth.mkv --color_video some_video.mkv --xfov 48
Opens a depth video in a 3d viewer, for viewing. Can also render depth videos from novel perspectives ussing --render. To use you need to know the camera FOV. If you dont you can estimate it using PerspectiveFields or simply experiment with --xfov until things look right.
usage: [-h] --depth_video DEPTH_VIDEO [--color_video COLOR_VIDEO] [--xfov XFOV] [--yfov YFOV] [--max_depth MAX_DEPTH] [--render] [--remove_edges]
[--show_camera] [--compressed] [--draw_frame DRAW_FRAME] [--max_frames MAX_FRAMES] [--transformation_file TRANSFORMATION_FILE]
[--transformation_lock_frame TRANSFORMATION_LOCK_FRAME] [--x X] [--y Y] [--z Z] [--tx TX] [--ty TY] [--tz TZ]
Take a rgb encoded depth video and a color video, and view it/render as 3D
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--depth_video DEPTH_VIDEO
video file to use as input
--color_video COLOR_VIDEO
video file to use as color input
--xfov XFOV fov in deg in the x-direction, calculated from aspectratio and yfov in not given
--yfov YFOV fov in deg in the y-direction, calculated from aspectratio and xfov in not given
--max_depth MAX_DEPTH
the max depth that the video uses
--render Render to video insted of GUI
--remove_edges Tries to remove edges that was not visible in image
--show_camera Shows lines representing the camera frustrum
--compressed Render the video in a compressed format. Reduces file size but also quality.
--draw_frame DRAW_FRAME
open gui with specific frame
--max_frames MAX_FRAMES
quit after max_frames nr of frames
--transformation_file TRANSFORMATION_FILE
file with scene transformations from the aligner
--transformation_lock_frame TRANSFORMATION_LOCK_FRAME
the frame that the transfomrmation will use as a base
--x X set position of cammera x cordicate in meters
--y Y set position of cammera y cordicate in meters
--z Z set position of cammera z cordicate in meters
--tx TX set poistion of camera target x cordinate in meters
--ty TY set poistion of camera target y cordinate in meters
--tz TZ set poistion of camera target z cordinate in meters
python --depth_video some_video_depth.mkv --color_video some_video.mkv --xfov 48
Converts a RGB encoded depth video to other formats. Either 3d formats like .ply (point cloud files) or .obj (3d mesh) or to a simple greyscale video. The 8 bit greyscale format loses lots of details due to low depth resolution of only 8 bits. The 16bit format has more details but does not compress well and is not well supported.
usage: [-h] --depth_video DEPTH_VIDEO [--bit16] [--bit8] [--max_depth MAX_DEPTH] [--save_ply SAVE_PLY] [--save_obj SAVE_OBJ]
[--color_video COLOR_VIDEO] [--xfov XFOV] [--yfov YFOV] [--max_frames MAX_FRAMES] [--transformation_file TRANSFORMATION_FILE]
[--transformation_lock_frame TRANSFORMATION_LOCK_FRAME] [--remove_edges]
Convert depth video other formats like .obj or .ply or greyscale video
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--depth_video DEPTH_VIDEO
video file to use as input
--bit16 Convert depth video to a 16bit mono grayscale video file
--bit8 Convert depth video to a rgb grayscale video file
--max_depth MAX_DEPTH
the max depth that the video uses
--save_ply SAVE_PLY folder to save .ply pointcloud files in
--save_obj SAVE_OBJ folder to save .obj mesh files in
--color_video COLOR_VIDEO
video file to use as color input
--xfov XFOV fov in deg in the x-direction, calculated from aspectratio and yfov in not given
--yfov YFOV fov in deg in the y-direction, calculated from aspectratio and xfov in not given
--max_frames MAX_FRAMES
quit after max_frames nr of frames
--transformation_file TRANSFORMATION_FILE
file with scene transformations from the aligner
--transformation_lock_frame TRANSFORMATION_LOCK_FRAME
the frame that the transformation will use as a base
--remove_edges Tries to remove edges that was not visible in image
python --depth_video some_video_depth.mkv --color_video some_video.mp4 --xfov 55 --save_ply ply_output_folder
Uses ML to create a video mask for the main subjects in the video based on rembg. The masks can be used to filter out moving objects when running alignment.
#Create a vido mask
./ some_video.mkv
Uses ML to paint over logos, text overlays or other objects from a video, can be useful to do before running the depth ML models as they tend to produce less accurate results when the video has logos or text overlays.
Create a overlay_mask.png that is white where the overlay is located.
./ some_video.mkv
Tracks points in the video. Uses the ML model cotracker3 to track points in the video. Outputs a tracking.json file that contains tracking points for the entire video.
usage: [-h] --color_video COLOR_VIDEO
Generate a json tracking file from a video
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--color_video COLOR_VIDEO
video file to use as input
python --color_video some_video.mkv
Uses tracked points in the video and projectes them on to the depth video for 3D alignment and camera tracking. Outputs a transformations.json file describing the camera movment and rotation.
usage: [-h] --track_file TRACK_FILE [--mask_video MASK_VIDEO] [--strict_mask] [--xfov XFOV] [--yfov YFOV] --depth_video DEPTH_VIDEO [--max_depth MAX_DEPTH]
[--color_video COLOR_VIDEO] [--assume_stationary_camera]
Align 3D video based on depth video and a point tracking file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--track_file TRACK_FILE
file with 2d point tracking data
--mask_video MASK_VIDEO
black and white mask video for thigns that should not be tracked
--strict_mask Remove any points that has ever been masked out even in frames where they are not masked
--xfov XFOV fov in deg in the x-direction, calculated from aspectratio and yfov in not given
--yfov YFOV fov in deg in the y-direction, calculated from aspectratio and xfov in not given
--depth_video DEPTH_VIDEO
depth video
--max_depth MAX_DEPTH
the max depth that the video uses
--color_video COLOR_VIDEO
video file to use as color input only used when debuging
Makes the algorithm assume the camera a stationary_camera, leads to better tracking.
python --track_file some_video_tracking.json --color_video some_video.mkv --depth_video some_video_depth.mkv --xfov 45
The rgb encoded video depth format is a normal video file with RGB values(that has to be saved as lossless video). Where the red and green channels represent the upper 8 bits of the depth (duplicated to make visualization easy) and the blue channel represent the lower 8 bits. Only 16bits of the 24 bit rgb data is used to keep down filesizes. The values are scaled to the argument --max_depth, default is 20 meters.
With the default --max_depth of 20 meters each "ridge" represents a depth of 78mm (=20/256) and the depth resolution is 0.3 mm.
As the depth models improve (especially for distant things)this 16bit depth format will need to be replaced with something better. At that point the use of the full 24bits might be the easiest solution(using 24bits keeping the resolution at 1mm the max depth would be 16km which is the distancde to the horizon if standing 20m up from the ground), but one could also encode deepth logaritmicly making things in the distance less accurate.
git clone
cd metric_depth_video_toolbox
# on linux
sudo apt-get install -y libgl1
pip install open3d numpy opencv-python
#if you want to use paralax ML infill
./ -stereocrafter
#if you want to use 3d camera tracking and 3d reconstruction
./ -madpose
# If you want to export directly to the avc1 codec using the --compress argument
# if using headless linux
apt-get install xvfb
# then run before using the tools (ie. start a virtual x11 server)
Xvfb :2 &
export DISPLAY=:2
# on OSX (OSX only supports post processing of depth videos not generation of them. As the ML models need CUDA)
# First setup any required venv (open3d requires python3.11 on OSX (as of 2025)))
pip3.11 install open3d numpy opencv-python
#if you want to use 3d camera tracking and 3d reconstruction
./ -madpose
#On Windows (Not tested or "officially" supported, but anecdotally working)
The ML models (excluding unidepth) have been tested on machines that support Cuda 12.4 on "template PyTorch (cuDNN Devel)"
Depth-Anything-V2 does not take any FOV input and it does not give any FOV outputs. I recommend PerspectiveFields to estimate the original FOV if you want to project the output in to 3D. But since Depth-Anything-V2 does not take FOV as input the results may look distorted, to thin, to wide or to narrow as the model may have estimated a different FOV internally and used that for its depth estimations. This is especially problematic in dolly zoom shots, where the FOV is very hard to get right.
Longer shots with loots of camera movement may be problematic, uses metric conversion constants based on rolling averages to to try to mitigate this but it can still be an issue. is a tool to extract camera movment from the video. It is based on the madpose library, madpose offers excellent camera pose estimation and given enogh acurate non moving tracking markers, and somewhat acurate stable metric depth it can give quite accurate pose estimations even for scenes where traditional pnpSolve or SVD solutions strugle (like scenes where there is little camera movment or where the depth maps are not perfeecly accurate). Due to the inaccuracies in the generated depth maps the camera tracking is not perfect but for ceratain task or shorter clips it can be usefull. If the camera is mostly still and only rotates running with --assume_stationary_camera creates tracking results that are good enogh to be usefull in most cases.