Releases: hilli/go-kef-w2
Releases · hilli/go-kef-w2
- 9391dbf Add 'kefw2 status' to the list of VSCode run targets
- f5f5d12 Be more elegant in handling that no speakers are configured.
- c33d682 Better error handling
- 976d543 Color printing most things now. mod update
- f15c5be In manual add, specify that the argument is an IP address
- bffbfda Mark the default speaker in 'kefw2 config speaker ls' as such
- 74f31f0 Put the homebrew formula in the right place
- a788fcf drop commented out code and deprecations
- 8c532e1 remove debug print
- d907b6a Add a run target to the taskfile. Ie
task run -- status
- 4479a59 Bump in the go_modules group across 1 directory
- e951dbd Bump the go_modules group across 1 directories with 2 updates
- 56d7047 Fix scoop
- 25a799a Fix scoop post_install
- 594a817 Let user know fi there is trouble talking to the speaker.
- 8045b18 Limit the status output to what is actually available given the source and data returned.
- 957b7f4 Logo file
- 04ad48e Merge main
- 6bf2967 Merge pull request #10 from hilli/housekeeping
- 73e98e7 Merge pull request #11 from hilli/icat-not-just-ascii
- c03f0dd Merge pull request #6 from hilli/dependabot/go_modules/go_modules-security-group-1de0416101
- 5a85bc2 Merge pull request #7 from hilli/dependabot/go_modules/go_modules-b9ac453758
- 1765c50 Noop commit
- 29e11c0 Skip adding ompletions to profile more than once
- f2d1746 Suggest how to move on if we can not discover speaker with SD.
- a7c34bd Update along with goreleaser, use another branch than main for PRs on homebrew-tap.
- 10ccd19 Update dependabot security issues
- 5afa6c7 Update deps, go get hilli/icat
- 534db65 Update go deps
- ddc2cf2 Update to goreleaser 2
- c486fff Use icat to fetch and display images
- bf327d4 Add powershell completion, setup profile in scoop package to enable completion.
- 88b4848 Adjustable timeout in speaker discovery
- 3ee9ff3 Backend support for the rest of the release
- d6b07da Docs update
- 3fd0296 Drop any types in GetId and use structs for json parsing
- 0e27b14 How to install with Scoop package manager on Windows
- c787a21 Make -s work on speakers not saved to the config as a one off
- 3f55ea0 Mastodon notifications should work better now
- 13d8a8a Modify tape to be 800x1000, use brew installed from hilli/tap/kefw2 AND link to VHS in README
- 91e4d6c Publish packages for Scoop (Windows), Debian, RPM and archlinux
- 84fd21f Turns out that controls work in bluetooth as well
- aa16068 image did not load in readme on, so using an issue for it :)
- c92383e 0 pad seconds
- 7588fb6 Add a Source type
- b1803f9 Add a VHS tape for demo. Still working on finding a track in Music with JXA.
- cc13ba8 Add colours to kefw2
- 0110d78 Add complete targer to make bash/zsh completion files (for my system)
- e7527e4 Add go extension to vscode
- ac13186 Add mute command
- d486a57 Add some cli code
- 31468c3 Add status -m to skip cover art
- c8b0609 Add the cable_mode file and research on radio streaming
- 399e534 Added ASCII art album covers
- 76de16f Added DNS Service Discovery
- dea152d Added max volume control
- 78cfcc2 Backup EQ profile
- 95b0712 Change version info. Not sure it works, seems to be a flaky part of go
- 4db7cff Change wording on power state
- 3476a0e Complete default speaker to configured speakers
- 5f8c6c1 Create FUNDING.yml
- 379e495 Do http requests here
- 767fa45 Drop .State in state subcommand, and do not exit on no config
- f4049ac Dynamic command completion on the volume.
- ac20b25 Example updated, model, id and powerstate retrieved
- 29e80f0 Fix complete files, move setup to docs Taskfile
- 2f23a00 Funny... Sometimes AirPlay does not show image art, even on the KEF Connect app
- 247d651 Get firmware and CableMode
- 3d099ed Get some build variables in
- 7289b46 Get/set default speaker and volume
- 9b07856 Go 1.22
- 2ced743 Happy now
- 037d8a9 Ignore fyne-cross directories
- c786af3 Initial test and some setup
- 3e5310d Install shell completions in Homebrew
- d223f88 Learned to split Taskfiles. Tape cleanup.
- 4dd8058 Lets take goreleaser for a spin
- 9c3b339 Lots
- bd7e961 Lots...
- 6d72755 Make a SongProgress with int.
- f63425d Make the first 2 calls to the speakers
- 1e65c19 Merge branch 'virtual-hub'
- 149d978 Missed a bit
- 2e75567 More research
- 24a8e66 More research done, notes added, vscode extension suggestion
- 83e6c96 Next and Previous tracks
- 1597813 Not impressed by JXA, but this will do.
- d6849a7 Off and source selection
- e724039 Playing around
- 409add3 README updated
- f77f0db Rearrange maxvol and eq_profile under config subcommand
- 85b5d55 Remove a speaker
- 96a3deb Remove debug print
- 93f67f1 Remove share folder
- 0ca08af Say found before adding, if thats where we are at
- 498238c Setting up for goreleaser
- a1ce6e8 Setup a default speaker to operate on
- b02aa6b Setup aliases in taskfile
- 154deaa Setup aliases in taskfile
- 2bf0d39 Show how long we are in the track.
- 5298ecf Sort EQ settings
- a87e247 Specify binary name
- 8fa6e3e Status duration is in min:sec instead of millisec. Dropped PlayID, whatever that was
- 2e800af Update README
- 5f7e62f Update tape to show tab completions for setting default speaker
- e1a3d0b Update tape to show tab completions, next track and speaker discovery
- aedd232 Update wording
- 1fab62b Use a special token, since the default isn't permissive enough or too much\#setting-the-permissions-of-the-github_token-for-your-repository
- 8eaf2af Using the right homebrew repo
- 29e0c9b Utilize the Taskfile some more. Add a version subcommand to kefw2.
- acc1d28 chore: update year in license bits
- f73ef44 delete debug print
- 29f3775 fix and cleanup task
- 4cf4489 getId
- 9dc752f getId
- 2e71dd0 gitignore output
- 92663bc go mod tidy
- 9c5f241 hard reqiure dnssd for mDNS discovery
- f9e1c63 homebrew PR can not be draft, so skipping that. Include completions files in release
- 669b4c4 play, plause, status, PlayerData
- ccc6743 play, plause, status, PlayerData
- 03d94a0 refactor taskfile a bit
- 95ea5c3 status update