Decentralize the world!
Mobile LN = Bitcoin node + Lightning node app on Android.
- Bitcoin node (bitcoind)
- Lightning node (c-lightning)
- Simple Bitcoin + Lightning wallet UI
- Fast init sync (Download utxo snapshots)
- Dev console (direct commands to lightning-cli)
clightning_ndk_build (
bitcoin_ndk_build (
ZXing Android Embedded (
ZXing (
bitcoin-rpc-client (
Apache Common
Google Material Design
utxo snapshots from btcpayserver (
Apache License 2.0
Let's decentralize the work and contribution!
Major work / improvement before it is "usable": (I'm not a superman and cannot do all the work.)
- Better UX, clean drawables
- CI and testing code
- Update bitcoind and c-lightning repo, and update the api change
- Fix all minor / edge cases / null pointers
- Strings!