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Hasura Django Migration

This is an example of migrating django API (possibly REST or graphene) to hasura, with authentication part in the express JWT auth-server, and the rest handled by hasura graphql engine.

File Structure and Migration Guide

Postgresql Stuff

Here are the configurations used in this example.

  1. Roles: create role hasura with password hasura superuser;

    Role name Attributes
    hasura Superuser
  2. Databases: create database hasura; grant all on database hasura to hasura;

    Name Encoding Collate Ctype
    hasura UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8

Django Stuff

└── hasura

This is the simplest project created by django-admin startproject hasura.

We will use the default generated auth_user table for authentication, auth_groups and auth_user_groups for user role decision.

Use ./ migrate to generate the tables.

Auth-server Stuff

├── package.json
├── server
│   ├── config
│   │   └── jwt.js
│   ├── controllers
│   │   └── user.js
│   ├── db
│   │   ├── auth.js
│   │   ├── encode.js
│   │   └── schema.js
│   └── index.js
└── yarn.lock

The express server handling jwt authentication. The server requires private and public keys, which can be generated with yarn keygen.

Use npm run dev or yarn dev to start the server.

The server implements two POST endpoints:

  1. Login endpoint: /webhook/login
    • test: curl http://localhost:3000/webhook/login -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"username": "root", "password": "toor"}'
  2. Signup endpoint: /webhook/signup
    • test: curl http://localhost:3000/webhook/signup -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"username": "test", "password": "testpass"}'

There are also two GET endpoints used by hasura, which should not be exposed:

  1. Get user information from Authorization: Bearer token: /webhook/webhook
  2. Get general jwk information: /webhook/jwks

The auth-server implements 4 roles:

  • admin: if User.is_admin == True
  • staff: if User.is_staff == True
  • user: if the viewer is logged in (has a valid authorization header)
  • anonymous: viewers not logged in

All the logged in users will have default role user, and admin and staff will be present in X-Hasura-Allowed-Roles if available.

Hasura Stuff

├── config
│   └── metadata.json
├── config.yaml
└── migrations

The metadata stores the default permissions for user and anonymous. You can import it in hasura console -< settings -< Import Metadata.


  • Postgresql

    # Debian-based systems
    apt-get install postgresql
  • Python 3.5 + and depending packages

    pip install -r ./requirements.txt
  • nodejs manager (latest npm or yarn).

    # Use npm
    npm install
    # Use yarn
  • Docker CE

  • hasura/graphql-engine. It will be automatically installed at your first run of docker-run.

Environment Variables

env description default
DBURL Postgres database URL postgres://hasura:hasura@localhost:5432/hasura
AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for authorization Content of private.pem
AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY Public key for authorization Content of public.pem
AUTH_KEY_ID Key identifier for the key Hash of $AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY
NODE_ENV Node env (development/production)


Django equivalent JWT auth-server for hasura.







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