A Fast, tiny, in-browser, IndexedDB powered editor and Snippet manager
Built with Vue.js, Dexie and Monaco Editor . Snipp.in provides a clean and VSCode like familiar interface to save notes, tasks and code snippets directly in the browser.
All the data is stored within your browser tab (IndexedDB). There is no cloud backup available so far but you can still create backups and restore/share your contents with others.
- Syntax Highlighting
- Easy to use Document files (.doc) using ProseMirror Editor
- MultiWindow Editing (Drag and drop files to the editor area to switch to multi editor)
- Quick Create (Ctrl+N)
- Shortcuts for most of the actions (Create, Rename, Delete, etc..)
- Ability Import and Export your data
git clone https://github.com/haxzie/snipp.in snippin
cd snippin
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
You can use snipp.in from docker, you can build your own image using
docker build -t snipp/snipp.in .
To depoly an snipp.in instance using docker container you can run the following:
docker run -it -p 80:80 snipp/snipp.in .
You can change the host binding port from 80
to other ports.
Now to access the instance you can go to browser and write http://localhost
or your ip:port
if you deploy on a vps (public instance) and changed the host binding port.