- UNder the C - An Ocean Science Blog by Grad Students in Marine Science at UNC- Chapel Hill
- oceanbites - The latest oceanography literature, explained
- Saltwater Science - Marine science is fascinating, diverse, and relevant to us all. From tiny plankton to enormous mammals, currents, climate and corals, three scientists break down the science of the sea.
- The Drop-In Blog @ Moss Landing Marine Labs
- Wood's Hole Oceanographic Institution - Blogs and Expeditions
- Scripp's Institute of Oceanography - Blogs and Expeditions
- Ocean Alliance - Ocean Alliance Blog
- Notey Blogs on Oceanography - Aggregated list of interesting marine blogs and blog posts.
- Southern Fried Science
- oceans4ever
- Skidaway Institutes - A blog for the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography faculty and staff
- Ocean Portal - Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Ocean Blog
- V & the Sea
- Words in Mocean
- Ya like Dags? - Appreciating the Unappreciated Sharks
- Oceans of Opportunity - This site is the web portal into the undersea work and world of Michael Lombardi.
- Oceana Blog
- British Oceanographic Data Center Blog
- Carl Safina's Blog
- Deep Blue Home
- Deep Sea News
- Freaque Waves
- Coral Notes from the Field]
- Marine Conservation Institute Blog
- Monkey Face News
- Ocean Doctor
- Oceanographer's Choice
Have more to add? Create an issue!
- http://seamap.env.duke.edu/
- http://www.seaturtlestatus.org/learn/maps/all
- https://www.sefsc.noaa.gov/species/turtles/strandings.htm
- https://coast.noaa.gov/dataregistry/search/collection/info/enow
- https://coast.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/training/diving-into-the-ocean-economy-with-economics.html
- http://www.esri.com/industries/oceans
- http://resources.arcgis.com/en/communities/oceans/
- http://shipmaps.exactearth.com/
- http://www.searoutes.com/routing?speed=13&panama=true&suez=true&kiel=true
- http://www.trusteddocks.com/
- http://www2.searoutes.com/wp-includes/swagger-ui/#/
- Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Map
- Oil and Gas Energy Programs Maps and GIS Data
- Renewable Energy Program Maps and GIS Data
- Statistics and Facts
- Research and Studies\
- http://ocean-innovations.net/products/
- http://ocean-innovations.net/companies/global-ocean-design/products/10-polystyrene-spheres/instrumentation-sphere-g-141/
- http://ocean-innovations.net/companies/linkquest/tracklink-models/tracklink-1500-series/
- http://www.teledynemarine.com/920-series-atm-926?ProductLineID=8
- http://www.dupont.com/products-and-services/plastics-polymers-resins/thermoplastics/brands/delrin-acetal-resin.html
- http://plasticworld.ca/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=41
- http://www.novabraid.com/rope/spectec-12/
- https://www.metocean.com/shop/telematics/satellite-phones/
- https://www.metocean.com/product/shout-ts/
- https://www.iridium.com/products/iridium-go/
- https://www.iridium.com/products/iridium-go/
- http://www.archipelago.ca/fisheries-monitoring/electronic-monitoring/
- https://www.immervisionenables.com/
- https://public.tableau.com/profile/cuong.nguyen1823#!/vizhome/Hack_for_the_Sea/
- https://public.tableau.com/profile/bill.ostaski#!/vizhome/ClimateChangeSourcesandEffects/ClimateChangeSourcesandEffects
- https://github.com/Feneric/LobstaListen
- https://github.com/morganrstewart/hackforthesea16
- FishAnnotator is an application that facilitates annotation of videos and images of fish. Eventually it will be expanded to automatically create annotations using computer vision algorithms.