affine Public
This is a script for calculating the affine coefficients (taking acount of distortion inaccuracy).adjusting two cameras
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 24, 2018 -
airplanes Public
Morphological analysis methods tested on the problem of searching airplanes on the Earth surface.
HTML UpdatedDec 18, 2016 -
algo_stanford Public
Implementation of algorithms that encounter in the Stanford's Algorithms Design and Analysis course.
Python UpdatedOct 10, 2015 -
ant-customization Public
Forked from ikopenkov/ant-customizationПример локальной кастомизации компонентов Ant Design с сохранением tree-shaking
TypeScript UpdatedJan 12, 2021 -
awsm.css Public
Forked from schollz/awsm.cssSimple CSS library for semantic HTML markup
HTML Other UpdatedJan 16, 2017 -
b_tree_vs_bin_tree Public
Analysis of B-tree vs Binary Tree by Delete operation in the problem of a frequency dictionary.
Python UpdatedDec 12, 2015 -
clouds-automated Public
Программа для автоматизированной обработки пары фотографий облачного неба (стереопары) с целью определения высоты нижнего слоя облаков.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 24, 2018 -
conjugate_gradients Public
Implementation of Conjugate gradient method for the numerical solution of particular systems of linear equations, whose matrix is symmetric and positive-definite.
Fortran UpdatedOct 20, 2016 -
contacts-react Public
Practice #3 (React) on JS internship in Digital Economy League
JavaScript UpdatedNov 14, 2017 -
contacts-redux Public
Practice #4 (React + Redux) on JS internship in Digital Economy League
contacts-vanilla Public
Practice #2 on JS internship in Digital Economy League
JavaScript UpdatedNov 3, 2017 -
digits Public
Morphological analysis methods tested on noisy digit image recognition.
Scilab UpdatedOct 13, 2016 -
es6-articles Public
Forked from wesbos/es6-articlesArticles Derived from my Videos
UpdatedFeb 14, 2017 -
fishy-fishy Public
Deploying React App on Github Pages:
HTML UpdatedOct 23, 2017 -
forward_list_vs_bin_tree Public
Analysis of alphabetically sorted forward_list and bin_tree (without balancing) in the problem of "Word List by Frequency".
Python UpdatedOct 24, 2015 -
hash_table Public
Analysis of hash table for floats with linear and quadratic probing.
Python UpdatedNov 25, 2015 -
hist_divider Public
This is a script for dividing the histogram of Grayscale image into N intervals (shades of gray).
Python UpdatedDec 24, 2015 -
IFA-cloud-nnregressor Public
Нейросеть-регрессор для данных LUT (Look Up Table, таблица насчитанных результатов) из ИФА.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 5, 2019 -
img2spline Public
Interpolation of raster image (JPG, PNG, etc) to 2D Spline (Polynom).