===== Getting started ===
To install dependencies: npm install
Install "supervisor" npm install -g supervisor
-node install
npm install guandai/smt
-or by bower
bower install guandai/smt
- revert vertical and horizental in a json
- fill 0 in front of digits by assigned digits number
*create folder by a given path and set 0777 access @param{obj} cjb , current
- job object
- enumerate each object in a object to match valname
*replace by peer in allsettings
*util.ispect a object
*replace html entities to text
*console.log wrapper
*show process memoryuse
*show each content in object seperately
*trace conten with logger
*wrapper of console.log()
*find an object size / length
- @param{objet} obj , current job
- @return{int} count , a size number in byte
*compare if a array in anoterh array, if A in B
- @param{array} arra , A array
- @param{array} arrb , B array
- @return{boolean} result , in or not in
*create array which only A have plus which only B have
- @param{array} arra , A array
- @param{array} arrb , B array
- @return{array} arrd , A B different parts
*create array which only A over B
- @param{array} arra , A array
- @param{array} arrb , B array
- @return{array} arrd , A B same parts
*create array which A more than B
- @param{array} arra , A array
- @param{array} arrb , B array
- @return{array} arrm , A more than B
*clone an object another version
- @param{object} obj , current job
*clone an object
- @param{object} obj , current job
- convert obj to arr.
- @param{obj} org obj ,
- @return{array} ,
- convert obj to regular exp. expect obj is list of string
- @param{obj} org obj ,
- @return{regexp} ,
- change seconts to higher time unit.
- @param{number} seconds , original text to be cutyed
- @return{String} , a combination text of hour minutes and seconds
*trace 1st level content in an object
- @param{objet} obj , current job
*do something useful for buffers when loading a uri
- @param{string} str , a input str need to be translate
- @param{object} dictobj , a object include map as a dict
- @return{string} str , return the translated str
*join several obj and convert to array
- @param{array} orgarr , multipal array can be used as params, which need to be join togething
- @return{array} newarr , join several obj and convert to array
*convert a function to a object, which can use call backs with parameter
- @param{function} infunc , a function need to be convert
- @attribute{function} callback , a single function or multiple functino in an array.
- @return{object} this , a object that support .callback
*common use for put err in option for cb refer
- @param{option} object for current running process o refer
- @param{err} err we focusing on
- @return{option}
*run in serials
*run a serial of callbackk in an array , each cb has .run method.
- this need to be runing with func2Obj to impliment a sync process
- @param{funcArr} Array with str , a number or string of function name
- @return{null}
*add params for a callback
- @param{function} infunc , original callback function
- @attribute{int} length , the expected length
- @return{string} str , return result string
*copy appendObj data to orgObj, if the same ,
- appendObjs content will overwrite orgobj content
- @param{object} orgObj , original object
- @attribute{object} appendObj , the addon object
- @return{object} orgObj , return result object
*convert a string to expect length
- @param{mix} str , a number or string need to be adept
- @attribute{int} length , the expected length
- @return{string} str , return result string
*get the max number in an array
- @param{Array} numArray , a number or string need to be adept
- @return{Int} return , return max of result number
- return a yy+""+mm+""+dd+""+hh+""+mi+"_"+ss string
- fill 0 in front of digits by assigned digits number
- fill 0 in front of digits by assigned digits number
- show size in mb gb
- get parent path, return string
- get parent path, return string
*insert char in a string
*replaceAll for string
####get class name of a object *Object.prototype.getName
*print task finished]
####trobjmem *show a object memory use *@param{object} object , show mem use of this param