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##File Generator by node command line multipal function in this package, Aim to create files based on templates, adn backup

for functional well , please change settings/s3credentials.json Each utility has a folder to collect settings , resource and genereated file. you also need to set your s3 bucket in each allsettings.json file for each utility folder. in allsettings.json , there are also "NOTICE!" in each json section to help you understand the setting.

function list: ####Replace Template : m_repltemp.js replace template content by command arguments or json settings replace content in {{}} based on list in allsettings.json file where says replace_peer generate a local file and upload to s3

####duplicate s3 file : m_renames3.js copy content of a file from s3, and upload it to another key / name use matchlist to duplicate files in the same folder on s3

jasamine test is also usable by running

npm test

run the filegen by use command line

cd lib
node filegen.js [UTILITY_NAME] -taskname-[TASK_NAME] ...

the parameter can be any customized name in english letter, not support special chars out side a-z A-Z 0-9 , the content should also be a string witout space, otherwise please escape it.


node filegen.js m_repltemp -taskname-html_test -fullname-myfilename  -id-XXXXX -width-120 -height-600 -mainindex-index.html 

Notice! if a parameter is url, it need to use encodeURICompanent escaped.


generate files from template , interact with aws s3







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