This is a vim keymap file contains mathematic symbols. with some effort to reduce typing conflict and increase typing speed.
Also contains a keyhelper for help inputting.
Superscript and Subscript :
`0 ⁰ `+ ⁺ ... ( 0-9 + - ( ) / ^ . , > < ) `a ᵃ `A ᴬ ... ( a-z except q , Some of A-Z) _0 ₀ _+ ₊ ... ( 0-9 + - ( ) / ^ ) _a ₐ _e ₑ ... (a e h i k l m n o p r s t u v x)
Short CMD :
Greek Alphabet: \GA => Α , \GD => Δ \Ga => α , \Gg => γ Fractions : \1/2 => ½ , \1/3 => ⅓ \2/3 => ⅔ , \3/5 => ⅗ Arrows : \<-- => ← , \--v => ↓ , \==> => ⇒ \<--- => ⟵ , \--^ => ↑ , \===> => ⟹ Grouping : \(U => ⎛ , \]U => ⎤ \(M => ⎜ , \]M => ⎥ \(B => ⎝ , \]B => ⎦ \(V => ︵ , \]V => ︺ Operator : \U. => ⨃ , \UU => ∪ , \UN => ∩ \I1 => ∫ , \I3 => ∭ , \I= => ⨎ \IO1 => ∮ , \IO3 => ∰ , \IOW => ∳ \PDF => ∂ , \THF => ∴ , \BCS => ∵ \MUL => × , \DIV => ÷ \SQRT2 => √ , \SQRT3 => ∛ , \SQRT4 => ∜ Relations : \<= => ≤ , \>= => ≥ , \!= => ≠ \<~ => ⪝ , \>~ => ⪞ , \!> => ≯ \o+ => ⊕ , \o- => ⊖ , \ox => ⊗ \O+ => ⨀ , \O+ => ⨁ , \OX => ⨂ Sets : \SUBO => ⊂ , \SUBE => ⊆ , \SUBN => ⊄ \SUPO => ⊃ , \SUPE => ⊇ , \SUPX => ⊉ \AND => ∧ , \OR => ∨ , \NOT => ¬ \XOR => ⊕ \EXTS => ∃ , \EXTN => ∄ , \FALL => ∀ \BOT => ⊥ , \TOP => ⊤ , \LFT => ⊣ \RGT => ⊢ Misc : \INF => ∞ , \PRT => ∝ \ARC => ⌒ , \ANG => ∠ \DEGC => ℃ , \DEGF => ℉ \OHM => Ω , \MHO => ℧ , \ANGS => Å \a/c => ℀ , \a/s => ℁ , \No => № \TM => ™ , \CO => © , \RO => ® \AE => Æ , \ae => æ , \fi => fi Fonts : \BBA => 𝔸 , \BBH => ℍ , \BB0 => 𝟘 \FKH => ℋ , \FKI => ℑ , \FKL => ℒ
Latex CMD:
Based on Vim-Latex suite. Only contains latex command which have corresponding unicode chars. Fixed some incorrect mapping of Vim-Latex suite: (\bigodot \bigoplus \bigotimes \long...arrow \iint ...) e.g: \neq => ≠ , \Leftarrow => ⇐ \simeq => ≃ , \Re => ℜ \mathbbA => 𝔸 , \mathfrakA => 𝔄 ... You can use Vim-Latex suite to check these command. or this pdf of math symbols. http://amath.colorado.edu/documentation/LaTeX/Symbols.pdf
Key Helper(
):KeyHelper makes viewing and inputting these symbols easier. :KeyHelper to open the window. It will dynamicly showing matching keymap with your input. And press '<Enter>' in the KeyHelper window to append character to file. And you can input more unicode symbols: 0x2500-0x2800, 0x1D100 - 0x1D1DD
Extract to your ~/.vim folder.
You can make a mapping to use it easyier:
" use it map <leader>km :set keymap=mathematic<CR> " stop use it map <leader>kn :set keymap=<CR> " view it's details, modify it at your convenience. map <leader>kvm :sp ~/.vim/keymap/mathematic.vim<CR> " show inputting cmd: " set showcmd " when a longer time for inputting is needed: " set timeoutlen=3000 " or disable inputting timeout: " set notimeout
':h keymap' for further details.
Using KeyHelper: (
:KeyHelper (<leader>\)
)" if your mathematic.vim is not in '~/.vim/bundle/' or '~/.vim/keymap' " then you should set g:mathematic_user_dir " let g:mathematic_user_dir = "~/.vim/myplug/keymap/mathematic.vim" " map KeyHelper with another mapping " nmap <leader>kk :KeyHelper<CR> " if you want fuzzy matching " let g:mathematic_fuzzymatch = 1
Post issues and suggestions at https://github.com/Rykka/mathematic.vim.
To request adding keymap CMDS , please post CMD and Character.
- add more symbols
- add more descrptions.