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❌ Windows (#39)
Turn your graph data into a secure and interactive visual graph app in 15 minutes!
This open source effort puts together patterns the Graphistry team has reused across many graph projects as teams go from code-heavy Jupyter notebook experiments to deploying streamlined analyst tools. Whether building your first graph app, trying an idea, or wanting to check a reference, this project aims to simplify that process. It covers pieces like: Easy code editing and deployment, a project stucture ready for teams, built-in authentication, no need for custom JS/CSS at the start, batteries-included data + library dependencies, and fast loading & visualization of large graphs.
Minimal core: The barebones dashboard server. In provides a StreamLit docker-compose container with PyData ecosystem libraries and examples of visualizing data from various systems. Install it, plug in credentials to various web services like cloud databases and a free Graphistry Hub visualization account, and launch. It does not have GPU ETL and GPU AI libraries.
Full core: Initially for AWS, the full core bundles adds to the docker-compose system: Accounts, Jupyter notebooks for authoring, serves StreamLit dashboards with both public + private zones, and runs Graphistry/RAPIDS locally on the same server. Launch with on click via the Cloud Formation template.
Full core + DB: DB-specific variants are the same as minimal/full, and add simpler DB-specific quick launching/connecting.
Note: Base image includes Nvidia RAPIDS and AI dependencies so is quite large, see CPU alternative for a lightweight alternativve
Note: Use sudo
for docker-compose commands if your configuration requires it and is giving permission error
# Minimal core
git clone https://github.com/graphistry/graph-app-kit.git
cd graph-app-kit/src/docker
# Enable docker buildkit
# ... or run docker-compose via provided alias script `./dc`
# Build
docker-compose build
# Optional: Edit src/docker/.env (API accounts), docker-compose.yml: Auth, ports, ...
# Launch
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f -t --tail=100
=> http://localhost:8501/
To add views and relaunch:
# Add dashboards @ src/python/views/<your_custom_view>/__init__.py
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
Same commands as above, but use ./dc.cpu
, which aliases docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f override/cpu.override.yml
git clone https://github.com/graphistry/graph-app-kit.git
cd graph-app-kit/src/docker
./dc.cpu build
./dc.cpu up
- Quick launch options:
- Public + protected Streamlit dashboards, Jupyter notebooks + editing, Graphistry, RAPIDS
- Login to web UI as
-> file uploader, notebooks, ... - Dashboards:
- More info
# launch logs
tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log -n 1000
# app logs
sudo docker ps
sudo docker logs -f -t --tail=1 MY_CONTAINER
# restart a graphistry container
cd graphistry && sudo docker-compose restart MY_CONTAINER
# restart caddy (Caddy 1 override)
cd graphistry && sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.gak.graphistry.yml up -d caddy
# run streamlit
cd graph-app-kit/public/graph-app-kit && docker-compose -p pub run -d --name streamlit-pub streamlit
cd graph-app-kit/private/graph-app-kit && docker-compose -p priv run -d --name streamlit-priv streamlit
Minimal: Open Streamlit, ssh to connect/add free Graphistry Hub username/pass:
Database-specific: Amazon Neptune, TigerGraph
Main configurations and extensions: Database connectors, authentication, notebook-based editing, and more
Install dependencies, pick location of views folder, and run:
cd src/python
pip3 install -r requirements-system.txt
pip3 install -r requirements-app.txt
VIEW_PATH="`pwd`/views" streamlit run entrypoint.py
Prebuilt Python project structure ready for prototyping
Streamlit quick self-serve dashboarding
Graphistry point-and-click GPU-accelerated visual graph analytics
Data frames: Data wrangling via Pandasand Apache Arrow, including handling formats such as CSV, XLS, JSON, Parquet, and more
Standard Docker and docker-compose cross-platform deployment
For non-minimal installs, if GPUs are present, graph-app-kit
leverages GPU cloud acceleration:
GPU Analytics: RAPIDS and CUDA already setup for use if run with an Nvidia docker runtime - cudf GPU dataframes, BlazingSQL GPU SQL, cuGraph GPU graph algorithms, cuML libraries, and more
GPU Visualization: Connect to an external Graphistry server or, faster, run on the same GPU server
works well with the Python data ecosystem (pandas, cudf, PySpark, SQL, ...) and we're growing the set of builtins and recipes:
Graph databases
Collaborations welcome!
Jupyter notebooks: Use quick launchers or integrations guide for web-based live editing of dashboards by sharing volume mounts between Jupyter and Streamlit
Caddy: Reverse proxy for custom URLs, automatic LetsEncrypt TLS certificates, multiple sites on the same domain, pluggable authentication (see integrations guide)
Also you can install your custom Python Packages.
We welcome all sorts of help!
- Deployment: Docker, cloud runners, ...
- Dependencies: Common graph packages
- Connectors: Examples for common databases and how to get a lot of data out
- Demos!
See DEVELOP.md for more contributor information