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gorhill committed Mar 6, 2025
1 parent 90a9907 commit 03fb6ee
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Showing 6 changed files with 41 additions and 47 deletions.
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions platform/mv3/description/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,26 +9,20 @@

يمكنك تفعيل المزيد من مجموعات القواعد من خلال زيارة صفحة الخيارات - انقر على أيقونة _الترس_ في لوحة الإشعارات.

uBOL صريح تمامًا، مما يعني أنه لا تحتاج إلى uBOL بشكل دائم لحدوث تصفية المحتوى، يتم إجراء تصفية المحتوى من خلال إضافة CSS/JS بشكل موثوق به بواسطة المتصفح نفسه بدلًا من الإضافة.
هذا يعني أن uBOL نفسه لا يستهلك موارد وحدة المعالجة المركزية/الذاكرة أثناء استمراره في حظر المحتوى. عملية عامل الخدمة في uBOL مطلوبة _فقط_ عند التفاعل مع اللوحة المنبثقة أو صفحة الخيارات.
uBOL صريح تمامًا، مما يعني أنه لا تحتاج إلى uBOL بشكل دائم لحدوث تصفية المحتوى، يتم إجراء تصفية المحتوى من خلال إضافة CSS/JS بشكل موثوق به بواسطة المتصفح نفسه بدلًا من الإضافة. هذا يعني أن uBOL نفسه لا يستهلك موارد وحدة المعالجة المركزية/الذاكرة أثناء استمراره في حظر المحتوى.

لا يتطلب uBOL صلاحية واسعة «لقراءة البيانات وتعديلها» في وقت التثبيت، وبالتالي فإن قدراته محدودة مقارنة بـ uBlock Origin أو إضافات حظر الإعلانات الأخرى التي تتطلب صلاحية واسعة «قراءة البيانات وتعديلها» في وقت التثبيت.

ومع ذلك، يسمح لك uBOL "بوضوح" بمنح صلاحيات موسعة على مواقع محددة من اختيارك حتى يتمكن من التصفية بشكل أفضل على تلك المواقع باستخدام التصفية التجميلية وإضافة النص.

لمنح صلاحيات موسعة على موقع معين، افتح اللوحة المنبثقة واختر وضع التصفية إما الأمثل أو الكامل.

سيحذرك المتصفح من مخاطر منح صلاحيات إضافية التي يطلبها الامتداد على الموقع الحالي، وسيتعين عليك إختيار بما إذا كنت تقبل الطلب أو ترفضه.

إذا قبلت طلب uBOL بالحصول على صلاحيات إضافية على الموقع الحالي، فستتمكن من تصفية المحتوى بشكل أفضل للموقع الحالي.

بإمكانك اختيار وضع التصفية الافتراضية من خلال صفحة خيارات uBOL. إذا اخترت الوضع الأمثل أو الكامل باعتباره الوضع الافتراضي، فستحتاج إلى منح uBOL الإذن لقراءة البيانات وتعديلها على جميع مواقع الويب.

ضع في اعتبارك أن هذا لا يزال عملًا قيد التنفيذ، هذه هي الأهداف النهائية:

لا يمكنك تحديد الأذونات المستخدمة لاحقًا في التثبيت، تحديدك للأذونات سيكون خلال زيارتك لكل موقع.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion platform/mv3/description/webstore.nb.txt
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Standardregelsettet tilsvarer standardfiltersettet til uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowe’s Ad and tracking server list

You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
Du kan legge til flere regelsett ved å gå til innstillingssiden -- klikk _Tannhjul_-ikonet i oppsprettspanelet.

uBOL er fullstendig deklarativ, noe som betyr at det ikke er behov for en permanent uBOL-prosess for at filtreringen skal skje, og CSS/JS-injeksjonsbasert innholdsfiltrering utføres pålitelig av nettleseren selv i stedet for av utvidelsen. Dette betyr at uBOL selv ikke bruker CPU/minneressurser mens innholdsblokkering pågår -- uBOL's service worker-prosess kreves _bare_ når du samhandler med oppsprettspanelet eller innstillingssidene.

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60 changes: 30 additions & 30 deletions platform/mv3/extension/_locales/nb/messages.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"description": "Label in the popup panel for the current filtering mode"
"popupTipReport": {
"message": "Report an issue on this website",
"message": "Rapporter et problem på dette nettstedet",
"description": "Tooltip used for the 'chat' icon in the panel"
"popupTipDashboard": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,67 +104,67 @@
"description": "Shown in the About pane"
"supportS6H": {
"message": "Report a filter issue",
"message": "Rapporter om filterproblem",
"description": "Header of 'Report a filter issue' section in Support pane"
"supportS3P1": {
"message": "Report filter issues with specific websites to the <span data-url=\"\"><code>uBlockOrigin/uAssets</code> issue tracker</span>. <u>Requires a GitHub account.</u>",
"message": "Rapporter filterproblemer med bestemte nettsteder til <span data-url=\"\"><code>uBlockOrigin/uAssets</code> problemsporing</span>. <u>Krever en GitHub-konto.</u>",
"description": "First paragraph of 'Filter issues' section in Support pane"
"supportS6P1S1": {
"message": "To avoid burdening volunteers with duplicate reports, please verify that the issue has not already been reported. <b>Note:</b> clicking the button will cause the page's origin to be sent to GitHub.",
"message": "For å unngå å belaste de frivillige med dobbeltrapporter, må du kontrollere at problemet ikke allerede har blitt rapportert. <b>Noter:</b> ved å klikke på knappen vil sidens opprinnelse bli sendt til GitHub..",
"description": "A paragraph in the filter issue reporter section"
"supportFindSpecificButton": {
"message": "Find similar reports on GitHub",
"message": "Finn lignende rapporter på GitHub",
"description": "A clickable link in the filter issue reporter section"
"supportS6URL": {
"message": "Address of the webpage:",
"message": "Nettsidens adresse:",
"description": "Label for the URL of the page"
"supportS6Select1": {
"message": "The webpage…",
"message": "Nettsiden...",
"description": "Label for widget to select type of issue"
"supportS6Select1Option0": {
"message": "-- Pick an entry --",
"message": "-- Velg en oppføring --",
"description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue"
"supportS6Select1Option1": {
"message": "Shows ads or ad leftovers",
"message": "Viser reklame eller reklamerester",
"description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue"
"supportS6Select1Option2": {
"message": "Has overlays or other nuisances",
"message": "Har overlegg eller andre ulemper",
"description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue"
"supportS6Select1Option3": {
"message": "Detects uBO Lite",
"message": "Oppdager uBO Lite",
"description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue"
"supportS6Select1Option4": {
"message": "Has privacy-related issues",
"message": "Har personvernrelaterte problemer",
"description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue"
"supportS6Select1Option5": {
"message": "Malfunctions when uBO Lite is enabled",
"message": "Feilfunksjoner når uBO Lite er aktivert",
"description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue"
"supportS6Select1Option6": {
"message": "Opens unwanted tabs or windows",
"message": "Åpner uønskede faner eller vinduer",
"description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue"
"supportS6Select1Option7": {
"message": "Leads to badware, phishing",
"message": "Fører til skadelig programvare og/eller phishing",
"description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue"
"supportS6Checkbox1": {
"message": "Label the webpage as “NSFW (<a href=\"\">“Not Safe For Work”</a>)",
"message": "Merk nettsiden som «NSFW» (<a href=\"\">“Not Safe For Work”</a>)",
"description": "A checkbox to use for NSFW sites"
"supportReportSpecificButton": {
"message": "Create new report on GitHub",
"message": "Opprett ny rapport på GitHub",
"description": "Text for button which open an external webpage in Support pane"
"firstRunSectionLabel": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\\ngames.example\n...",
"message": "[kun vertsnavn]\\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
Expand All @@ -232,51 +232,51 @@
"description": "Label for a checkbox in the options page"
"enableStrictBlockLabel": {
"message": "Enable strict blocking",
"message": "Aktiver streng blokkering",
"description": "Label for a checkbox in the options page"
"enableStrictBlockLegend": {
"message": "Navigation to potentially undesirable sites will be blocked, and you will be offered the option to proceed.",
"message": "Navigering til potensielt uønskede nettsteder blir blokkert, og du får tilbud om å fortsette.",
"description": "Label for a checkbox in the options page"
"findListsPlaceholder": {
"message": "Find lists",
"message": "Finn lister",
"description": "Placeholder for the input field used to find lists"
"strictblockTitle": {
"message": "Page blocked",
"message": "Side blokkert",
"description": "Webpage title for the strict-blocked page"
"strictblockSentence1": {
"message": "uBO Lite has prevented the following page from loading:",
"message": "uBO Lite har forhindret innlasting av følgende side:",
"description": "Sentence used in the strict-blocked page"
"strictblockReasonSentence1": {
"message": "The page was blocked because of a matching filter in {{listname}}.",
"message": "Siden ble blokkert på grunn av et matchende filter i {{listname}}.",
"description": "Text informing about what is causing the page to be blocked"
"strictblockRedirectSentence1": {
"message": "The blocked page wants to redirect to another site. If you choose to proceed, you will navigate directly to: {{url}}",
"message": "Den blokkerte siden ønsker å omdirigere til et annet nettsted. Hvis du velger å fortsette, vil du navigere direkte til: {{url}}",
"description": "Text warning about an incoming redirect"
"strictblockNoParamsPrompt": {
"message": "without parameters",
"message": "uten parametere",
"description": "Label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"strictblockBack": {
"message": "Go back",
"message": "Gå tilbake",
"description": "A button to go back to the previous webpage"
"strictblockClose": {
"message": "Close this window",
"message": "Lukk dette vinduet",
"description": "A button to close the current tab"
"strictblockDontWarn": {
"message": "Don't warn me again about this site",
"message": "Ikke varsle igjen om dette nettstedet",
"description": "Label for checkbox in document-blocked page"
"strictblockProceed": {
"message": "Proceed",
"message": "Fortsett",
"description": "A button to navigate to the blocked page"
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions platform/mv3/extension/_locales/sq/messages.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,11 +112,11 @@
"description": "First paragraph of 'Filter issues' section in Support pane"
"supportS6P1S1": {
"message": "Verifikoni a është raportuar më parë problemi që të mos i lodhni vullnetarët e tjerë me të njëjtat gjëra.",
"message": "Verifikoni a është raportuar edhe më parë që të mos i lodhni vullnetarët e tjerë me të njëjtat probleme. <b>Shënim:</b> kur klikoni butonin, origjina e faqes do të dërgohet në GitHub.",
"description": "A paragraph in the filter issue reporter section"
"supportFindSpecificButton": {
"message": "Gjej raporte të ngjashme",
"message": "Gjej raporte të ngjashme në GitHub",
"description": "A clickable link in the filter issue reporter section"
"supportS6URL": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
"description": "A checkbox to use for NSFW sites"
"supportReportSpecificButton": {
"message": "Krijoj raport të ri",
"message": "Krijoj raport të ri në GitHub",
"description": "Text for button which open an external webpage in Support pane"
"firstRunSectionLabel": {
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/_locales/nb/messages.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
"description": "Filter lists section name"
"3pGroupSocial": {
"message": "Sosiale mediers moduler",
"message": "Sosiale moduler",
"description": "Filter lists section name"
"3pGroupCookies": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@
"description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue"
"supportS6Select1Option7": {
"message": "Leads to badware, phishing",
"message": "Fører til skadelig programvare og/eller phishing",
"description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue"
"supportS6Checkbox1": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@
"description": "Button text to navigate to the blocked page"
"docblockedRedirectPrompt": {
"message": "The blocked page wants to redirect to another site. If you choose to proceed, you will navigate directly to: {{url}}",
"message": "Den blokkerte siden ønsker å omdirigere til et annet nettsted. Hvis du velger å fortsette, vil du navigere direkte til: {{url}}",
"description": "Text warning about an incoming redirect"
"cloudPush": {
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/_locales/sq/messages.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -900,11 +900,11 @@
"description": "Text for button which open an external webpage in Support pane"
"supportReportSpecificButton": {
"message": "Krijoj raport të ri",
"message": "Krijoj raport të ri në GitHub",
"description": "Text for button which open an external webpage in Support pane"
"supportFindSpecificButton": {
"message": "Gjej raporte të ngjashme",
"message": "Gjej raporte të ngjashme në GitHub",
"description": "A clickable link in the filter issue reporter section"
"supportS1H": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -964,7 +964,7 @@
"description": "Header of 'Report a filter issue' section in Support pane"
"supportS6P1S1": {
"message": "Verifikoni a është raportuar më parë problemi që të mos i lodhni vullnetarët e tjerë me të njëjtat gjëra.",
"message": "Verifikoni a është raportuar edhe më parë që të mos i lodhni vullnetarët e tjerë me të njëjtat probleme. <b>Shënim:</b> kur klikoni butonin, origjina e faqes do të dërgohet në GitHub.",
"description": "A paragraph in the filter issue reporter section"
"supportS6P2S1": {
Expand Down

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