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Matthias Hausner edited this page Jun 10, 2022 · 38 revisions

Frequently asked questions.

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Unexpected Output

Using Closure Compiler


Design of Closure Compiler

Unexpected Output

My multi-line goog.require statements are getting ignored

The compiler needs to be able to quickly examine files to determine their dependencies, so it uses an early regex-based pass just to find the goog.require statements. The regex isn't smart enough to handle multi-line goog.require statements.

The compiler crashes with UnsupportedClassVersionError or Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 or NoSuchMethodError

Closure Compiler requires Java 11 or newer. This cryptic error message is Java's way of telling you to upgrade your version of Java.

I get a "Trailing comma is not legal" error. But it works on Firefox!

EcmaScript 3 (the JavaScript standard prior to Dec 2009) did not specify the behavior, so browser implementations varied. In Internet Explorer versions prior to IE 9, the object literal {key: value,} is an error.

Different browsers may parse array literals with trailing commas successfully, but differently.

=> 1 (on Firefox)
=> 2 (on IE)

This difference is highly likely to lead to bugs, so we forbid it outright if you specify --language_in=ECMASCRIPT3.

ECMAScript 5 standardized the behavior to allow trailing commas, and the latest releases of the major browsers support it. The Closure Compiler can accept and generate ECMAScript 5 or 6 code (with --language_in=ES5 or --language_in=ES5_STRICT, etc.), and 6 will be the Closure Compiler's default input language soon (late 2015 or early 2016). In the meantime you can pass --language_in=ES5_STRICT explicitly.

TODO(tbreisacher): After the next compiler release, update this answer as well as the two below it and probably others.

I get "invalid property id" errors. But it works on Firefox!

As an example, this code:


will cause a parse error like:

  JSC_INVALID_ES3_PROP_NAME: Keywords and reserved words are not allowed as unquoted property names in older versions of JavaScript. If you are targeting newer versions of JavaScript, set the appropriate language_in option. at line 1 character 2

EcmaScript 3 (the JavaScript standard prior to Dec 2009) did not allow keywords or reserved keywords to be used as unquoted property names. EcmaScript 5 changed this and now allows them and the latest releases of the major browser vendors support it. The Closure Compiler can accept and generate EcmaScript 5 code, however as significant number of older browsers are still in use, it is not the default.

If you are only concerned with WHITESPACE or SIMPLE optimization modes, you can fix this without changing the language mode by quoting the property:


In ADVANCED mode you need to be sure to quote the property references consistently, be sure to read the documentation.

I get "Unsupported syntax" errors. But it works on Firefox!

Firefox has done a lot of cool innovations since JavaScript 1.5 (aka EcmaScript 3). Some of those innovations are now standardized in the EcmasScript 6 standard (aka JavaScript), but some are not. The Closure Compiler does not support anything that is not compatible with the EcmaScript standard This includes:

Closure Compiler inlined all my strings, which made my code size bigger. Why did it do that?

Most people compare code size by looking at two uncompressed JavaScript files. But that's a misleading way to look at code size, because your JavaScript files should not be served uncompressed. It should be served with gzip compression.

Closure Compiler assumes that you are using gzip compression. If you do not, you should. Configuring your server to gzip your code is one of the most effective and easiest optimizations that you can possibly do. The gzip algorithm works by trying to alias sequences of bytes in an optimal way. Aliasing strings manually almost always makes the compressed code size bigger, because it subverts gzip's own algorithm for aliasing. So Closure Compiler will (almost) always inline your strings when it can, because that will make your compressed code smaller.

If you know your client doesn't support gzip, the Java API has an aliasAllStrings option on the CompilerOptions class. Turning this on will make the compiler alias all your strings in the global scope.

JSC_VAR_MULTIPLY_DECLARED_ERROR occur using the standalone compiler jar but not with the web service

The web service uses slightly different defaults than the standalone compiler. By default, the web service is more permissive. If the code you are using assumes that it's OK to redeclare global variables, then you will need to using the --third_party flag to let the compiler know you don't want these to be treated as errors.

My code broke when using advanced optimizations! How do I figure out what's wrong?

Use the --debug flag combined with the --formatting=PRETTY_PRINT flag.

When you're using the --debug flag, Closure Compiler will rename all your symbols, but it will give them longer names so that you can figure out what the original name was.

If you are using ADVANCED optimizations, you may also want to disable the type-based optimizations with --use_types_for_optimization false. Incorrect type optimizations can cause the compiler to make invalid assumptions.

Some of my properties are getting renamed, but some aren't. Why?

As of the 20150315 release, Closure Compiler will try to use type information to distinguish properties on one type from properties on another type. If you do not want the renaming to use type information, you may disable the type based optimizations using the --use_types_for_optimization false flag.

We also wrote a series of blog posts that describes how the renaming algorithm works in more technical detail.

It may be helpful to disable these optimizations to debug errors. Incorrect type information may cause the compiler to make invalid assumptions. This is especially easy to do with event handler arguments. As an example:

 * @param {Event} evt should really be a
 * does not inherit from Event and so the
 *   compiler may rename the stopPropagation method in a breaking fashion
function myEventHandler(evt) {
}'myanchor'), myEventHandler, false);

When using type-checking, sometimes Closure Compiler doesn't warn me about missing properties. Why not?

This blog post describes how to turn the missing properties check on, and what it can do for you.

It's important to keep in mind that Closure Compiler's type system is an optional type system. It doesn't require that you annotate every function with types. And it will only tell you that a type is wrong if it knows for sure that the type is wrong. It won't complain if it simply can't figure out the type (as the java compiler would).

This has some interesting corollaries. The one that gotchas people the most is when you write code like this


Not all elements have "contentWindow" defined on them. Only HTMLIframeElements do. Closure Compiler will not complain about this, because it only warns about missing properties if it knows that property 'cannot possibly' be defined. (The java compiler will do the reverse, and warn about missing properties if it knows that the property 'may not' be defined). This approach was chosen as many JS APIs (like the DOM) are designed so that the properties on an object are only truly knowable at run-time.

It is possible to get stricter property check on specific types by annotating by enabling the strictMissingProperties diagnostic group. Annotating individual classes with @struct enables these stricter checks on individual classes.

I got a "partial alias created for namespace" error. What do I do?

async function (x) {
  return goog.asserts.assertString(yield x);
Partial alias created for namepace `goog.asserts`
  return goog.asserts.assertString(yield x);

The short answer

If you got this on a line like const asserts = goog.asserts; with no yield or await, you probably need to remove the alias of goog.asserts, and instead always use the fully qualified name. If you got this error on a function argument, either refactor your code so that the function doesn't need a namespace, or annotate any constructors/enums on the namespace @nocollapse. If you got this error on a yield or await expression, you need to extract the yield or await into a separate variable.

To keep optimizations safe, the compiler will back off from collapsing anything aliased in such a way. Note that this has potential to cause significant code size regressions, since property collapse is a key enabler of many important optimizations. If this alias is intentional and code size is not expected to regress, the error may be suppressed with /** @suppress {partialAlias} */.

What's the deal with using the fully qualified name?

In ADVANCED optimizations, the compiler flattens qualified namespaces like goog.asserts.assertStringto a single name, goog$asserts$assertString. This introduces many different limitations on how your write your JavaScript, described in more detail here. One implication is that if you refer to a property by a name other than the one it was declared on (like asserts.assertString instead of goog.asserts.assertString), the compiler may flatten goog.asserts.assertString but leave behind the reference to asserts.assertString. Now that reference is just undefined.

The compiler generally tries to avoid breaking code, but there is a tradeoff between code size and optimization safety. In some cases, either your code is too dynamic or the compiler is not smart enough, and the compiler throws an error instead of risking breaking your code.

What is this happening with yield and await, then?

  1. The compiler implements async functions with generator functions, so an await is transpiled to a yield.

  2. In order to interrupt execution at the yield, the compiler must first decompose the expression containing it into multiple statements.

    The the goog.asserts.assertString(yield 'foobar'); statement from the example above becomes something like this.

    const tmpGoogAsserts = goog.asserts;
    const tmpAssertString = tmpGoogAsserts.assertString;
    const tmpYieldResult = yield x;, tmpYieldResult);

    This preserves expression evaluation order and avoids evaluating any expression more than once.

Unfortunately, under some circumstances, this generated code runs into the same issue with property flattening described above. If the compiler is unable to replace tmpGoogAsserts.assertString with goog.asserts.assertString, it cannot safely flatten your code.

The workaround is to rewrite the yield x into a separate variable.

Using Closure Compiler

What version of Java is required?

Java 11 or newer is required to run Closure Compiler.

What are the recommended Java VM command-line options?

While the compiler will correctly run with java -jar compiler.jar there are two ways to significantly improve the compilation time for most jobs. Try one of these command-lines:

  1. java -client -d32 -jar compiler.jar
  2. java -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -jar compiler.jar

How do I use Advanced Optimizations?

See the official tutorial.

I want to use Advanced Optimizations, but { jQuery, YUI, Underscore, Prototype, JS Library Foo } does not work with them. What do I do?

Externs are a good solution to this. If you come from a C or C++ background, you can think of an externs file as a header file. It declares the API for code outside the main compilation process.

You split the code into 3 pieces:

  • The library code
  • An externs file for the API of the library code
  • The application code

Then, you can compile the application code with Advanced Optimizations by passing the externs file with the --externs flag.

For common JS libraries, it's likely that someone has already written an externs file that you can use (see below).

Do I need to write type annotations to take advantage of Advanced Optimizations?

No, but it helps.

Many of the advanced optimizations don't really use type information at all. The big wins in advanced optimizations come from externs and exports. Closure Compiler will remove code that isn't used or exported.

If you do use types, then the compiler can optimize your code even more. See for more details.

When using Advanced Optimizations, Closure Compiler adds new variables to the global scope. How do I make sure my variables don't collide with other scripts on the page?

Closure Compiler's advanced optimizations mode assumes that it's ok to add new variables to the global scope.

In JavaScript, it's often standard practice to wrap your code in an anonymous function, so that variables don't pollute the global scope. Closure Compiler has an --isolation_mode flag for exactly this purpose. Invoking it as --isolation_mode IIFE" will wrap your code in an anonymous function at compile-time: (function(){%output%}).call(this);.

You can also use a custom output wrapper with the --output_wrapper flag, although in most cases --isolation_mode IIFE is sufficient. Interpolate output into this string at the place denoted by the marker token %output%. Use marker token %output|jsstring% to do js string escaping on the output.

Do not manually wrap your code in an immediately executed function, because the optimization passes may inline the call.

How do I call Closure Compiler from the Java API?

There's no official tutorial for the Java API. There's a short code snippet on this blog that, in our opinion, gives a nice 1-minute demo on how to do this.

If you're looking at Closure Compiler's source code, and do the heavy-lifting of translating command-line flags into Java API calls, so you could find some inspiration there. For a comprehensive reference on the Java API, we check our JavaDoc into Git, for easy browsing. It will always reflect the version at trunk.

Notice that Closure Compiler uses threads. Many Java implementations (like Google App Engine, for example) do not support threads, so you may need to call the disableThreads method.

How do I write an externs file?

Externs files define APIs outside (or "external") to your code. the externs file should define all external variables, types, and properties that you intend to interact with. For example, Closure Compiler doesn't know about the browser APIs for interacting with the window and the DOM. Instead, we ship Closure Compiler with a default set of externs files that defines the browser APIs. This default set is probably the best example of how to write an externs file. As you can see, it defines global variables like window, types like Range, and properties like Window.prototype.alert.

If you need an externs file for a common API (like the Google Maps API), first try asking on closure-compiler-discuss whether someone has already written one. Many people have contributed externs for common JS libraries in our contrib directory.

It is also possible to automatically generate externs for a common library by running that library in a JS interpreter, and then traversing its objects with a little bit of JS code. Some people have even wrote web services to do this for you.

Notice that automatically-generated externs files lack type annotations. They will also miss out on parameters and return values of the external API. They also sometimes use strings to refer to property names, which can run aground of one of the global renaming features of the compiler.

You can find more information about externs files in the official documentation.

How do I add closure-compiler functionality to my project?

The easiest way to include closure-compiler in your project is to use the artifacts deployed to Maven. You can also take the closure-compiler jar file and include it in your project. It contains all of the code and dependencies. If you do include the actual jar file be aware that the you may have version mismatches with the bundled libraries (args4j, protobuf, guava, etc.).

What version of Closure Compiler should I use?

Closure Compiler does regular releases of a built JAR file. You can find them on the Binary Downloads page.

We publish these JARs to the Maven repository.

It is also safe to checkout Git head and use that. See the README for instructions on how to build it. Closure Compiler team believes in continuous integration: the code in Git should always work. Several of our users re-build Closure Compiler from head multiple times a day, and run all their JS tests against it. This means we can usually find regressions within a few hours of when they're checked in. Regressions are almost always rolled back immediately.

Source Maps and sourceMappingURL

Closure Compiler provides the --create_source_map flag to generate a JavaScript source map. However, the compiler does not automatically add the sourceMappingUrl comment to the output file.

Adding the sourceMappingUrl comment can be done with the --output_wrapper flag:

--output_wrapper "%output%

You must use a literal newline inside the string. The compiler does not interpret escape sequences such as \n.


How do I submit a patch?

Check out our guide for contributors.

How do I submit a bug report?

Go to the Issue Tracker and search to see if your problem has already been filed. If it has not, please file a new one. We try to respond to new bugs within a day. Feature requests may take longer to get a response.

How do I submit a feature request for a new type of optimization?

If you want us to add new optimizations that will make your code smaller or faster, you can also file that as a feature request in the issue tracker. Please label it with "enhancement". We are more than happy to add more optimizations because they do help lots of people.

However, keep in mind that there are infinitely many optimizations we could perform. Each extra optimization adds a maintenance cost and makes the compiler run more slowly. This is not an exaggeration: the number really is infinite. Wikipedia calls this the "Full Employment Theorem for Compiler Writers", and it basically says that even if we had infinite engineers, you would always be able to give them more work.

If you want an optimization idea implemented, please provide details on why that optimization is important so that we can prioritize it (e.g., "This optimization would reduce JS file X by Y%"). Sometimes we will close an optimization request as invalid, because we believe that the benefit would be too small to make it worthwhile, or because it optimizes a code pattern that shows up very rarely in real code.

A few years ago, Kevin Bourrillion wrote a thoughtful explanation of the Guava project's policy for accepting feature requests and patches. Closure Compiler has a more liberal patch-acceptance policy than Guava, but many of the ideas in that post are relevant.

Design of Closure Compiler

How do I find out more about how Closure Compiler works?

See our Design Documents.

Is there a specification for the JSDoc type language?

The Closure Compiler type language was originally based on the EcmaScript 4 draft spec, which contains a rigorous grammar for the type language, and a description of the intended semantics. It has since evolved somewhat so there are several places where it does not match ES4.

We also have a more informal tutorial on how to write type annotations.

If you look at Closure Library, you may see some type annotations that do not fit the grammar exactly as specified, but get parsed correctly anyway. This is usually intentional. The EcmaScript 4 draft was in flux as we were implementing it, and so there are some legacy type syntaxes that we still support. (This mostly involves the order of certain operators, and the operator used for union types).

Can you add alternative syntax X to your JSDoc type language?

If X adds a way to do something that wasn't possible before, then you should propose your idea on closure-compiler-discuss.

If X is already possible some other way, then 99% of the time, the answer is no.

There are many tools that need to parse our JSDoc type language. When you add a new syntax, that means all those tools need to be updated. The documentation needs to be updated, and every JavaScript developer needs to be taught that the syntaxes are equivalent. It becomes harder to write new tools, because the language is now more complicated.

If this new syntax doesn't add any real value, then we really can't justify that cost.

My question isn't covered on this list!

Try asking on closure-compiler-discuss.

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