This is a sample .NET project to be used to test the Power Platform. This API allows you to enter a link to your podcast and then it generates a promotional social media image and blub using the Azure OpenAI Service.
- Starting from the podcast URL, you get the transcription with the Whisper model
- Given that transcript, you use GPT to extract the name of the guest
- With the guest name, you retrieve their bio with Bing Search
- With the transcription and the guest bio, you generate a social media blurb with GPT
- With the social media blurb, you generate a relevant DALL-E prompt with GPT
- Finally, you use DALL-E to generate an image for the social media post with the prompt
If you want to see the full workshop; you can find it here: Podcast Copilot with Azure OpenAI Service, .NET, and Power Platform Workshop
This workshop explores the integration of the Power Platform with advanced AI models to create a dynamic application inspired by Kevin Scott’s Microsoft Build 2023 demo (
In this workshop, you will:
- Setup your Development and Power Platform environments
- Learn about the Azure OpenAI Service and create model deployments
- Build this .NET API using the .NET Azure OpenAI SDK and creating a Custom Connector from Visual Studio
- And finally integrating the API with Power Apps and Copilot Studio