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upgrade ClickHouse dependencies to V2 (#1772)
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DGuang21 authored May 23, 2022
1 parent 896b9fa commit 8c969b2
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Showing 5 changed files with 635 additions and 174 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions contrib/drivers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ Note:
- It does not support `InsertIgnore/InsertGetId` features.
- It does not support `Save/Replace` features.
- It does not support `Transaction` feature.
- It does not support `Transaction` feature.

- It does not support `RowsAffected` feature.

# Custom Drivers

Expand Down
217 changes: 174 additions & 43 deletions contrib/drivers/clickhouse/clickhouse.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,19 +10,23 @@ package clickhouse
import (



// Driver is the driver for postgresql database.
Expand All @@ -32,13 +36,23 @@ type Driver struct {

var (
// tableFieldsMap caches the table information retrieved from database.
tableFieldsMap = gmap.New(true)
errUnsupportedInsertIgnore = errors.New("unsupported method: InsertIgnore")
errUnsupportedInsertGetId = errors.New("unsupported method: InsertGetId")
errUnsupportedReplace = errors.New("unsupported method: Replace")
errUnsupportedBegin = errors.New("unsupported method: Begin")
errUnsupportedTransaction = errors.New("unsupported method: Transaction")
errSQLNull = errors.New("SQL cannot be null")
tableFieldsMap = gmap.New(true)

errUnsupportedInsertIgnore = errors.New("unsupported method:InsertIgnore")
errUnsupportedInsertGetId = errors.New("unsupported method:InsertGetId")
errUnsupportedReplace = errors.New("unsupported method:Replace")
errUnsupportedBegin = errors.New("unsupported method:Begin")
errUnsupportedTransaction = errors.New("unsupported method:Transaction")

const (
updateFilterPattern = `(?i)UPDATE[\s]+?(\w+[\.]?\w+)[\s]+?SET`
deleteFilterPattern = `(?i)DELETE[\s]+?FROM[\s]+?(\w+[\.]?\w+)`
filterTypePattern = `(?i)^UPDATE|DELETE`
replaceSchemaPattern = `@(.+?)/([\w\.\-]+)+`
needParsedSqlInCtx gctx.StrKey = "NeedParsedSql"
OrmTagForStruct = "orm"
driverName = "clickhouse"

func init() {
Expand All @@ -62,27 +76,28 @@ func (d *Driver) New(core *gdb.Core, node *gdb.ConfigNode) (gdb.DB, error) {

// Open creates and returns an underlying sql.DB object for clickhouse.
func (d *Driver) Open(config *gdb.ConfigNode) (*sql.DB, error) {
var (
source string
driver = "clickhouse"
// clickhouse://username:password@host1:9000,host2:9000/database?dial_timeout=200ms&max_execution_time=60
if config.Link != "" {
source = config.Link
// Custom changing the schema in runtime.
if config.Name != "" {
source, _ = gregex.ReplaceString(`@(.+?)/([\w\.\-]+)+`, "@$1/"+config.Name, source)
config.Link, _ = gregex.ReplaceString(replaceSchemaPattern, "@$1/"+config.Name, config.Link)
} else {
// If no schema, the link is matched for replacement
dbName, _ := gregex.MatchString(replaceSchemaPattern, config.Link)
if len(dbName) > 0 {
config.Name = dbName[len(dbName)-1]
} else if config.Pass != "" {
source = fmt.Sprintf(
config.User, config.Pass, config.Host, config.Port, config.Name, config.Charset, gconv.String(config.Debug))
config.Link = fmt.Sprintf(
config.User, url.PathEscape(config.Pass), config.Host, config.Port, config.Name, config.Charset, config.Debug)
} else {
source = fmt.Sprintf(
config.User, config.Host, config.Port, config.Name, config.Charset, gconv.String(config.Debug))
config.Link = fmt.Sprintf(
config.User, config.Host, config.Port, config.Name, config.Charset, config.Debug)
db, err := sql.Open(driver, source)
db, err := sql.Open(driverName, config.Link)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,7 +148,7 @@ func (d *Driver) TableFields(
if link, err = d.SlaveLink(useSchema); err != nil {
return nil
getColumnsSql := fmt.Sprintf("select name,position,default_expression,comment from `system`.columns c where database = '%s' and `table` = '%s'", d.GetConfig().Name, table)
getColumnsSql := fmt.Sprintf("select name,position,default_expression,comment,type,is_in_partition_key,is_in_sorting_key,is_in_primary_key,is_in_sampling_key from `system`.columns c where database = '%s' and `table` = '%s'", d.GetConfig().Name, table)
result, err = d.DoSelect(ctx, link, getColumnsSql)
if err != nil {
return nil
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,29 +230,55 @@ func (d *Driver) ping(conn *sql.DB) error {
func (d *Driver) DoFilter(
ctx context.Context, link gdb.Link, originSql string, args []interface{},
) (newSql string, newArgs []interface{}, err error) {
// It replaces STD SQL to Clickhouse SQL grammar.
// MySQL eg: UPDATE `table` SET xxx
// Clickhouse eg: ALTER TABLE `table` UPDATE xxx
// MySQL eg: DELETE FROM `table`
// Clickhouse eg: ALTER TABLE `table` DELETE WHERE filter_expr
result, err := gregex.MatchString("(?i)^UPDATE|DELETE", originSql)
if len(args) == 0 {
return originSql, args, nil

var index int
// Convert placeholder char '?' to string "$x".
originSql, _ = gregex.ReplaceStringFunc(`\?`, originSql, func(s string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`$%d`, index)

// Only SQL generated through the framework is processed.
if !d.getNeedParsedSqlFromCtx(ctx) {
return originSql, args, nil

// replace STD SQL to Clickhouse SQL grammar
modeRes, err := gregex.MatchString(filterTypePattern, strings.TrimSpace(originSql))
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if len(result) != 0 {
sqlSlice := strings.Split(originSql, " ")
if len(sqlSlice) < 3 {
return "", nil, errSQLNull
if len(modeRes) == 0 {
return originSql, args, nil

// Only delete/ UPDATE statements require filter
switch strings.ToUpper(modeRes[0]) {
case "UPDATE":
// MySQL eg: UPDATE table_name SET field1=new-value1, field2=new-value2 [WHERE Clause]
// Clickhouse eg: ALTER TABLE [db.]table UPDATE column1 = expr1 [, ...] WHERE filter_expr
newSql, err = gregex.ReplaceStringFuncMatch(updateFilterPattern, originSql, func(s []string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s UPDATE", s[1])
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
ck := []string{"ALTER", "TABLE"}
switch strings.ToUpper(result[0]) {
case "UPDATE":
sqlSlice = append(append(append(ck, sqlSlice[1]), result[0]), sqlSlice[3:]...)
return strings.Join(sqlSlice, " "), args, nil
case "DELETE":
sqlSlice = append(append(append(ck, sqlSlice[2]), result[0]), sqlSlice[3:]...)
return strings.Join(sqlSlice, " "), args, nil
return newSql, args, nil

case "DELETE":
// MySQL eg: DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE Clause]
// Clickhouse eg: ALTER TABLE [db.]table [ON CLUSTER cluster] DELETE WHERE filter_expr
newSql, err = gregex.ReplaceStringFuncMatch(deleteFilterPattern, originSql, func(s []string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s DELETE", s[1])
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return newSql, args, nil

return originSql, args, nil
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,6 +336,82 @@ func (d *Driver) DoInsert(
return stdSqlResult, tx.Commit()

// ConvertDataForRecord converting for any data that will be inserted into table/collection as a record.
func (d *Driver) ConvertDataForRecord(ctx context.Context, value interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
m := gconv.Map(value, OrmTagForStruct)

// transforms a value of a particular type
for k, v := range m {
switch itemValue := v.(type) {

case time.Time:
m[k] = itemValue
// If the time is zero, it then updates it to nil,
// which will insert/update the value to database as "null".
if itemValue.IsZero() {
m[k] = nil

case uuid.UUID:
m[k] = itemValue

case *time.Time:
m[k] = itemValue
// If the time is zero, it then updates it to nil,
// which will insert/update the value to database as "null".
if itemValue == nil || itemValue.IsZero() {
m[k] = nil

case gtime.Time:
// for gtime type, needs to get time.Time
m[k] = itemValue.Time
// If the time is zero, it then updates it to nil,
// which will insert/update the value to database as "null".
if itemValue.IsZero() {
m[k] = nil

case *gtime.Time:
// for gtime type, needs to get time.Time
if itemValue != nil {
m[k] = itemValue.Time
// If the time is zero, it then updates it to nil,
// which will insert/update the value to database as "null".
if itemValue == nil || itemValue.IsZero() {
m[k] = nil

// if the other type implements valuer for the driver package
// the converted result is used
// otherwise the interface data is committed
valuer, ok := itemValue.(driver.Valuer)
if !ok {
m[k] = itemValue
convertedValue, err := valuer.Value()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m[k] = convertedValue
return m, nil

func (d *Driver) DoDelete(ctx context.Context, link gdb.Link, table string, condition string, args ...interface{}) (result sql.Result, err error) {
ctx = d.injectNeedParsedSql(ctx)
return d.Core.DoDelete(ctx, link, table, condition, args...)

func (d *Driver) DoUpdate(ctx context.Context, link gdb.Link, table string, data interface{}, condition string, args ...interface{}) (result sql.Result, err error) {
ctx = d.injectNeedParsedSql(ctx)
return d.Core.DoUpdate(ctx, link, table, data, condition, args...)

// InsertIgnore Other queries for modifying data parts are not supported: REPLACE, MERGE, UPSERT, INSERT UPDATE.
func (d *Driver) InsertIgnore(ctx context.Context, table string, data interface{}, batch (sql.Result, error) {
return nil, errUnsupportedInsertIgnore
Expand All @@ -317,3 +434,17 @@ func (d *Driver) Begin(ctx context.Context) (tx *gdb.TX, err error) {
func (d *Driver) Transaction(ctx context.Context, f func(ctx context.Context, tx *gdb.TX) error) error {
return errUnsupportedTransaction

func (d *Driver) injectNeedParsedSql(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
if ctx.Value(needParsedSqlInCtx) != nil {
return ctx
return context.WithValue(ctx, needParsedSqlInCtx, true)

func (d *Driver) getNeedParsedSqlFromCtx(ctx context.Context) bool {
if ctx.Value(needParsedSqlInCtx) != nil {
return true
return false

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