This repository contains the list of FOSS and open source related clubs at the Indian universities.
Name of the University/college | Name of the FOSS Club | Activities | Google Summmer of Code Selects |
Amrita University, Amritapuri | FOSS@Amrita | Conducted: | Details can be found here |
National Institute of Technology, Calicut | FOSSCell, NITC |
Arya college of Engineering and IT, Jaipur | Openmoz | ||
National Institute of Technology Karnataka | LUG, NITK | ||
Indian institute of technology, Kharagpur | Kharagpur open source society | KWOC | |
LNMIIT - Jaipur | WikiToLearn, India | ||
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering | MPSTME GLUG | Meetups/Trainings conducted :