Warning: This is still a veeery experimental tool. Use at your own risk!
A script to enhance messages, especially links, in the angular-team
Slack. See the doc comment in index.js for more details.
The script should be run in the context of the Slack web-app. For example, you can paste and and run the code in DevTools or use it as a bookmarklet.
If you are using the desktop app for Slack, you need to start the app in a special way in order to be able to open DevTools.
The latest release can be found here.
The code for each release is in the corresponding commit's dist/ directory.
The code is also available at https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/gkalpak/[email protected]/dist/index[.min].js
WARNING: The code in dist/ is only updated on releases; it does not reflect the code in index.js on every commit (and may even be invalid on non-release commits).
Currently there are no automated tests 😱 😱 😱
This comment is a good starting point for manual testing:
*Markdown links*
- This is a [markdown link](https://google.com/).
- This is a [markdown link to a GitHub issue](https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/12345).
- This is markdown link references [GitHub PR #23456](https://google.com/), but points to a different URL.
- This is a [markdown link to a Jira issue](https://angular-team.atlassian.net/browse/FW-1234).
- This is markdown link references [Jira issue TOOL-23](https://google.com/), but points to a different URL.
*GitHub commits*
- This is the 1st Angular commit on GitHub: https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/6a3abf2366e2c32 (crazy, ha?)
- This is the 2st AngularJS commit on GitHub: https://github.com/angular/angular.js/commit/fac0e698a85ade9 (fun!)
- This is another commit on GitHub: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/commit/246abb39359259a (for `angular-cli`)
- This is yet another commit on GitHub: https://github.com/reactivex/rxjs/commit/66338ffc540a001
- These are "raw" references commits on GitHub: angular@6a3abf2366e2c32, angular-cli@246abb3, reactivex/rxjs@66338ffc540a001 (see the link?)
- These are not, but still recognized as such: notexists@9999999999, https://github.com/neither/this/commit/9999999999
- These are not recognized: angular@6a3abf _(too short)_, @6a3abf2366e2c32 _(missing repo)_
*GitHub issues/PRs*
- This is (supposedly) a GitHub PR: https://github.com/angular/angular.js/pull/1111 (nr 1)
- This is (supposedly) just a GitHub PR (pun intended): https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/2345 (or is it?)
- This is (supposedly) another GitHub PR: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/pull/345 (for `angular-cli`)
- This is (supposedly) yet another GitHub PR: https://github.com/reactivex/rxjs/pull/45
- These are "raw" references to GitHub issues/PRs: #2345, angular/angular#5432, angular-cli#345, reactivex/rxjs#45 (see the link?)
- These are not, but still recognized as such: #999999, notexists#999999, https://github.com/neither/this/issues/999999
*Jira issues*
- This is (supposedly) a Jira issue: https://angular-team.atlassian.net/browse/FW-1234 (or is it?)
- This is (supposedly) another Jira issue: (https://angular-team.atlassian.net/browse/TOOL-345) (parenthesized)
- This is (supposedly) yet another Jira issue: https://angular-team.atlassian.net/browse/COMP-45
- These are "raw" references to Jira issues: FW-1234, TOOL-345, COMP-45 (see the link? :stuck_out_tongue:)
- These are not, but still recongized as such: NOTEXISTS-1337, NEITHERTHIS-7331 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- These ones have linked issues: FW-1152, FW-1220, AVM-15 (info popups ftw)
Things I want to (but won't necessarily) do:
Recognize, shorten and show info for more GitHub URLs.
- More PR URL formats (e.g.
(and similar forms)?). - More commit URLs (e.g.
?). - File URLs (e.g. https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/84be7c52d/path/to/file.ext#L13-L37).
- More PR URL formats (e.g.
Handle the fact that Jira info cannot be retrieved with use of cors-anywhere.
- Option 1: White-list
(ref: https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver071/configuring-the-whitelist-802593145.html) in Jira settings. - Option 2: Roll our own version of
. - Option 3: We might be able to bypass this, via a Chrome extension APIs (if this is turned into a Chrome extension).
- Option 4: Keep using
- Option 1: White-list
Try out
and see if size/ergonomics improve.- Consider having a "library" of re-usable components and/or templates (e.g. button, text-field, etc.).
Example implementation
```js const camelToKebabCase = str => str. replace(/[A-Z]/g, m => `-${m}`); const cssStyle = obj => Object. keys(obj). map(key => `${camelToKebabCase(key)}:${obj[key]};`). join(' '); const domListeners = obj => Object. keys(obj). reduce((aggr, event) => ({ ...aggr, [`on$ {event}`]: (typeof obj[event] !== 'string') ? obj[event] : new Function('event', obj[event]), }), {}); const updateElement = (elem, classes, styles, listeners) => Object.assign(elem, { className: classes && classes.join(' '), style: styles && cssStyle(styles), ...(listeners && domListeners(listeners)), }); const createElement = (tagWithClasses, styles, listeners, children) => { const [tag, ...classes] = tagWithClasses.split('.'); const elem = updateElement(document.createElement(tag || 'div'), classes, styles, listeners); children && children.forEach(child => elem.appendChild((typeof child !== 'string') ? child : document.createTextNode(child))); return elem; }; ```
Aid in writing messages (e.g. offer auto-complete suggestions for GitHub issues/PRs and Jira issues).
Consider protecting access tokens with a user-provided password (instead of a hard-coded one).
- Users would be requested to enter the password to "unlock" the tokens, when needed.
Consider auto-update functionality (to make updates seemless). E.g. implementation:
- Store
as a non-bookmarklet script. - Have a separate bookmarklet file, which:
- Checks for stored code (e.g. in
).- If available, loads and runs it.
- If not available, looks up the latest tag on GitHub, downloads the corresponding version from jsDelivr, stores it (e.g. in
) and runs it. - Potentially, include a version of the code in the bookmarklet file as fallback.
- When an update is available: Download from jsDelivr, store for future access (e.g. in
) and run it.
- Checks for stored code (e.g. in
- Store
Add tests.
Add CI support.
Consider switching to TypeScript. (How does it affect bundle size? Is it worth it?)
Break up into multiple files.
Convert to a Chrome Extension(?).