Goodwill Hunting is a web app based on the concept of time banking. A user can submit a request for help and volunteers will receive a certain number of "credits" based on the hours worked. In its current prototype form, the website allows users to register and post job offers, volunteer to help others, and edit their own user page with skills that they possess.
$ git clone
$ cd good-will-hunting
In order to have a fully functional version of this app on your local machine, it's necessary to have a Cloudinary API key for image upload and storage and a Google Maps API key for geolocation. This step and the next can be skipped but some features will not work properly.
The Cloudinary API key can be pasted in a .env file at the root of the client folder. A .env.example file has been provided as template.
An activated Google Maps API key can be pasted in the index.html file inside the /client/public folder, at line 45 instead of YOURAPIKEY.
$ cd client
$ npm i
$ cd ../server
$ npm i
Make sure that an instance of PostgreSQL is running on your machine, e.g. by using brew services start postgresql
or sudo service postgresql start
on Linux.
In the config.json file in server/config, modify the "username" and "password" fields to correspond to your PostgreSQL role and password (postgres and an empty string are default).
Then in the server folder, run the following command:
$ npm run createDb
Run the same command in both the server and client folder:
$ npm start
And that's all! You can now sign up and log in as different users and explore the app.
- React - frontend library
- Express - backend framework
- PostgreSQL and Sequelize - database management
This project is licensed under the MIT License