Convert {unilur} developed by Eric Koncina to a quarto-ext. The current package does more than the hiding/highlighting of solution code chunks for teaching practicals.
Important: this extension requires Quarto >= 1.4.538 (current release: 1.4.555)
quarto add ginolhac/unilur
More details are available in Quarto docs for managing extensions.
- Activate the extension by adding the following lines to your YAML header (you can use only HTML or PDF outputs):
unilur-html: default
# You have to specify a different output file otherwise they will
# overwrite themselves
output-file: example-solution.html
unilur-pdf: default
output-file: example-solution.pdf
- Solution code blocks are either highlighted or
discardedaccording to theshow-solution
Boolean and the YAML header:
show-solution: true # or false
Add the new variable
as hashpipe,#|
to the code chunks that are part of practical answers. Otherwise, chunks are left untouched.#| unilur-solution: true
Of note, if show-solution
is absent, it is considered false
Solution blocks are collapsed by default but can be shown with the chunk option unilur-collapse
(see example below).
::: unilur-solution
this is not shown in instructions
Fences divs can also be used, and they can contain code chunks too
The third possibility is to use block
chunks with the appropriate chunk option
#| unilur-solution: true
this is not shown in instructions
From the Quarto doc example.qmd
after running:
quarto render example.qmd
Both HTML files are rendered along with both PDFs
HTML show-solution: true (rendered: example-solution.html ) |
HTML show-solution: false (rendered: example.html ) |
![]() |
![]() |
PDF show-solution: true (rendered: example-solution.pdf ) |
PDF show-solution: false (rendered: example.pdf ) |
![]() |
![]() |
People who developed and released extensions I got inspiration from:
- JJ Allaire for
extension - Andrie de Vries for
- Christophe Dervieux for precious advises and his precious time
- Mickaël Canouil for maintaining the awesome Quarto
- Add tests.
- callout-tip in yellow for PDF output
- Remove the
unilur-solution: true
option from chunks when displayed (visible inecho: fenced
).- Idea from Christophe Dervieux: treat
attribute - Get
content and iterate withwalk()
- Add a filter
which remove theunilur
- Idea from Christophe Dervieux: treat
This helped me developing this extension.
Described here in the docs
format: native
Which returns something like this:
pandoc AST
{ unMeta =
[ ( "biblio-config" , MetaBool True )
, ( "labels"
, MetaMap
[ ( "abstract" , MetaInlines [ Str "Abstract" ] )
, ( "affiliations"
, MetaInlines [ Str "Affiliations" ]
, ( "authors" , MetaInlines [ Str "Authors" ] )
, ( "description"
, MetaInlines [ Str "Description" ]
, ( "doi" , MetaInlines [ Str "Doi" ] )
, ( "modified" , MetaInlines [ Str "Modified" ] )
, ( "published" , MetaInlines [ Str "Published" ] )
, ( "solution" , MetaBool True )
, ( "title"
, MetaInlines [ Str "Unilur" , Space , Str "Example" ]
[ Header 2 ( "usage" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Usage" ]
, BulletList
[ [ Plain
[ Strong [ Str "Activate" ]
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "extension"
, Space
, Str "by"
, Space
, Str "adding"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "following"
, Space
, Str "lines"
, Space
, Str "to"
, Space
, Str "your"
, Space
, Str "YAML"
, Space
, Str "header:"
, CodeBlock
( "" , [ "yaml" ] , [] ) "filters:\n - unilur\n"
, BulletList
[ [ Plain
[ Strong [ Str "Solution" ]
, Space
, Str "code"
, Space
, Str "blocks"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, BulletList
[ [ Plain
[ Str "Solution"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "collapse: true"
, Div
( "" , [ "cell" ] , [ ( "solution" , "true" ) ] )
[ CodeBlock
( "" , [ "r" , "cell-code" ] , [] ) "1 + 2\n## [1] 3"
quarto render example.qmd -M keep-md:true
/usr/lib/rstudio/resources/app/bin/quarto/bin/tools/pandoc -f markdown -t json -o ast.json
Then visualize the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) using this code
pandoc AST
jsonlite::fromJSON('ast.json', simplifyVector = FALSE)
List of 3
|-pandoc-api-version:List of 3
| |-: int 1
| |-: int 22
| |-: int 2
|-meta :List of 5
| |-execute:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "MetaMap"
| | |-c:List of 1
| | |-keep-md:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "MetaBool"
| | |-c: logi TRUE
| |-filters:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "MetaList"
| | |-c:List of 1
| | |-:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "MetaInlines"
| | |-c:List of 1
| | |-:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "Str"
| | |-c: chr "unilur"
| |-format :List of 2
| | |-t: chr "MetaMap"
| | |-c:List of 1
| | |-html:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "MetaMap"
| | |-c:List of 1
| | |-theme:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "MetaInlines"
| | |-c:List of 1
| | |-:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "Str"
| | |-c: chr "cosmo"
| |-title :List of 2
| | |-t: chr "MetaInlines"
| | |-c:List of 3
| | |-:List of 2
| | | |-t: chr "Str"
| | | |-c: chr "Unilur"
| | |-:List of 1
| | | |-t: chr "Space"
| | |-:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "Str"
| | |-c: chr "Example"
| |-unilur :List of 2
| |-t: chr "MetaMap"
| |-c:List of 1
| |-solution:List of 2
| |-t: chr "MetaInlines"
| |-c:List of 1
| |-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "Str"
| |-c: chr "true"
|-blocks :List of 5
|-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "Div"
| |-c:List of 2
| |-:List of 3
| | |-: chr ""
| | |-:List of 1
| | | |-: chr "cell"
| | |-:List of 1
| | |-:List of 2
| | |-: chr "solution"
| | |-: chr "true"
| |-:List of 2
| |-:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "CodeBlock"
| | |-c:List of 2
| | |-:List of 3
| | | |-: chr ""
| | | |-:List of 1
| | | | |-: chr "cell-code"
| | | |-: list()
| | |-: chr "```{r}\n#| solution: true\n\n1 + 1\n```"
| |-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "Div"
| |-c:List of 2
| |-:List of 3
| | |-: chr ""
| | |-:List of 2
| | | |-: chr "cell-output"
| | | |-: chr "cell-output-stdout"
| | |-: list()
| |-:List of 1
| |-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "CodeBlock"
| |-c:List of 2
| |-:List of 3
| | |-: chr ""
| | |-: list()
| | |-: list()
| |-: chr "[1] 2"
|-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "Para"
| |-c:List of 1
| |-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "Str"
| |-c: chr "Classic"
|-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "Div"
| |-c:List of 2
| |-:List of 3
| | |-: chr ""
| | |-:List of 1
| | | |-: chr "cell"
| | |-: list()
| |-:List of 2
| |-:List of 2
| | |-t: chr "CodeBlock"
| | |-c:List of 2
| | |-:List of 3
| | | |-: chr ""
| | | |-:List of 1
| | | | |-: chr "cell-code"
| | | |-: list()
| | |-: chr "```{r}\n1 + 1\n```"
| |-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "Div"
| |-c:List of 2
| |-:List of 3
| | |-: chr ""
| | |-:List of 2
| | | |-: chr "cell-output"
| | | |-: chr "cell-output-stdout"
| | |-: list()
| |-:List of 1
| |-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "CodeBlock"
| |-c:List of 2
| |-:List of 3
| | |-: chr ""
| | |-: list()
| | |-: list()
| |-: chr "[1] 2"
|-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "Para"
| |-c:List of 1
| |-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "Str"
| |-c: chr "Solution"
|-:List of 2
|-t: chr "Div"
|-c:List of 2
|-:List of 3
| |-: chr ""
| |-:List of 1
| | |-: chr "cell"
| |-:List of 1
| |-:List of 2
| |-: chr "solution"
| |-: chr "true"
|-:List of 2
|-:List of 2
| |-t: chr "CodeBlock"
| |-c:List of 2
| |-:List of 3
| | |-: chr ""
| | |-:List of 2
| | | |-: chr "r"
| | | |-: chr "cell-code"
| | |-: list()
| |-: chr "1 + 2"
|-:List of 2
|-t: chr "Div"
|-c:List of 2
|-:List of 3
| |-: chr ""
| |-:List of 2
| | |-: chr "cell-output"
| | |-: chr "cell-output-stdout"
| |-: list()
|-:List of 1
|-:List of 2
|-t: chr "CodeBlock"
|-c:List of 2
|-:List of 3
| |-: chr ""
| |-: list()
| |-: list()
|-: chr "[1] 3"
MIT License