A custom Git command for managing pull requests. You can run it as
or git node
. To see the help text, run git node help
It's a Git command, so make sure you have Git installed, of course.
Configure your upstream remote and branch name. By default it assumes your remote pointing to https://github.com/nodejs/node is called
, and the branch that you are trying to land PRs on ismaster
. If that's not the case:$ cd path/to/node/project $ ncu-config set upstream your-remote-name $ ncu-config set branch your-branch-name
- Landing multiple commits: https://asciinema.org/a/148627
- Landing one commit: https://asciinema.org/a/157445
$ cd path/to/node/project
$ git node land --abort # Abort a landing session, just in case
$ git node land $PRID # Start a new landing session
$ git rebase -i upstream/master # Put `edit` on every commit that's gonna stay
$ git node land --amend # Regenerate commit messages in HEAD
$ git rebase --continue # Repeat until the rebase is done
$ git node land --final # Verify all the commit messages