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Snippets (Fragmentos)
Whether you are coding or writing the next vampire best-seller, you’re likely to need certain short fragments of text again and again. Use snippets to save yourself tedious typing. Snippets are smart templates that will insert text for you and adapt it to their context. Source
Trigger | Function |
inotem | void setup() void loop() |
abs | abs() |
analogRead | analogRead() |
analogWrite | analogWrite() |
attachInterrupt | attachInterrupt() |
byte | byte() |
char | char() |
constrain | constrain() |
define | define() |
delay | delay() |
delayMicroseconds | delayMicroseconds() |
detachInterrupt | detachInterrupt() |
digitalRead | digitalRead() |
digitalRead | digitalRead() |
digitalWrite | digitalWrite() |
dowhile | do {} while(): |
float | float() |
for | for(int i=0; i<; i++){} |
if | if(){} |
ifdef | ifdef constant-expression |
ifelse | if(){} else {} |
ifndef | ifndef constant-expression |
include (userlib) | include "lib.h" |
include (syslib) | include <lib.h> |
int | int() |
long | long() |
loop | void loop(){} |
map | map() |
max | max(x, y); |
elif | elif constant-expression |
micros | micros() |
if | if constant-expression |
millis | millis() |
min | min(x, y) |
noTone | noTone() |
pinMode | pinMode() |
pow | pow() |
pulseIn | pulseIn(pin, value, timeout); |
random | random(min, max); |
randomSeed | randomSeed(seed); |
savailable | if (Serial.available() > 0) {} |
sbegin | Serial.begin(9600); |
send | Serial.end(); |
sevent | void serialEvent(){} |
sfind | Serial.find(target); |
sfindUntil | Serial.findUntil(target, terminal); |
sflush | Serial.flush(); |
sfloat | Serial.parseFloat(); |
spint | Serial.parseInt(); |
speek | Serial.peek(); |
sprint | Serial.print(val, format); |
sread | Serial.read(); |
sreadbytes | Serial.readBytes(buffer, length); |
sreadbytesUntil | Serial.readBytesUntil(character, buffer, length); |
stimeout | Serial.setTimeout(time); |
swrite | Serial.write(data); |
setup | void setup(){} |
shiftIn | shiftIn(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder); |
shiftOut | shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder, value); |
sizeof | sizeof(variable); |
sqrt | sqrt(x); |
switch | switch () { case : break; case : break; default: } |
tone | tone(pin, frequency, duration); |
undef | undef constant-expression |
while | while(){} |
- Follow this guide
If you want to share your(s) snippet(s) with others Deviot users, please paste the .sublime-snippet
file in Deviot\snippets
folder and push a PR
Si estás "codeando" o incluso si estás escribiendo el próximo best seller, habrán fragmentos de texto que tendrás que repetir una y otra vez. Los Fragmentos permiten ahorrar tiempo y esfuerzo para esos casos. Fuente
Trigger | Function |
inotem | void setup() void loop() |
abs | abs() |
analogRead | analogRead() |
analogWrite | analogWrite() |
attachInterrupt | attachInterrupt() |
byte | byte() |
char | char() |
constrain | constrain() |
define | define() |
delay | delay() |
delayMicroseconds | delayMicroseconds() |
detachInterrupt | detachInterrupt() |
digitalRead | digitalRead() |
digitalRead | digitalRead() |
digitalWrite | digitalWrite() |
dowhile | do {} while(): |
float | float() |
for | for(int i=0; i<; i++){} |
if | if(){} |
ifdef | ifdef constant-expression |
ifelse | if(){} else {} |
ifndef | ifndef constant-expression |
include (userlib) | include "lib.h" |
include (syslib) | include <lib.h> |
int | int() |
long | long() |
loop | void loop(){} |
map | map() |
max | max(x, y); |
elif | elif constant-expression |
micros | micros() |
if | if constant-expression |
millis | millis() |
min | min(x, y) |
noTone | noTone() |
pinMode | pinMode() |
pow | pow() |
pulseIn | pulseIn(pin, value, timeout); |
random | random(min, max); |
randomSeed | randomSeed(seed); |
savailable | if (Serial.available() > 0) {} |
sbegin | Serial.begin(9600); |
send | Serial.end(); |
sevent | void serialEvent(){} |
sfind | Serial.find(target); |
sfindUntil | Serial.findUntil(target, terminal); |
sflush | Serial.flush(); |
sfloat | Serial.parseFloat(); |
spint | Serial.parseInt(); |
speek | Serial.peek(); |
sprint | Serial.print(val, format); |
sread | Serial.read(); |
sreadbytes | Serial.readBytes(buffer, length); |
sreadbytesUntil | Serial.readBytesUntil(character, buffer, length); |
stimeout | Serial.setTimeout(time); |
swrite | Serial.write(data); |
setup | void setup(){} |
shiftIn | shiftIn(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder); |
shiftOut | shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder, value); |
sizeof | sizeof(variable); |
sqrt | sqrt(x); |
switch | switch () { case : break; case : break; default: } |
tone | tone(pin, frequency, duration); |
undef | undef constant-expression |
while | while(){} |
- Sigue esta guía
Si quieres compartir tu(s) plantilla(s) con otros usuarios de Deviot, por favor pega el archivo .sublime-snippet
en la carpeta Deviot\snippets
y solicita una PR