A bunch of scripts and php pages to handle IGC files and store them into a mysql database, determine track distance, do paragliding GAP RACE scoring, OLC-style scoring, etc. It also presents tracks on Leaflet JS Maps for further viewing.
The basic philosophy is to provide the scoring tools as a set of simple executable (perl scripts) that can be wrapped with any GUI. At this stage I've only provided a basic PHP/Google Maps interface.
The database schema maybe found in xcdb.sql.
With the exception of the following code:
einsert.js (http://econym.googlepages.com - copyright Mike Williams) elabel.js (http://econym.googlepages.com - copyright Mike Williams)
bootstrap datatables.net open-iconic spacelab.css leafletjs leaflet-fullscreen leaflet-ruler leaflet-easybutton leaflet-sidebar
All rest of the code is provided under the GPL License version 2 described in the file "Copying".
If this is not present please download from www.gnu.org.
Geoff Wong, 2007-2023 [email protected]
Helps to be experienced with Apache configurations and Mysql.
- Edit the "Makefile":
- set the mysql password you want to use for airscore
- set your CGI bin directory
- set your HTDOCS location (for the php files)
- 'make database' if it's your first installation
- Type 'make'
- Ensure Apache is configured with mod-php, perl should be available too
- Test that the login page work .../airscore/login.php (user: admin, pass: admin)
Other packages needed:
- php5
- mysql
- perl
- libxml-simple-perl
Remove select/strict group by enforcement add the following to mysql.cnf:
- Enable exec() functionality for php.
- Enable CGI (*pl *php) from the main installation directory for Apache
What do the perl scripts do:
- add_track.pl - adds an IGC track to the database
- airgain_verify.pl - verify an 'airgain' task (collecting points in the region)
- airspace_check.pl - check airpsace for a task
- airspace_openair.pl - read in an Openair format airspace file
- airspace_sua_reader.pl - read in a SUA format airspace file
- bulk_igc_reader.pl - read in a bunch of IGC files
- bulk_pilot_import.pl - import pilot information from a CSV file
- del_track.pl - delete a track
- fsdb_export.pl - export to FS XML format (not fully functional)
- fsdb_import.pl - import a FS XML format file (not fully functional)
- handicap.pl - local handicap calculation
- igcreader.pl - read an IGC file
- igcr_nostrip.pl - read an IGC without doing a 'no-flying' strip
- optimise_flight.pl - do an OLC optimisation on a flight
- short_route.pl - compute the shortest-route through a task
- task_score.pl - score a task
- task_up.pl - re-verify all tracks associated with a task, and re-score it
- team_score.pl - team scoring stuff
- track_verify_sr.pl - verify an individual track against a task