Read/Write quantized-mesh tiles
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgis python-pip gdal-bin python-gdal mono-complete
export PGPASS=xxx
export DBHOST=xxx
export BUCKETNAME=xxx
export PROFILENAME=xxx
$ make all
$ make create populate
$ wget --header="Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" -O 12_43268_3110.terrain.gz
$ gzip -d 12_43268_3110.terrain.gz
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ ipython
$ run {yourScript}.py
> %debug
> %tb
make lint
make autolint
aws --profile $PROFILENAME s3 cp layer.json s3://$BUCKETNAME/xxx/layer.json
Adapt your configurations in .bashrc
start DB manually
su postrgres /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main/ -l start # 'stop' to stop
connect to db host
sudo su postgres
change password of superuser to xxx with the following sql query:
ALTER ROLE pgkogis WITH PASSWORD 'xxxxxx';
postgres=# \q
and then$ exit
add credentials to
mount EFS
get project with
git clone --recursive
install with
make install
create db with
make createdb
, adaptconfigs/terrain/database.cfg
for different data sets -
create tiles with
, adaptconfigs/terrain/tms.cfg
for different tiler configurations -
you can also deactivate stats collection by setting
to off in/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf
choose the appropriate logging level for postgres client_min_messages = error and log_min_messages = error and log_min_error_statement = error
if you don't have tileforge user make sure you're using md5 mode in pg_hba.conf (
local all all md5
rm -f /var/log/tileforge/*.log
sudo su postgres
rm -r /var/log/postgresql/*
During the installation some sql functions are installed on the target database.
This script is creating a view called public.meta to the database. This view contains useful information (table size, index size, row count) for the monitoring of database growth during import. note: the rowcount is coming from the statistics collector and is only containing values during import.
$ psql -d forge -c "SELECT * FROM meta;"
Table | Size Total | External Size | rowcount
break_lines_0_25m | 94 GB | 27 GB | 0
break_lines_0_5m | 38 GB | 11 GB | 0
break_lines_1m | 19 GB | 5631 MB | 0
break_lines_2m | 10078 MB | 2968 MB | 0
break_lines_4m | 1967 MB | 575 MB | 0
break_lines_8m | 904 MB | 265 MB | 0
break_lines_16m | 653 MB | 194 MB | 0
break_lines_32m | 458 MB | 136 MB | 0
mnt25_simplified_100m | 390 MB | 113 MB | 0
break_lines_64m | 330 MB | 96 MB | 0
spatial_ref_sys | 3360 kB | 176 kB | 0
topology | 24 kB | 24 kB | 0
layer | 24 kB | 24 kB | 0
zoomlevel_6 | 16 kB | 8192 bytes | 1
zoomlevel_4 | 16 kB | 8192 bytes | 1
zoomlevel_3 | 16 kB | 8192 bytes | 1
zoomlevel_8 | 16 kB | 8192 bytes | 1
zoomlevel_2 | 16 kB | 8192 bytes | 1
zoomlevel_7 | 16 kB | 8192 bytes | 1
zoomlevel_5 | 16 kB | 8192 bytes | 1
zoomlevel_0 | 16 kB | 8192 bytes | 1
table_z17_extent | 16 kB | 8192 bytes | 0
zoomlevel_1 | 16 kB | 8192 bytes | 1
This script is installing the following sql functions to the database:
- public.bgdi_global_geodetic_recursive(geom geometry,maxlevels integer)
- public.bgdi_lonlat2tile(lon double precision DEFAULT 7.0, lat double precision DEFAULT 46.0, zoom integer DEFAULT 5)
bgdi_global_geodetic_recursive(geom geometry,maxlevels integer) can be used to visualize tile geometries and label them with their tms address or google address. You have to pass an input geometry and the maximal depth / zoomlevel to the function. Of course these parameters should be set with caution. Generating all the tiles for a big geometry until zoomlevel 20 will take hours!
$ psql -c "select id,zoomlevel,x,y,st_astext(the_geom),label_tsm,label_google FROM bgdi_global_geodetic_recursive(st_setsrid('BOX(8.15974 46.75665,8.16465 46.75913)'::box2d::geometry, 4326),5);" -d forge
id | zoomlevel | x | y | st_astext | label_tsm | label_google
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | POLYGON((0 -90,0 90,180 90,180 -90,0 -90)) | 0/1/0 | 0/1/0
1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | POLYGON((0 0,0 90,90 90,90 0,0 0)) | 1/2/0 | 1/2/1
2 | 2 | 4 | 0 | POLYGON((0 45,0 90,45 90,45 45,0 45)) | 2/4/0 | 2/4/3
3 | 3 | 8 | 2 | POLYGON((0 45,0 67.5,22.5 67.5,22.5 45,0 45)) | 3/8/1 | 3/8/6
4 | 4 | 16 | 5 | POLYGON((0 45,0 56.25,11.25 56.25,11.25 45,0 45)) | 4/16/3 | 4/16/12
5 | 5 | 32 | 11 | POLYGON((5.625 45,5.625 50.625,11.25 50.625,11.25 45,5.625 45)) | 5/33/7 | 5/33/24
This function can be used for the visualization in qgis:
The function public.bgdi_lonlat2tile(lon double precision DEFAULT 7.0, lat double precision DEFAULT 46.0, zoom integer DEFAULT 5) can be used to calculate the tile address at a given zoomlevel. The function returns a point geomtry:
- x-coordinate -> X Tile Address
- y-coordinate -> Y Tile Address a la google
- z-coordinate -> Y Tile Address global geodetic (TSM)
$ psql -c "select st_astext(bgdi_lonlat2tile(8.159259,46.758162,17));" -d forge
POINT Z (137013 99584 31487)
(1 Zeile)
This script is installing the following sql functions to the database:
- bgdi_watermask_rasterize(geometry, integer, integer, regclass, text)
bgdi_watermask_rasterize(geometry, integer, integer, regclass, text) can be used to create the watermask for a given tile geometry. All the lake intersections within this tile will be rasterized, the raster dimension (pixel width and height) and the lake geometry table has to be set within the function call.
The input parameters of the function are:
bbox geometry -- geometry object with the tile geometry
, width integer -- tile width in pixels
, height integer -- tile height in pixels
, watermask_table regclass -- schema.table containing lake geometry
, watermask_geom_column text -- geometry column
The returned raster is of type '1BB' 1-bit boolean
1 -> water
0 -> land
Example Query:
SELECT bgdi_watermask_rasterize(st_setsrid('POLYGON((6.865 46.379, 6.865 46.383 , 6.869 46.383 , 6.869 46.379, 6.865 46.379 ))'::geometry,4326), 256,256,'v25_pri25_a_seeflaechen'::regclass,'the_geom'::text)as geom;
The current implementation is rasterizing the vector features with the GDAL ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE option.
- Fix normal vectors computation at tile borders
- Add comprehensive doc