Create Secure Password Hashes with different algorithms.
I/O format is base64 conforming to RFC 4648 (also known as url safe base64 encoding). If no salt is provided a cryptographically strong pseudo-random generator is used to generate the salt through crypto/rand.Read (which uses either /dev/urandom on Unix like systems or CryptGenRandom API on Windows).
Supported Key Derivation Functions with Default Parameters:
*scrypt* default (CPU/memory cost parameter 1<<14))
bcrypt (cost value = 14)
pbkdf2 (sha256 with 50000 rounds)
Supported Algorithms (pbkdf2):
sha1, sha256, sha224, sha384, sha512
md4, md5
passhash [OPTIONS] <password> [salt]
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Application Options:
-r, --rounds Number of rounds (50000)
--hash Hash to use (sha256)
--kd Key derivation function (scrypt)
-c, --cost Cost parameter to key derivation functions (14)
Create scrypt hash with random generated salt
% passhash foo
Create default pbkdf2 hash
% passhash --kd pbkdf2 foo
Create pbkdf2 hash with user provided salt
% passhash -r 10000 --hash sha1 --kd pbkdf2 foo SMI22KXjdX_s6vzNIUuZIBl7BaA=