i18next compiler for django-pipeline.
- i18next: i18next
pip install git+https://github.com/gcko/django-pipeline-i18next.git
Or you can add it to your requirements.txt file like so:
-e git+https://github.com/gcko/django-pipeline-i18next.git@3e7affbd91e9bd2abbab405ad2b94b89e439b200#egg=django-pipeline-i18next
Where the hash after the @
sign is the git commit hash
django-pipeline-i18next takes input from Yaml and converts it to namespaced javascript object which can then be referenced from your i18next initalizer. The following is an example of usage:
Create your localized message files:
hello: Hello World!
Add the following to your settings:
# settings.py
PIPELINE_I18NEXT_NAMESPACE = 'Messages' # defaults to : 'Locale'
# add the message files to PIPELINE_JS
'bundle': {
'source_filenames': (
'output_filename': 'js/bundle.js',
The Yaml file will be compiled down to a javascript file namespaced under window.[PIPELINE_I18NEXT_NAMESPACE]
Next, in your initialization for i18next, add the following:
i18n.init({ resStore: window.Messages });
And that's it!