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JavaScript charts, gauges and maps for web & enterprise applications

FusionCharts - Build beautiful web & mobile dashboards

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FusionCharts is a JavaScript charting library providing 100+ charts and 2,000+ maps for your web and mobile applications. All the visualizations are interactive and animated, which are rendered in SVG and VML (for IE 6/7/8).

This package also contains FusionTime (timeseries charts), FusionWidgets (gauges, real-time charts), PowerCharts (statistical and advanced charts), and FusionMaps (choropleth geo maps).

What's New

New Features

  • FusionCharts version 4.1.0 introduces scrollbar for Waterfall Charts x-axis. Which improves user experience with the layout and scope for additional amount of Data.


  • FusionCharts version 4.1.0 upgrades the version for underline dependencies of the 'react-native-fusioncharts' package and makes it compatible with 0.70.x, 0.71.x, 0.72.x, 0.73.x and 0.74 versions.
  • Removed the Expo dependency from the react-native-fusioncharts package, now utilizing native packages, resulting in a reduced overall bundle size.
  • FusionCharts version 4.1.0 added new dynamic attributes to control the look and feel of the legend scrollbars.
    • The useLegendScrollGradient attribute determines whether to enable or disable gradient colors. If the set value is 1, you need to provide gradient colors for legendScrollTrackColor and legendScrollAnchorColor in the form of an object with angle, startColor, and endColor. If the value is set to 0, you should provide legendScrollTrackColor and legendScrollAnchorColor in hexadecimal format instead of an object.
  • Upgraded third-party integrations support:
    • Updated ember dependency with the latest version.
    • Addressed dependabot pull requests, to improve security.


  • FusionCharts 4.1.0 added Content Security Policy (CSP) compatibility for the require-trusted-types-for 'script' and style-src directive.
  • Resolved an accessibility issue where the tab would focus on the overall chart area instead of the chart plot when the chart did not have a first x-axis value.
  • Fixed an issue where Multie-Pie charts were not resizing correctly without applying a re-render.
  • Addressed an issue where the watermark from the map was not removed on the application of a valid license key for chart type: maps/france2016.
  • Resolved an issue in the legend-item.js file where the legendData object properties were not passed to the getAnchorProps function causing it to apply the same properties to every legend item, regardless of the data.
  • Fixed the issue of specific series not getting highlighted in the Crossline tooltip when 'applycsstransform' attribute was set to 1.
  • Fixed the issue where on hovering over the data plot, the tooltip showed incorrect values when the cursor moved out of the plot area for the scrollbar2d chart when drawCrossLine is enabled for Scrollbar2d chart and Scroll Stacked bar charts.

Table of Contents

Installing FusionCharts

There are multiple ways to install FusionCharts. For general instructions, refer to this developer docs page.

Direct Download

All binaries are located on our github repository. You can also download zipped version here.

Using CDN

Instead of downloading, you can also use FusionCharts’s CDN to access files directly. See below for details

<script src=""></script>

Install from NPM

npm install --save fusioncharts [node version v14.12.0 (npm v6.14.8)]

See npm documentation to know more about npm usage.

Getting Started

Easiest way to start with FusionCharts is to include the JavaScript library in your webpage, create a <div> container and chart instance, configure the data and render. Check this HTML snippet below:

<!doctype html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="chart-container"></div>
        FusionCharts.ready(function () {
            // chart instance
            var chart = new FusionCharts({
                type: "column2d",
                renderAt: "chart-container", // container where chart will render
                width: "600",
                height: "400",
                dataFormat: "json",
                dataSource: {
                    // chart configuration
                    chart: {
                        caption: "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
                        subcaption: "In MMbbl = One Million barrels"
                    // chart data
                    data: [
                        { label: "Venezuela", value: "290000" },
                        { label: "Saudi", value: "260000" },
                        { label: "Canada", value: "180000" },
                        { label: "Iran", value: "140000" },
                        { label: "Russia", value: "115000" },
                        { label: "UAE", value: "100000" },
                        { label: "US", value: "30000" },
                        { label: "China", value: "30000" }

Here’re links to quick start guides:

Using FusionCharts as an ES Module

FusionCharts can be loaded as an ES module via transpilers.

The following examples presumes you are using npm to install FusionCharts, see Install FusionCharts for more details.

import FusionCharts from "fusioncharts/core";

// include chart from viz folder - import ChartType from fusioncharts/viz/[ChartType];
import Column2D from "fusioncharts/viz/column2d";

// add chart as dependency - FusionCharts.addDep(ChartType);

// instantiate the chart.
var chartInstance = new FusionCharts({
  type: "Column2D",
  renderAt: "chart-container", // div container where chart will render
  width: "600",
  height: "400",
  dataFormat: "json",
  dataSource: {
    // chart configuration
    chart: {
      caption: "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
      subcaption: "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
    // chart data
    data: [
      { label: "Venezuela", value: "290000" },
      { label: "Saudi", value: "260000" },
      { label: "Canada", value: "180000" },
      { label: "Iran", value: "140000" },
      { label: "Russia", value: "115000" },
      { label: "UAE", value: "100000" },
      { label: "US", value: "30000" },
      { label: "China", value: "30000" },

// render the chart

Want to render data-driven maps (FusionMaps) - check out this link.

Related Packages

Front-end Integrations

AngularJS (1.x and above) Github Repo Documentation
Angular (2.x and above) Github Repo Documentation
jQuery Github Repo Documentation
React Github Repo Documentation
Vue Github Repo Documentation
Ember Github Repo Documentation

Back-end Integrations

ASP.NET (C#) Github Repo Documentation
ASP.NET (VB) Github Repo Documentation
Java (JSP) Github Repo Documentation
Django Github Repo Documentation
PHP Github Repo Documentation
Ruby on Rails Github Repo Documentation

Using Themes

FusionCharts provides several out-of-the box themes that can be applied to all the charts to configure the visual appearance of the charts. Below is an example on how to use a theme:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="chart-container"></div>
      FusionCharts.ready(function () {
        // chart instance
        var chart = new FusionCharts({
          type: "column2d",
          renderAt: "chart-container", // container where chart will render
          width: "600",
          height: "400",
          dataFormat: "json",
          dataSource: {
            // chart configuration
            chart: {
              caption: "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
              subcaption: "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
              theme: "fusion", //Specifying which theme to use
            // chart data
            data: [
              { label: "Venezuela", value: "290000" },
              { label: "Saudi", value: "260000" },
              { label: "Canada", value: "180000" },
              { label: "Iran", value: "140000" },
              { label: "Russia", value: "115000" },
              { label: "UAE", value: "100000" },
              { label: "US", value: "30000" },
              { label: "China", value: "30000" },

Using themes in ES6

import FusionCharts from "fusioncharts/core";

// include chart from viz folder - import ChartType from fusioncharts/viz/[ChartType];
import Column2D from "fusioncharts/viz/column2d";

// include theme from themes folder
import fusionTheme from "fusioncharts/themes/es/fusioncharts.theme.fusion";

// add chart as dependency - FusionCharts.addDep(ChartType);

// instantiate the chart.
var chartInstance = new FusionCharts({
  type: "Column2D",
  renderAt: "chart-container", // container where chart will render
  width: "600",
  height: "400",
  dataFormat: "json",
  dataSource: {
    // chart configuration
    chart: {
      caption: "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
      subcaption: "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
      theme: "fusion",
    // chart data
    data: [
      { label: "Venezuela", value: "290000" },
      { label: "Saudi", value: "260000" },
      { label: "Canada", value: "180000" },
      { label: "Iran", value: "140000" },
      { label: "Russia", value: "115000" },
      { label: "UAE", value: "100000" },
      { label: "US", value: "30000" },
      { label: "China", value: "30000" },

// render the chart

See all the themes live here. Check out this link to know more about themes. Want us to build a theme to suit your corporate branding? Request one here!


FusionMaps is a companion package meant to be used in conjunction with FusionCharts to render choropleth geo maps. FusionMaps provide over 1,400+ geographical maps, including all countries, US states, and regions in Europe for plotting business data like revenue by regions, employment levels by state and office locations. See below links to know more:

Going beyond Charts

  • Explore 20+ pre-built business specific dashboards for different industries like energy and manufacturing to business functions like sales, marketing and operations here.
  • See Data Stories built using FusionCharts’ interactive JavaScript visualizations and learn how to communicate real-world narratives through underlying data to tell compelling stories.

Version History

Contact Support

Fill this form or drop an email to [email protected]

Folder Structure

  ├── core/ - Contains the FusionCharts core.
  ├── viz/ - Contains all the individual vizualizations (Column2D, SplineArea, AngularGauge etc.)
  ├── charts/ - Contains all the visualizations of the Charts package (similar to fusioncharts.charts.js).
  ├── powercharts/ - Contains all the visualizations of the PowerCharts package.
  ├── timeseries/ - Contains all the visualizations of the FusionTime package.
  ├── widgets/ - Contains all the visualizations of the FusionWidgets package.
  ├── maps/ - Contains the map renderer
  │   └── es/ - Contains the map definition files of World and USA
  └── themes/es - Contains all the theme files.

Pinned Loading

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    Data-driven maps in JavaScript from FusionMaps (FusionCharts). Over 1,400+ maps of all countries, regions, counties etc.

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    JavaScript 5 MIT 6 1 26 Updated Nov 11, 2024
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  • ember-fusioncharts Public

    A lightweight EmberJS component which provides bindings for FusionCharts JavaScript Charting Library

    fusioncharts/ember-fusioncharts’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 6 MIT 5 2 18 Updated Oct 3, 2024
  • react-fusioncharts-component Public

    ReactJS component for FusionCharts JavaScript Charting library.

    fusioncharts/react-fusioncharts-component’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 94 MIT 32 8 1 Updated Aug 31, 2024
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