What a pair! They work together well using react + web components.
Also see the accompanying blog post.
participant L as 🦅 LiveView
participant W as 📝 Web component
participant R as ⚛️ React component
participant U as 💁 User
Note right of L: socket.assigns.value = "1"
L->>W: <x-combobox value="1" />
W->>W: connectedCallback()
W->>R: <Combobox value="1" onSelect={...} />
U->>R: Select value "2"
R->>W: onSelect("2")
W->>L: pushEvent("select", {value: "2"})
Note right of L: socket.assigns.value = "2"
L->>W: <x-combobox value="2" />
W->>W: attributeChangedCallback()
W->>R: <Combobox value="2" />
What works:
- react component
using HeadlessUI - wrapped in a custom web component
, rendered in light DOM - server -> client: watch HTML attribute changes in
API - client -> server: push LiveView events from
by exposing the LiveViewpushEvent
JS API using a minimalPushHookEvent
Abandoned approaches:
- render to shadow DOM (no HeadlessUI support -> glitches)
- vue
- setup for SFCs (single file components) with minimalistic esbuild setup not worth the hassle
- using Vue with JSX makes TailwindUI example code difficult to port
web component wrapper does not support rendering to light DOM
- preact (instead of react)
- Components don't render -> didn't dig deeper
participant L as 🦅 LiveView
participant W as 📝 Web component
participant R as ⚛️ React component
participant U as 💁 User
Note right of L: socket.assigns.value = "1"
Note right of L: socket.assigns.options =<br/> [%{value: "1", label: "One"}, ...]
L->>W: Init <br/> <x-combobox <br/> value="1"<br/>options="[{\"value\": \"1\", \"label\": \"One\"}]" <br/> />
W->>W: connectedCallback(): Parse HTML attributes
W->>R: render(<br/> <Combobox <br/> value="1" <br/> options={[{value: '1', label: 'One'}]} <br/> onSelect={...} <br/> />)
Note left of R: state.open = false
Note left of R: state.query = ""
U->>R: Type query "Two"
Note left of R: state.query = "Two"
R->>R: Re-render filtered options dropdown
U->>R: Select value "2"
R->>W: onSelect("2")
W->>L: pushEvent("select", {value: "2"})
L->>L: handle_event("select", %{"value" => value}, _)
Note right of L: socket.assigns.value = "2"
L->>W: Update <br/> <x-combobox value="2" ... />
W->>W: attributeChangedCallback(): parse HTML attributes
W->>R: render(<Combobox value="2" ... />)
R->>R: Re-render label
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
- Official website: https://www.phoenixframework.org/
- Guides: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/overview.html
- Docs: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix
- Forum: https://elixirforum.com/c/phoenix-forum
- Source: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix