With the growth of the internet and innovations over time. It has become evident that payment for goods and services happening over the internet has become a norm.
This is a dockerized API built with Typescript and Express to illustrate how to integrate payment to an API. See playlist
- Basic Payment Flow
- Features
- Postman Documentation
- Concepts Employed
- Built With
- Required Installations
- Instalation of This App
- Future Improvements
- License
- Contact
- Acknowledgements
Payment systems are built pretty much alike with almost the same flow.
- Generate a secure payment authorization link.
- Direct users to the generated link to authorize payment through card or bank payment authorization details.
- Verify payment using the payment reference from the previous step.
- Provide value for verified payment.
- Express app setup with typescript
- Linting and code formatting
- Error handling
- Docker setup with app, postgres and pgadmin
- Sequelize setup -BaseAPI setup
- Paystack api integration
- Router and controller setup
To explore the APIs see documentation
- Typescript - interfaces, generics and type definitions
- Express middlewares and controller
- Containerization - Docker
- 3rd party API integration
- Express
- Postgres
- Sequelize
- Docker
- Node
- Docker desktop
Once you have installed the requiered packages shown on the Required Installations, proceed with the following steps
Ensure you have docker desktop installed and running
Clone the Repository,
your@pc:~$ git clone https://github.com/frankly034/online-payment-api.git
Move to the downloaded folder
your@pc:~$ cd online-payment-api
Run with docker-compose
your@pc:~$ docker-compose up
- Add tests
- Add data validation
- Add thank you email to donors
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
- 🇳🇬 Lewis Ugege - [email protected] | Github Account | Twitter | Linkedin |