DNS Ping checks packet loss and latency issues with DNS servers
If you have golang, easiest install is go install fortio.org/dnsping@latest
Or with docker docker run fortio/dnsping ...
(we have multi architecture images)
Or brew custom tap brew install fortio/tap/dnsping
(please star the project so it can go in core and get binary bottles built)
Otherwise head over to https://github.com/fortio/dnsping/releases for binary releases
dnsping [flags] query server
$ dnsping help
dnsping 1.x.y usage:
dnsping [flags] query server
eg: dnsping www.google.com.
or 1 of the special arguments
dnsping {help|version|buildinfo}
-c requests
How many requests to make. Default is to run until ^C
-fixed-id int
Non 0 id to use instead of random or sequential
-i wait
How long to wait between requests (default 1s)
-json path
Json output to provided file path or '-' for stdout (empty = no json output)
Force color output even if stderr isn't a terminal
Prevent colorized output even if stderr is a terminal
-loglevel level
log level, one of [Debug Verbose Info Warning Error Critical Fatal] (default Info)
Pass to disable (default) recursion.
-p Port
Port to connect to (default 53)
-q type
Query type to use (A, AAAA, SOA, CNAME...) (default "A")
Quiet mode, sets loglevel to Error (quietly) to reduces the output
Use sequential ids instead of random.
-t Timeout
Timeout for each query (default 700ms)
Sample run (colorized when on console)
Plain text / no-color version:
$ dnsping -fixed-id 42 -json sampleResult.json -c 8 -t 100ms www.google.com
12:39:49.674 [INF] dnsping dev: will query 8 times, sleeping 1s in between, the server for A (1) record for www.google.com.
12:39:49.741 66.7 ms 1: [www.google.com. 82 IN A]
12:39:50.727 50.1 ms 2: [www.google.com. 81 IN A]
12:39:51.696 20.0 ms 3: [www.google.com. 207 IN A]
12:39:52.805 [ERR] 100.4 ms 4: failed call: read udp> i/o timeout
12:39:53.719 22.3 ms 5: [www.google.com. 13 IN A]
12:39:54.761 84.5 ms 6: [www.google.com. 135 IN A]
12:39:55.723 46.1 ms 7: [www.google.com. 202 IN A]
12:39:56.720 43.6 ms 8: [www.google.com. 133 IN A]
1 error (12.50%), 7 success.
response time (in ms) : count 8 avg 54.209802 +/- 26.44 min 19.952959 max 100.43549999999999 sum 433.678417
# range, mid point, percentile, count
>= 19.953 <= 20 , 19.9765 , 12.50, 1
> 20 <= 25 , 22.5 , 25.00, 1
> 40 <= 45 , 42.5 , 37.50, 1
> 45 <= 50 , 47.5 , 50.00, 1
> 50 <= 60 , 55 , 62.50, 1
> 60 <= 70 , 65 , 75.00, 1
> 80 <= 90 , 85 , 87.50, 1
> 100 <= 100.435 , 100.218 , 100.00, 1
# target 50% 50
# target 90% 100.087
# target 99% 100.401
Successfully wrote 1548 bytes of Json data to sampleResult.json
Which also produces the json:
"Config": {
"Server": "",
"Query": "www.google.com.",
"HowMany": 8,
"Interval": 1000000000,
"Timeout": 700000000,
"FixedID": 42,
"QueryType": 1,
"SequentialIDs": false,
"Recursion": true
"Errors": 1,
"Success": 7,
"Stats": {
"Count": 8,
"Min": 8.684216,
"Max": 700.257965,
"Sum": 798.3434060000001,
"Avg": 99.79292575000001,
"StdDev": 226.96508473843934,
"Data": [
"Start": 8.684216,
"End": 9,
"Percent": 12.5,
"Count": 1
"Start": 12,
"End": 14,
"Percent": 25,
"Count": 1
"Start": 14,
"End": 16,
"Percent": 75,
"Count": 4
"Start": 16,
"End": 18,
"Percent": 87.5,
"Count": 1
"Start": 500,
"End": 700.257965,
"Percent": 100,
"Count": 1
"Percentiles": [
"Percentile": 50,
"Value": 15
"Percentile": 90,
"Value": 540.051593
"Percentile": 99,
"Value": 684.2373278
Made thanks to https://github.com/miekg/dns (and https://github.com/fortio/fortio stats and logger)