You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 396
Note that they'll likely suggest removing pirated software
Bypass NovelAI client-side non-account trial limit, mostly just to not have to reset your browser session each time
localStorage.setItem('localTrialState2', btoa((Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString()))
There will still be IP quota limits, but it's fairly lenient (imo) and if you don't have IPv6 (i think???) then Cloudflare WARP will mask your IP with theirs
Make sure you have a adblocker when using Buzzheavier as there are hidden ads on download pages with malicious content. Both the download button and torrent buttons should automatically start a download in your browser, NOT redirect you to another page.
You can ask the bot for english, but it can be hit and miss in terms of working.
The users in red. Administrators are members assigned with the highest level of control over the entire board. Usually they’re Section Heads. Most Administrators are Section Heads but not all Section Heads are administrators.
The users in green. They moderate! Moderators are members of our staff who make everyone follows the site’s rules.
The users in light green. They’re similar to moderators but do not have the same authority. Oftentimes helpers eventually become moderators.
The people in orange. Mobilism has an Android Review Section and a Book Review Section. Users who are part of their review teams are the Reviewers.
The guys in purple. Different sections have different requirements for becoming a Major Releaser but generally it comes with making significant contributions to the release sections.
The users in blue. VIPs are either members who were rewarded with VIP status for their contributions, or donated to support Mobilism. VIPs have access to VIP sections: VIP Releases, VIP Requests, VIP Talk, receive extra WRZ$ and do not see any ads.
Use Google Gemini to translate the captcha
Avoid Fake download links, use Torrents / Magnets, or paste info hash into torrent client
The site is safe, but they are known for mislabeling things like RockMods releases as their own, and mislabeling versions to make it look like they have newer things than they really do.
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/toolbox-google-play-store/
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/toolbox-for-google-play-s/fepaalfjfchbdianlgginbmpeeacahoo
- https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/toolbox-for-google-play-storetm/
LuckyPatcher's download link luckypatchers.com/download contains malware. It redirects to luckypatchers.com/lucky-patcher-all-versions/, which has two options: LP INSTALLER and LP DOWNLOADER. Only use INSTALLER, as DOWNLOADER is malware. Or just use mobilism.
If downloaded on phone with google play updates must be disabled
If you're using Firefox and you want autoplay, hit the permissions on the far right of your url search bar and allow both audio + video.
For autoplay to work, you need to disable ublock, then disable ads on the site manually (top right).
Eruda Console for mobile browsers bookmarklet:
javascript:(function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/eruda"; document.body.appendChild(script); script.onload = function () { eruda.init() } })();
We recommend using the mod as there are many fake versions on search engines
The site itself is safe, but in the past they've used leaked public certificates for their official app, which can get your phone(and account) blacklisted from sideloading.
Add https://bunny.nexpid.xyz/plugin-browser/
in plugins section of bunny for a plugin browser. Many of these plugins are broken and cannot be enabled, so look in revenge discord server plugins channel for fixed versions.
Asks user to buy after 60 days, but you can just close the popup and keep using for free
You can also do https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=URL&sz=64
where URL is the URL of the site you want and sz is the size in pixels
The installer tries to install McAfee WebAdvisor + PhantomPDF Business. They can be skipped by clicking "decline" both times.
Note that Sanet has been known to host things like KMS Matrix, so its best to avoid it for software and games
- analytic tableaux generator: https://www.umsu.de/trees/
- natural deduction proof checker: https://proofs.openlogicproject.org/
- propositional logic calculator (finds models): https://www.inf.unibz.it/~franconi/teaching/propcalc/
- a tutorial on sequent calculus: http://logitext.mit.edu/tutorial
- modal logic playground (for constructing models): https://rkirsling.github.io/modallogic/
Anyone with a link to a "bin" has full access to it. They can add new files, delete existing files, etc
According to their FAQ question "When will my files expire?", you must login to your account at least once a month to prevent account deletion due to inactivity
Scroll past download setup buttons
Avoid fake Buttons
Chromium (Chrome and Edge store) uses the latest version of the extension which is V3
Firefox uses an old version of the extension which is V2
If you decide to use on Firefox, you will have to refresh the page each time just for the extension to load on the YouTube page.
This is why we recommend to use on Chromium browsers only.
- In order to unlock the better host (1fichier) you need to signup code. This is important as without it the site will be rapidgator only links which are very slow. You can get a code from the link below, or the pins in our #free-stuff discord channel.
Free proxies work but they are very hit and miss
Current cache server does not include all games, some games will not appear
You need a Steam Web API key for the app to get data from Steam
You can get one by filling out this form https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey
Enter your key in Settings > Advanced
If it doesn't show up after doing this, make sure that the goldberg emulator settings are set correctly
For instant currency conversion : Go to Firefox's extensions settings, click on the add-on, enter the permissions section and allow the sites there
If you want to download the files, you need to send the screenshot that you subscribed to the vuenxx youtube channel to the discord "teyit" channel. After a while the download channels will open.
Steam has built in support for ps4 controllers, just add your games to steam, right click the game, and turn on your controller
Its highly recommended to stick to dodi's 1337x page or main website, as sites like game-repack.site which they link to have fake DDL buttons, and shouldn't be used without an adblocker
Many titles on the site are the older versions of the installers. The digital signature on the installer is signed by GOG Limited, which is the old company name before it was merged with GOG Sp. z o.o and all digital file signatures were updated to reflect this name change.
The hash does not match the gog-games database because the digital file signatures differ on the installer. Installing either version will produce identical sets of files since the game version remains unchanged.
Game-2u works for PS4, but we'd avoid their other sections as there are better sites
You can enable an extension / 2 that will add more sources, but the site works fine without it, and it requires excessive permissions, so if you are gonna use it, make sure its on a different browser, or new browser profile.
Play on Chromium-based browsers for the best performance
Note that teamspeak server admins can view IPs, so only join servers you trust
Its not recommended to use these unless you know what you're doing. Always research first, never just "Apply All" tweaks randomly.
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/zoom-page-we/
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zoom-page-we/bcdjhkphgmiapajkphennjfgoehpodpk
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/scroll_anywhere/
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scrollanywhere/jehmdpemhgfgjblpkilmeoafmkhbckhi
- https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/scrollanywhere/?display=en
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/print-edit-we/
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/print-edit-we/olnblpmehglpcallpnbgmikjblmkopia
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-page-we/dhhpefjklgkmgeafimnjhojgjamoafof
Useful if you're a coffee enthusiast. The methods are created by James Hoffmann, he's a world champion barista and popular YouTuber
This will sometimes get falsely flagged by defender and removed automatically, so it may need to be allowed manually.
You can use code: FREEDOM100
on their site to get the full version free
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/forest-stay-focused-be-present/
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/forest-stay-focused-be-pr/kjacjjdnoddnpbbcjilcajfhhbdhkpgk
user: edith
pw: jarvis
YouTube is supposed to do this automatically, but there are lots of cases where it will reset, i.e. watching most of the video, clicking back and forth between videos, or removing watch history
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/twitch_5/
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/alternate-player-for-twit/bhplkbgoehhhddaoolmakpocnenplmhf
- https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/tabiverse/
- https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hpplgjkooibhfkmmepoikcjpadcojcik
Register for wav and flac output, and lower queue times
Create a account on Broadcom support portal to download the exe. After that the program itself requires no license if you click "For Personal Use."
Don't install all at once, only get the drivers you actually need, getting them all can break your audio
Many headsets come with Dolby Access for free without really letting users know. You can check if you're licensed by opening Dolby Access, going to settings, and looking in the bottom right corner. Its much better than things like iCue or similar apps.
Go to Settings → Feed Filter and untoggle 'Promoted' to not see ads. Those that don't like AI suggestions can untoggle 'Recommended' as well.
How to download OpenRGB beta.
Why? Because the latest version that you can download from the website dates from July 9 2023, and since a new device is added to the software almost every day, using the beta version becomes a necessity.
Go to Gitlab OpenRgb site https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB
and on the left go to Build => Pipelines and then download the appropriate version from the download button on the top right.
(Note: Before downloading it should say Passed at the top left.)
Supported devices (0.9) => https://openrgb.org/devices_0.9.html
(The link may become outdated after a while, go to the OpenRGB site https://openrgb.org/index.html
and find the newer one in the menu on the top right.)
Supported devices (Latest experimental) => https://openrgb.org/devices.html
Note this site has a similar design to hydra but different sources
Version of Rive w/ alt servers
LightDLMovies is known for having popups / redirects, make sure you have an adblocker enabled when using the site
YTS / Yify has many fake ripoff sites out there, make 100% sure you're on one of the official domains before downloading.
Official domains: https://www.yifystatus.com