The go-V8 bindings allow a user to execute javascript from within a go executable.
The bindings are tested to work with v8 build (latest stable at the time of writing).
Please see v8_test.go
for examples of usage.
In order for the bingings to compile correctly, one needs to:
- Compile v8 as a static library or just use a pre-built version.
- Let cgo know where the library is located.
Lets say you've checked out go-v8 into $GO_V8
and want to place
the static v8 library into $GO_V8/libv8/
Just grab the pre-built artifacts:
cd $GO_V8
git clone
Check out v8 into a directory,
referred to here as $V8
cd $V8
make x64.release GYPFLAGS="-Dv8_use_external_startup_data=0 \
-Dv8_enable_i18n_support=0 -Dv8_enable_gdbjit=0"`
If build system produces a thin archive, you want to make it into a fat one:
for lib in `find out/x64.release/ -name '*.a'`;
do ar -t $lib | xargs ar rvs $ && mv -v $ $lib;
Copy the libraries to the destination directory:
cp -v out/x64.release/{base,libbase,external,libplatform}* \
To build:
cd $V8
CXX="`which clang++` -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++" \
GYP_DEFINES="mac_deployment_target=10.10" \
make x64.release GYPFLAGS="-Dv8_use_external_startup_data=0 \
-Dv8_enable_i18n_support=0 -Dv8_enable_gdbjit=0"
Copy the libraries to the destination directory:
cp -v out/x64.release/libv8_{base,libbase,external,libplatform}* \
Note: On MacOS, the resulting libraries contain debugging information by default
(even though we've built the release version). As a result, the binaries are 30x
larger, then they should be. Strip that with strip -S out/x64.release/libv8*.a
to reduce the size of the archives very significantly.
Good luck!
The list of v8 includes (found in $V8/include
) the bindings depend on:
Copy those to $GO_V8/libv8/include/
(or just set the -I
to $V8/include
Let cgo know where it should look for the libraries do:
export CGO_CXXFLAGS="-I $GO_V8/libv8/include"
export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L $GO_V8/libv8"
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Copyright© 2016, Flux Factory Inc.