This application provides a way of doing template execution from standard Go templates from the command line.
You can install it with:
go get
It is intended primarily to be used with go generate
. Simply put the go generate
comment in your code like this:
//go:generate runtemplate filename.tpl outfile.go Option1=Value1 Option2=Value2
Then run go generate
and it will run this against the specified template,
passing in whatever options have have been specified on the command line as a map.
In the template file, you can then access them simply by their keys. For instance:
{{ .Option1 }}
and .TemplateFile
are always available to the templates.
Also included are some filters that may be helpful.
- title - Converts the input to Title Case.
- upper - Converts the input to UPPER CASE.
- lower - Converts the input to lower case.
- splitDotFirst - Given an input that has a '.' separator, returns the part before the first '.'.
- splitDotLast - Given an input that has a '.' separator, returns the part after the last '.'.
The last two are useful for getting only the package name or only the type name if passed an input of package.Type