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(Graphical version at the end)
PEP 684: A Per-interpreter GIL
A CI check to prevent new globals in CPython code
- Tooling to identify global variables in CPython code
Interpreter isolation (_PyRuntimeState -> PyInterpreterState)
Consolidate global state to _PyRuntimeState
- Tooling to identify global variables in CPython code (also above)
PEP 683 - immortal objects
mimalloc (not required)
Restrictions on interpreter capability (e.g. no threading)
- Per-interpreter config & func to specify restrictions
Per-interpreter isolation for extension modules
- An import check for extension subinterpreter compatibility
Implement PEP 554
- PEP 554 - Multiple Interpreters in the Stdlib
Optimize flow of references in C, transferring ownership when needed
- Identify flow of references in C
Static reduction in refcount operations
Bytecode compiler enhancements Irit
Deferred reference counts
Deferred reference counts (also above)
- (Task needs breaking up)
Merge managed dict and values pointer into one word
One word GC header
- Saturating refcounts
Specialize SEND
Specialize FOR_ITER for generator
Specialize FOR_ITER for sequences Dennis
Shim frames on entry to PyEval_EvalDefault
- Identify main sources of calls to PyEval_EvalFrame
Move PEP 380 logic into compiler Brandt
Optimize traces: Guard stengthening and elimination
- Trace interpreter (also below)
Optimize traces: Allocation elimination
Trace interpreter
Breakup instruction definitions into 'mini-ops' (see below)
Trace projection: Create traces from hotspots
Detect hotspots in code
- Only unconditional jumps should go backwards
Implement optimizer API
Generate version of the interpreter better suited to emscripten and web assembly
Breakup instruction definitions into 'mini-ops'
Move opcode definitions to their own file and generate PyEval_EvalDefault (also below)
- Move PEP 380 logic into compiler Brandt (also above)
Encapasulate GIL code and move it out of ceval.c #93177
Generate version of the interpreter better suited to emscripten and web assembly (goal without dependents?)
- Move opcode definitions to their own file and generate PyEval_EvalDefault (also above)
graph LR
%% High level goals
CompactObject[["Compact objects"]]
ReducedRefcount[["Reduced reference counting overhead"]]
SpecDone[["Finish specialization"]]
Traces[["Projected (short) trace opimitized interpreter"]]
InterpretersInPythonCode[["Expose multiple interpreters to Python code"]]
PerInterpreterGIL[["A per-interpreter GIL"]]
%% Tasks
Compiler("Bytecode compiler enhancements<br/><b>Irit</b>")
StaticRefcntReduction("Use static analysis to reduce<br/>reference count operations")
SpecSeq("Specialize FOR_ITER for sequences<br/><b>Dennis</b>")
SpecGen("Specialize FOR_ITER for generator")
SpecClass("Specialize CALL for Python classes")
CtoPy("Identify main sources of<br/>calls to PyEval_EvalFrame")
ShimFrame("Shim frames on entry<br/>to PyEval_EvalDefault")
SpecSend("Specialize SEND")
SatRefcnt("Saturating refcounts")
380("Move PEP 380 logic into compiler<br/><b>Brandt</b> ")
EncapsulateGIL("Encapasulate GIL code and<br/>move it out of ceval.c #93177")
OpcodesOwnFile("Move opcode definitions to their own file<br/>and generate PyEval_EvalDefault")
CycleGC("Improve cycle GC<br/>(Task needs breaking up)")
MiniOps("Breakup instruction definitions into 'mini-ops'")
SmallGCHead("One word GC header")
MergeDictValuePointers("Merge managed dict and values<br/>pointer into one word")
TrackRefsInC("Identify flow of references in C")
OptRefsInC("Optimize flow of references in C,<br/>transferring ownership when needed")
GuardOpt("Optimize traces:<br/>Guard stengthening and elimination")
SafeDecref("Defer side effecting code in Py_DECREF()")
AllocSinking("Optimize traces:<br/>Allocation elimination")
AllBranchesForward("Only unconditional jumps should go backwards")
HotSpotDetection("Detect hotspots in code")
TraceProjection("Trace projection:<br/>Create traces from hotspots")
TraceEval("Trace interpreter")
OptAPI("Implement optimizer API")
Deferred("Deferred reference counts")
StaticRefcntReduction("Static reduction in refcount operations")
WebAssemblyFriendlyInterpreter("Generate version of the interpreter better<br/>suited to emscripten and web assembly")
PEP554("PEP 554 - Multiple Interpreters in the Stdlib")
PEP554Impl("Implement PEP 554")
ExtensionIsolation("Per-interpreter isolation for extension modules")
ExtensionCompatCheck("An import check for extension subinterpreter compatibility")
CAnalyzer("Tooling to identify global variables in CPython code")
GlobalsCICheck("A CI check to prevent new globals in CPython code")
ConsolidateGlobals("Consolidate global state to _PyRuntimeState")
ImmortalObjects("PEP 683 - immortal objects")
InterpreterIsolation("Interpreter isolation (_PyRuntimeState -> PyInterpreterState)")
InterpretersAPI("Per-interpreter config & func to specify restrictions")
InterpreterRestrictions("Restrictions on interpreter capability (e.g. no threading)")
PEP684("PEP 684 - A Per-Interpreter GIL")
%% Dependencies
380 --> OpcodesOwnFile
380 --> SpecSend
subgraph Trace optimized interpreter
AllBranchesForward --> HotSpotDetection
HotSpotDetection --> TraceProjection
OpcodesOwnFile --> MiniOps
EncapsulateGIL --> OpcodesOwnFile
OpcodesOwnFile --> WebAssemblyFriendlyInterpreter
OptAPI --> TraceProjection
MiniOps --> TraceProjection
TraceProjection --> TraceEval
MiniOps --> TraceEval
SafeDecref --> GuardOpt
SafeDecref --> AllocSinking
TraceEval --> GuardOpt
TraceEval --> AllocSinking
GuardOpt --> Traces
AllocSinking --> Traces
subgraph Specialization
CtoPy --> ShimFrame
SpecSeq --> SpecGen
ShimFrame --> SpecGen
SpecGen --> SpecSend
SpecSend --> SpecDone
SpecClass --> SpecDone
subgraph Compact Objects
SatRefcnt --> SmallGCHead
MergeDictValuePointers --> CompactObject
SmallGCHead --> CompactObject
subgraph Reduced Reference Count Overhead
TrackRefsInC --> OptRefsInC
OptRefsInC --> ReducedRefcount
Compiler --> StaticRefcntReduction
Deferred --> StaticRefcntReduction
Deferred --> ReducedRefcount
StaticRefcntReduction --> ReducedRefcount
subgraph Multi-core Python
ExtensionIsolation --> ExtensionCompatCheck
ExtensionCompatCheck --> PerInterpreterGIL
CAnalyzer --> ConsolidateGlobals
CAnalyzer --> GlobalsCICheck
GlobalsCICheck --> PerInterpreterGIL
ConsolidateGlobals --> InterpreterIsolation
ImmortalObjects --> InterpreterIsolation
InterpreterIsolation --> PerInterpreterGIL
InterpretersAPI --> InterpreterRestrictions
InterpreterRestrictions --> PerInterpreterGIL
PEP684 --> PerInterpreterGIL
PEP554 --> PEP554Impl
PEP554Impl --> InterpretersInPythonCode
%% Links and colors
click TrackRefsInC "https://github.com/faster-cpython/ideas/issues/441"
click OptRefsInC "https://github.com/faster-cpython/ideas/issues/442"
click Deferred "https://github.com/faster-cpython/ideas/issues/443"
click StaticRefcntReduction "https://github.com/faster-cpython/ideas/issues/444"
click ShimFrame "https://github.com/faster-cpython/ideas/issues/436"
click SpecSeq "https://github.com/faster-cpython/ideas/issues/67"
click SpecClass "https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31707"
click 380 "https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31968"
click MergeDictValuePointers "https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/95278"
style MergeDictValuePointers fill:#88f
click PEP554 "https://peps.python.org/pep-0554/"
click ImmortalObjects "https://peps.python.org/pep-0683/"
click PEP684 "https://peps.python.org/pep-0684/"
style CAnalyzer fill:#88f
click ExtensionIsolation "https://peps.python.org/pep-0630/"
style ExtensionIsolation fill:#88f
style InterpretersAPI fill:#88f
style InterpreterRestrictions fill:#88f