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2.5D Visual Sound

[Project Page] [arXiv] [Video] [Dataset]

2.5D Visual Sound
Ruohan Gao1 and Kristen Grauman2
1UT Austin, 2Facebook AI Research
In Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019

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      title={2.5D Visual Sound},
      author={Gao, Ruohan and Grauman, Kristen},

FAIR-Play Dataset

The FAIR-Play repository contains the dataset we collected and used in our paper. It contains 1,871 video clips and their corresponding binaural audio clips recorded in a music room. The code provided can be used to train mon2binaural models on this dataset.

Training and Testing

(The code has beed tested under the following system environment: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS, CUDA 9.0, Python 2.7.15, PyTorch 1.0.0)

  1. Download the FAIR-Play dataset and prepare the hdf5 splits files accordingly by adding the correct root prefix.

  2. [OPTIONAL] Preprocess the audio files using to accelerate the training process.

  3. Use the following command to train the mono2binaural model:

python --hdf5FolderPath /YOUR_CODE_PATH/2.5d_visual_sound/hdf5/ --name mono2binaural --model audioVisual --checkpoints_dir /YOUR_CHECKPOINT_PATH/ --save_epoch_freq 50 --display_freq 10 --save_latest_freq 100 --batchSize 256 --learning_rate_decrease_itr 10 --niter 1000 --lr_visual 0.0001 --lr_audio 0.001 --nThreads 32 --gpu_ids 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --validation_on --validation_freq 100 --validation_batches 50 --tensorboard True |& tee -a mono2binaural.log
  1. Use the following command to test your trained mono2binaural model:
python --input_audio_path /BINAURAL_AUDIO_PATH --video_frame_path /VIDEO_FRAME_PATH --weights_visual /VISUAL_MODEL_PATH --weights_audio /AUDIO_MODEL_PATH --output_dir_root /YOUT_OUTPUT_DIR/ --input_audio_length 10 --hop_size 0.05

The model trained on split1 of FAIR-Play is shared at:

  1. Use the following command for evaluation:
python --results_root /YOUR_RESULTS --normalization True


Portions of the code are adapted from the CycleGAN implementation ( and the Sound-of-Pixels implementation ( Please also refer to the original License of these projects.


The code for 2.5D Visual Sound is CC BY 4.0 licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.


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