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Admin Guide

juliannagler edited this page Apr 25, 2017 · 3 revisions

FBCTF Admin Guide

Begin Game

The Begin Game button starts an event, and automatically performs several functions. This includes turning on Scoring and Timer in the Configuration page. Ensure all game settings and levels are configured before clicking Begin Game.


This is the default admin page where registration, login, and game settings take place.


By default, Registration is turned off. In this mode, administrators must manually register players. Any players attempting to self register will get a Team Registration Not Available page.

Turning Registration on allows players to self register for an event. Two registration types are available. In Open mode, registration is public. In login Tokenized mode, admins must generate and distribute tokens to registering players. These tokens are required as input when registering a team.

Player Names can be enabled, allowing registering teams to input names and email addresses for their players. The number of Players Per Team can be changed from the default of 3.


Login is enabled by default, but can be disabled, preventing any teams from logging in. However, admins are able to login regardless.

Team Selection can be enabled, in order to present users with a dropdown box when logging in. By default, they will need to type in a team name.

Active Directory / LDAP

This feature allows authentication to be handled by an LDAP server. This may ease administration of a larger event.


The Scoring option allows for teams to capture levels such as Quizzes, Flags, and Bases. This option works in conjunction with Begin Game. However, it can be turned on or off and any time to manually run an event. When Scoring is turned off, teams will not be able to capture any levels, and will receive an Incorrect response when attempted.

Refresh Gameboard is enabled by default, and allows for background refreshes of the scoreboard between page loads. It is highly recommended to leave this option enabled during an event.

Bases Cycle (S) represents the number of seconds between each Base check. This works in conjunction with the Keep Points under Levels: Bases. While a Base is under control of a particular team, that team will be rewarded the Keep Points in an ongoing manner, with the interval of Bases Cycle (S).

Progressive Cycle (S) represents the number of seconds between each refresh of the Progressive Scoreboard. This is accessed on the Gameboard by clicking Scoreboard at the top of the screen during an event.

The Default Bonus is by default set to 30 points. This is the bonus awarded to the first team capturing a particular Level. Default Bonus Dec is by default set to 10 points, and decrements from the Default Bonus by this amount during each distinct team capture. For example, using the above values, the first team to capture a level will be rewarded with a 30 point bonus. The second team will be awarded a 20 point bonus, and the third team 10 points. Subsequent teams in this scenario will receive no bonus for the Level in question.


The Timer is enabled automatically during the start of an event, and shows a game timer on team displays, based on the values utilized below. Note that the game timer is currently display only, and games must be started, paused, and ended manually by admins. The Timer can be disabled completely for events which have no time limit.

The Server Time represents the time as set on the system, and cannot be modified directly.

Game Duration is set to 3 hours by default, and works in conjunction with the Timer to show teams how much time is left in an event. Note that admins must still manually stop the event, in order to prevent teams from capturing levels post event.

Begin Time and Expected End Time are calculated based on when the event was started manually, and the set game duration time.

Language Change

FBCTF supports a wide range of languages, which can be changed by selecting the appropriate language at the bottom of the Admin Configuration page. More languages are constantly being added to the platform. If you'd like to use a language we don't currently support, file a PR!


The Controls tab enables administrators to import and export various elements of an event. This allows for easier management of events.

Several utilities are also included in the controls tab. Flush Memcached should be used whenever the database is changed directly, and in some other more advanced use cases. Reset Database can be used to purge all data and reset the database to defaults. Note that admin accounts will remain intact.


Announcements allow admins to send out global messages to teams participating in an event. These will show up in real time on team sidebars.

Levels: Quiz

Quizzes are the most basic type of Level, allowing for a simple question and answer format. They are not case sensitive. After creation of a Quiz, it must be enabled. This is done either per Quiz, or globally with the toggle switch at the top of the screen.

The Quiz Title and Question should be populated with all information needed by teams in order to complete the Quiz.

The Quiz Answer is not case sensitive, and is required as input from teams in order to successfully complete the Quiz.

Points should be assigned to the Quiz, based on either the difficulty of the Quiz, or at the admin’s discretion. Harder Quizzes can have a higher value, rewarding teams with more points. Bonus is set to the global default, but can be overridden per Quiz. Similarly, -Dec can be set manually per Quiz, decrementing the bonus by a set amount each time a distinct team captures the Quiz.

Hints can be added to Quizzes, but will require teams to pay a penalty. When the Hint Penalty is set to 0, hints are free. Keep in mind that when Hint Penalties are set to a non-zero value, teams will need to capture at least one level in order to generate the points to buy the hint.

By default, Quizzes are assigned to a random country. This value can be overridden by admins, if they desire a particular country for the Quiz.

Quizzes are always assigned to the Quiz category. This allows teams to filter visibility of Quizzes.

Levels: Flag

Flags are an interactive type of Level, which can include embedded Attachments and Links. This allows for challenges related to a particular file or web link. For example, an image containing steganography can be attached to a flag. Unlike Quizzes, flags are case sensitive. After creation of a Flag, it must be enabled. This is done either per Flag, or globally with the toggle switch at the top of the screen.

This Flag Title and Description should be populated with all information needed by teams in order to complete the Flag, aside from any attachments or links.

The Flag field is case sensitive, and is required as input from teams in order to successfully complete the Flag.

Points should be assigned to the Flag, based on either the difficulty of the Flag, or at the admin’s discretion. Harder Flags can have a higher value, rewarding teams with more points. Bonus is set to the global default, but can be overridden per Flag. Similarly, -Dec can be set manually per Flag, decrementing the bonus by a set amount each time a distinct team captures the Flag.

Hints can be added to Flags, but will require teams to pay a penalty. When the Hint Penalty is set to 0, hints are free. Keep in mind that when Hint Penalties are set to a non-zero value, teams will need to capture at least one level in order to generate the points to buy the hint.

By default, Flags are assigned to a random country. This value can be overridden by admins, if they desire a particular country for the Flag.

Flags can also be assigned to different Categories. By default, the Category is set to None. Admins must first create categories in the Levels: Categories tab. When utilizing Categories, teams will be able to filter Flag visibility based on the Category.

Levels: Bases

Bases are a specialized type of Level, representing a target system which must be compromised by teams in order to capture points. This is used in a King of the Hill game type, where teams compete over control of these target systems. Controlling a Base rewards a Team with both initial capture points, and also points over time while the Base is controlled by that team. After creation of a Base, it must be enabled. This is done either per Base, or globally with the toggle switch at the top of the screen.

In order for Bases to function, an agent must be installed on the target system. The requirements of the agent are that it must read and output the contents of a /tmp/SCORE_POINTS file when queried over HTTP. For example, you can utilize the built-in scoring agent, which contains a mini web server. This agent will return the contents of the SCORE_POINTS file in JSON format when queried over HTTP. The contents of this file should include the team name to receive points. You can also create your own custom scoring agent.

In addition to having an agent installed on the target system, a Link must also be created after creation of the Base. This can be done by clicking the Edit button, and entering a network address for the target web server, in the format IP_Address:Port. Ensure you save the Base after adding this information.

The Title and Description fields should be populated with general information on the target system.

The Keep Points field rewards capturing Teams with an ongoing number of points, based on the Bases Cycle (S) option set in the Configuration page. For example, if Team Alpha controls the target system, they will receive the Keep Points every 5 seconds, which is the default value for Bases Cycle (S).

Capture Points are awarded to a Team once upon capture of the Base in question.

Hints can be added to Bases, but will require teams to pay a penalty. When the Hint Penalty is set to 0, hints are free. Keep in mind that when Hint Penalties are set to a non-zero value, teams will need to capture at least one level in order to generate the points to buy the hint.

By default, Bases are assigned to a random country. This value can be overridden by admins, if they desire a particular country for the Base.

Bases can also be assigned to different Categories. By default, the Category is set to None. Admins must first create categories in the Levels: Categories tab. When utilizing Categories, teams will be able to filter Base visibility based on the Category.

Levels: Categories

The Categories tab allows admins to create distinct categories, in order to group Flags. This can be helpful for organization when many flags exist in an event.

Levels: Countries

The Countries tab allows admins to globally enable and disable countries utilized in an event. To enable or disable a country, click Enabled or Disabled to the right of the country in question.


The Teams tab allows admins to create, manage, and delete teams in an event. When Registration is turned off, admins must create teams manually.

The global toggle switch at the top of the screen is used to enable or disable all teams, other than admins. Note that disabling all teams will invalidate current login sessions, and prevent teams from capturing any levels. When re-enabled, the teams must all login to the platform.

Any team can be enabled or disabled with the team specific toggle switch. Note that disabling a team will invalidate all their current login sessions, and prevent the team from capturing any levels. When re-enabled, the team must login to the platform. Disabling a team is useful for situations where the desired result is to stop all team activity.

In order to create a team, click Add Team. Enter the Team Name, which will be utilized as both the team login name, as well as the team name displayed on the scoreboard. Enter a Password, which is required in order for team members to login to the platform. Select a Logo for the team, from the emblem library provided. Finally, click Create Team to save the changes.

Any team can be promoted to admin status with the Admin Level toggle switch.

All parameters of a Team can be modified. Click the Edit button for the team in question, and make changes as desired. Click the Save button to finish.

The Visibility of a Team can be disabled, removing it from the scoreboard completely. This is useful in cases where you don’t want the team to be publicly visible.

Deleting a team can be performed by clicking the Edit button for the team in question, followed by Delete. Note that this will remove all remnants of the team, including scoring and logs. If you wish to preserve these areas, Disable the team instead.

The Teams tab also allows for viewing the status of a team, including Names participating in the team, details on the team Score, and capture Failures. These areas are accessed by utilizing the menu slider above each team.

Teams: Logos

The Logos admin tab is used to globally enable and disable logos in the emblem library. It can also be used to view which teams are using particular emblems. Note that custom logos cannot be created in this menu. Teams must self register in order to utilize a custom logo.

Click the Enable or Disable button next to each emblem, in order to change its status.

Click the dropdown box next to a particular emblem, in order to see all teams utilizing it.

Teams: Sessions

The Sessions tab is used to track and manage individual login sessions to the platform. Information on the cookie utilized, as well as access time and page information is displayed.

Creation Time shows when a session started. This is when the team first logged into the platform.

Last Access shows when a team was last active. Note that certain actions are not tracked. For example, a team residing on the Scoreboard page with only background refreshes taking place may not trigger a Last Access time update.

Last Page Access displays the last page a session loaded. This is designed to give a general idea of a session’s status. Note that background refreshes are generally not included in this metric. For example, a team residing on the Scoreboard page will not trigger a Last Page Access update.

Sessions can be deleted by clicking the Edit button, followed by Delete. Note that sessions are automatically deleted and invalidated when disabling or deleting teams.

Game Logs

Game Logs section provides event admins with a timeline of capture activity. This area provides information on both successes and failures for each team, along with other details such as number of points, and the capture text on failures. This allows admins to review submitted responses from each team.

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