This is a template! "EZ" alludes to "easy" and the name "Ezequiel/Ezekiel/Ezechiel", while "GTR" stands for "Git Template Repository".
- Git and/or Github
- Internet access
- On Windows
git clone NewRepo
rd /s /q NewRepo\.git
cd NewRepo
git init
- On Linux and similar
git clone NewRepo
rm -rf NewRepo/.git
cd NewRepo
git init
This repository is based on and inspired by - but not limited to - Keep a Changelog, Semantic Versioning and the ezGTR template. Therefore, any changes made, expected or intended will be documented in the Roadmap and Changelog file.
Developed by Ezequiel Lage, Sponsored by Lageteck and Published under the MIT License.
All suggestions, criticisms and contributions are welcome!
BTC: 1Nw2fzDgtXM5X219Q9VtJ7WaSTDPua3oe8
ERC20*: 0x089499f57ee20fd2c19f57612d9af69d645dff0d
* Any ERC20 token supported by Binance (ETH, USDC, USDT, etc.)